
  1. 所有地区的空置面积都有所增长,迫使中介机构提供越来越多的优惠,以确保出租率。

    Available space has risen across every region , forcing agents to offer increasingly larger incentive packages in order to secure Lettings .

  2. 房地产价格上涨、空置面积增加的潜在风险值得关注。

    The rise of housing price and the rise of vacancy rate increase the latent hazard , this should be paid attention to .

  3. 主要选取的指标是房价与空置面积以及房价与空置率,研究的结论表明:房价与空置面积有较强的相关关系,并能用直线拟合;

    And then the writer concludes that housing price has a strong connection with housing vacancy area which can be simulated in a beeline ;