
  • 网络Vacancy
  1. 另一方面,近年我国的房地产市场得到快速发展、开发量剧增,但空置量和不良资产也随之增多。

    On the other hand , the real estate market of our country gets fast development , developing amount increase severely in recent years , but quantities of vacancy and non-performing assets increase thereupon .

  2. 对商品房空置量大、负债率高的房地产开发企业,要严格审批新增房地产开发贷款并重点监控。

    The real estate development enterprises , which have the serious vacancy problems in commercial houses and the high debt ratio , shall be strictly approved and controlled for the loans for the new real estate development projects .

  3. 住房销量的初期上扬还没有转化为建筑活动的重新启动,而建筑活动是中国就业市场和经济活动的推动力。住房热潮时期修建的空置房屋供应量依然庞大。

    The nascent uptick in home sales hasn 't yet translated to a restarting of construction , a driver of jobs and economic activity ; the supply of empty homes that built up during the boom remains large .