
  1. 基于GPRS的交警车辆违章管理系统的设计

    Design of Wireless Traffic Violation Management System Based on GPRS

  2. 设计了一个对交通车辆违章逆行行为进行智能视频监控的方案。

    A scheme of converse traffic peccancy monitoring intelligently is developed .

  3. 车辆违章逆行的图像自动检测与识别

    Automatic detection and identification of vehicle converse illegally based on image processing

  4. 道路平面交叉口车辆违章右转弯行为识别研究

    Research on Identification of Peccant Right-Turning Behavior of Vehicles at Road Grade Crossing

  5. 为了提高公路交通行车安全,对公路上车辆违章行为的及时检测是非常重要的。

    In order to improve the highway traffic safety , the timely detection of the highway traffic peccancy is needed .

  6. 该系统应于交通车辆违章视频监控系统中,使系统在对违章车辆的确认上更自动化,智能化。

    It is applied in traffic peccancy visual monitoring system and makes the confirmation of peccant vehicle more automated and intelligent .

  7. 对车辆违章行为检测算法以及背景更新算法,我们采用了基于形态边缘检测和背景差分的算法进行检测。

    In traffic peccancy detection and algorithm of background updating , we employ the vehicle detection technique based on morphological edge detection and background difference .

  8. 针对高速公路上车辆违章超速行为,给出了一种基于虚拟视频检测线的车辆速度检测与违章超速行为判定的实用算法。

    As to the peccant overspeed behavior of vehicles in expressway , this paper studies a detection and judgment arithmetic of peccant overspeed behavior based on virtual video detection lines .

  9. 监测系统采用多摄像头远近景协同拍摄的方法,保存车辆违章的视频片断并提取车牌信息,最终结果作为交警处罚违章车辆的依据。

    The monitoring system uses three cameras to obtain the far and near scenes at the same time to record the video and license plate of the vehicle of peccancy for future punishment .

  10. 近年来,车辆违章行为引起的交通事故越来越多,因此用于检测违章车辆的行为分析技术已经成为一个研究热点。

    In recent years , more and more traffic accidents are caused by the illegal behavior of vehicles . Therefore the behavioral analysis technology of detecting peccant vehicles has become a research focus .

  11. 文章在论述交通检测和车辆违章检测处理流程的基础上,实现了采用动态背景图像置换和多次确认的车辆计数检测算法。

    After discuss the process of the traffic checking and car 's peccancy checking , the paper realize the counting arithmetic based on the background image 's dynamic replacement and three times affirmed .

  12. 采用改进的帧间差分算法,对各种车辆违章闯红灯行为的检测达到25fps,对车辆检测的准确率达到90%左右。

    Adopted the improvement method of difference between each frame , in the detection of each kind of vehicles to run a red light violating the rules and regulations , we achieved 25 frame per second and the accuracy rate of detection are about 90 % .

  13. 一种视频检测车辆位置违章的几何方法

    Geometrical Method for Video-based Detecting Position Violations of Vehicles

  14. 最后将虚拟线圈检测结果与运动检测结果相结合,判断车辆是否违章;

    Finally , it combines the result of VLD with the result of moving detection to estimate vehicles peccancy .

  15. 主要从两个方面解决车辆的违章,一个是基于视频序列的识别,另一个是基于虚拟线圈的识别。

    Two aspects are presents to resolve vehicles peccancy , one is on the recognition of virtual loop , the other is on the recognition of difference .

  16. 鉴于以上背景,本文设计了一种基于视频检测方式的电子警察系统,自动抓拍机动车辆的违章过程。

    Owing to the background above , the thesis , designs a E-police system based on video detecting , which can automatically catch the illegality of motor vehicles .

  17. 近年来,公路货运车辆超载超限违章已经成了危及全国道路交通安全的一个严重问题,必须科学决策,综合治理。

    It is a serious problem to harm the transportation safety by overload and over-limited trans-port in our country .

  18. 请放心,您的车辆没有静态交通违章的记录;

    Please be assured that your vehicle no static traffic violation records ;

  19. 本文的主要目的在于给出一种在ITS中获取高质量视频的方法,并在车辆压黄线违章检测系统中予以实现。

    This paper purposes introducing a method of capturing of high-quality video in ITS , also implementing it in automatic detecting and recording system of vehicles for violation of traffic line .

  20. 为了在车辆压黄线违章检测中实现高质量视频的获取需要完成三个部分的工作:采集控制卡的开发、车辆压黄线违章的检测、摄像机镜头参数自动调节。

    To take this purpose into realization , three sections must to be achieved : development of the sampling controlling card in ITS , the system of automatic detecting and recording vehicles for violation of traffic line , automatic adjusting the parameters of camera lens .

  21. 该算法是从视频图像中自动检测和动态跟踪违章车辆,它包括3个处理步骤:第一,利用车辆违章时的统计特征,发现视频图像中包含违章车辆的第一帧;

    It contains three steps : first , finding the first frame of image containing the vehicles of peccancy using of statistic character ;