
  • 网络air source heat pump;ashp;JC-BI
  1. 空气源热泵全年运行的经济性分析

    Economic Analysis of ASHP Year - round Operation

  2. 空气源热泵机组的原理、性能及影响因素

    Principle , characteristics and influence factors of ASHP

  3. 基于APDL语言的空气源热泵热水机组压缩机密封结构设计

    Design of Sealing Structure for Air Source Compressor Based on APDL Language

  4. 在上述理论方法的研究基础上,对空气源热泵热水器可靠性指标分配系统进行需求和功能分析,在MATLAB平台上开发原型系统,通过一个实例演示该系统的主要功能。

    Based on the above theoretical study , the demands and functions of the reliability allocation system are analyzed . The prototype system is developed on the MATLAB platform .

  5. 由于土壤温度的全年温度变化特性,地源热泵比空气源热泵具有更高的COP。

    The COP of the ground source heat pump is higher than that of the air source heat pump because of the soil annual temperature change characteristics .

  6. 最后借助MATLAB语言中的优化程序包,对一实际水冷蒸气压缩式空调系统和空气源热泵空调系统负荷率不同的5种工况分别进行优化计算,优化后空调系统的能耗比额定能耗明显降低;

    Finally , five different load ratios of water-cooling vapor compression chiller and air source Heat Pump system were optimized with optimization box in MATLAB . After the optimization , the air-conditioning system 's energy consumption drops obviously ;

  7. 空气源热泵与辐射地板相结合是长江流域出现的一种新的住宅供暖方式,部分负荷下的运行能效比(COP)值是决定该系统节能性能的关键。

    And in order to obtain the key point of the energy efficiency performance-COP , a test system was set up in a house located in the urban area of Chongqing .

  8. 空气源热泵除霜用相变蓄热器蓄放热特性影响因素的模拟研究太阳能热水供暖PCM蓄放热装置热工特性研究

    Simulation of Thermal Energy Storage Heat Exchanger used for Defrosting in Air Source Heat Pump Study on Dynamic Thermal Performance of PCM Heat Storage Device in the Solar Water Heating System

  9. 用可编程控制器PLC控制空气源热泵、蒸汽辅助加热装置等,配合太阳能集热装置,实现对洗浴用水加热过程的控制,达到了环保、节能的运行效果。

    The use of programmable logic controller ( PLC ) to control air source hot pump , steam auxiliary heating device etc to fit with solar heat collection device , fulfills control for bath water heating process , achieved environmental protection and energy saving operation effect .

  10. 建立了空气源热泵的稳态仿真模型,得出了R22和其替代工质R32/R134a系统循环性能随工况的变化曲线。

    Establishes a steady-state simulation model . Obtains the performance curves with the change of working conditions for the systems using R22 and R32 / R134a as refrigerants respectively by simulation .

  11. 空气源热泵供热最佳经济平衡点的探讨

    Optimal economic balance point of air source heat pump heating systems

  12. 双级压缩空气源热泵采暖系统实验研究

    Experimental Research of a Two-stage Air-source Heat Pump for Residential Heating

  13. 空气源热泵型冷热水机组防冻性能试验研究

    Experimental study on anti-freezing performance of air source heat pump chiller

  14. 空气源热泵融霜控制过程的改进

    Improve the defrosting control methods of air - cooled heat pump

  15. 空气源热泵机组压缩机故障分析

    Blooey analysis of compressor in air to water heat pump unit

  16. 空气源热泵的节能效果及经济可行性分析

    Energy saving effect and economic feasibility of air source heat pumps

  17. 空气源热泵热水机组除霜方式的研究

    The Discuss of Defrosting of Air Source Heat Pump Heat Unit

  18. 空气源热泵与地板供暖联合运行实验研究

    Experimental research on combined air-source heat pump and floor heating systems

  19. 空气源热泵热水器双级压缩循环研究

    Two-stage compression cycle for water heaters in air source heat pumps

  20. 空气源热泵机组供暖季节的能耗分析

    Analysis on Energy Consumption of Air-Source Heat Pump in Heating Season

  21. 一种新型空气源热泵除霜方式的实验研究

    Experiment on A Novel Defrost Cycle for Air Source Heat Pumps

  22. 公共建筑用空气源热泵热水机组初探混水泵在既有建筑中的供热节能研究

    Preliminary Study on Air-source Heat Pump Water Heater for Public Buildings

  23. 含结霜工况的空气源热泵的季节性能

    Seasonal performance of air source heat pump under the frosting conditions

  24. 空气源热泵热水器中几种混合工质的实验研究化学水罐车移动式混合器

    Experimental study of air heat pump water heater using mixing refrigerants

  25. 空气源热泵冷热水机组的结霜及除霜控制方法的分析

    Study on Frosting And Defrosting Control Methods of Air-Source Heat Pump

  26. 空气源热泵机组设计与维护方法探讨

    Discussion on Design and Repair for Air-Cooled Heat Pump Equipment

  27. 低温空气源热泵的现状与发展

    Current Status and Development of Low Temperature Air-source Heat Pump

  28. 采用空气源热泵的学校集中热水供应系统

    Centralized Hot Water Supply System Using Air Source Heat Pump in Schools

  29. 空气源热泵热水机组计算机监控系统设计

    Design of Computer Control System of Air Source Heat Pump Hot-Water Heater

  30. 双级压缩用于空气源热泵热水器的性能分析

    The study on two-stage compression for the air-source heat pump