
  1. 第五部分在第四部分对地方政府土地违法原因分析的基础上,从树立科学发展观、完善立法、改革制度及加强监督机制这四个方面提出了遏制地方政府土地违法的对策。

    In chapter 5 , based on the reason analysis of illegal land administration of local government in chapter 4 , measures to curb local government illegal land administration are raised through four aspects : establishing a scientific development view , improving legislation , reforming system and strengthening supervision mechanisms .

  2. 大学生违法犯罪原因及遏制对策探析

    Analysis on Cause and Control of Offences Committed by College Students

  3. 普通高校成教脱产学生违法违纪原因及对策

    Reasons of and Countermeasures to College Adult Education Students Violating Disciplines

  4. 高校校园内违法犯罪原因探析

    The Research on the Causes of Criminal Offenses in Higher Education Institutions

  5. 红头文件违法之原因及对策论析

    On the Reason and Solution of the illegal " Red Heading Documents "

  6. 程序法不健全是导致程序法权威不高和程序违法的原因之一。从立法上完善程序法,堵塞漏洞,保障程序法权威是预防和制止程序违法的重要措施。

    The consummation of legislation is an important measure of preventing the procedural illegality .

  7. 环境违法行为举报原因、特点及解决途径初探

    Causes and Characteristics of Reporting Environmental Law Violation and the Solution

  8. 根据发展犯罪学的观点,不同年龄层的违法犯罪行为原因不同。

    According to developmental criminology , different age groups have different reasons .

  9. 试论青少年违法犯罪的原因及学校教育的预防作用论综合治理青少年犯罪

    Discussion about the Reasons of Adolescent Delinquency and Functions of School 's Education in Precaution

  10. 结合有关知识对当前青少年违法犯罪的原因进行分析,并提出相应的措施,预防和减少青少年违法犯罪。

    In the paper the author puts forward some effective measures to prevent and reduce it .

  11. 家庭、学校、社区/社会中存在的问题和贫困现象以及不良少年儿童群体都会导致少年儿童外出流浪、违法,这些原因是表面原因。

    Although the problems exist in families , schools and society all would lead children to vagrancy and delinquency , these are superficial reasons .

  12. 第四部分对引发地方政府土地违法行为的原因进行了剖析,指出了地方政府土地违法的一般原因及其法律和制度方面的深层次原因。

    In chapter 4 , the reasons of illegal land administration of local government are anatomized . The general causes and the deep-seated reasons in legal and institutional aspects are analyzed .

  13. 引发大学生违法犯罪的原因既有外因又有内因,包括社会、学校、家庭和个人等方面。开展大学生违法犯罪预防工作,首先应确立工作的基本原则:教育保护、及时防治、综合治理。

    Initiates the university student illegal crime the reason both to have the external factor and to have the internal cause , including society , school , family and individual and so on aspect .

  14. 在文章的最后,笔者对产生违法现象的原因进行了分析,有针对性地并对规范合法性审查提出了建设性的意见。

    By the end of the article , the author analyzed the reasons of the occurrences of the illegal activities and proposed constructive advices to the draft of the regulations about the legality examination .

  15. 本文针对大学生网络违法犯罪的原因和特点,结合目前高校网络安全素质教育的现状,提出了有关网络安全的素质教育方案。

    The paper brings forward precept about quality education of network security , aiming at cause and character about transgressing network regular about academician and combining actuality of quality education about network security of universities .

  16. 然而,近年来,由于旅游开发、农村面源污染、违法捕捞等原因,抚仙湖受到了污染,加上没有健全的法律法规和严格的管理体制,抚仙湖水域的污染情况也日益严重。

    But , nearly years , it was polluted because of the traveling , countryside dirt and illegal fishing . Because there is no sound legal and there is no strict management , the lake polluted by the growing . Is law form , value or social facts ?

  17. 在校大学生违法犯罪特点及原因初探

    On the characteristics and causes of illegality and crime among college students

  18. 学生违法犯罪的心理原因分析

    On the Students ' Mental Cause of Commit-ting Crime and Mentality Health Education

  19. 少年权利被侵害或得不到尊重和保护,是造成其违法犯罪的主要原因;

    Juvenile delinquency mainly results from the violation of juvenile rights or indifference to them .

  20. 广告违法行为的法律原因,在于广告立法的滞后带来的广告执法机制的失灵。

    The causes lie in the malfunction of law-enforcement mechanism led to by the lagging legislation .

  21. 第二部分为常德市交通违法的现状和原因。

    The second part can be divided into the state of traffic and reasons in Changde .

  22. 其次,通过对收集的资料进行分析,找出涉案青少年违法犯罪的主要原因。

    Secondly , based on the collected data for analysis , find out the main causes of juvenile delinquency .

  23. 青少年行为变异是诱发其违法犯罪的重要原因之一。

    The change of the act of youngsters is one of the important reasons , which causes the juvenile delinquency .

  24. 深入分析流动人口违法犯罪的个体原因可以发现,心理失衡是其中的一个重要因素。

    After analyzing the causes of illegalities and crimes committed by floating population , the author finds that mental disequilibrium is one of the most important personal reasons .

  25. 流动人口犯罪的主体因素具体表现为:(一)流动人口中许多人法制观念淡薄是造成违法犯罪的根本原因;

    The concrete subjective factors of the floating population show that the weak law idea of the floating population is one of basic cause to violate law and discipline ;

  26. 但是违法建筑的产生原因很多,这需要社会各个方面的共同努力和国家出台更加合理的规制措施才能够根治。

    But many of the causes of illegal construction , which requires the joint efforts of all aspects of society and the state has adopted more reasonable regulatory measures to be able to cure .

  27. 其基本的理论内涵是:我国转型期土地违法行为,重要原因是我国转型期内社会结构组成(价值观、社会规范)无法有效缓解的矛盾及这种矛盾在社会个体生活中的投射。

    Its theoretical connotation : land illegal in Chinese transitional time mainly due to the rapid social transition period social structure ( value , specification ), unable to ease the contradiction and its projection in individual life .

  28. 而且青少年违法犯罪行为与原因之间的关系也是复杂的,一方面青少年的某种违法犯罪行为,可能是多种原因作用的结果;

    Also teenagers break the law commit a crime behavior and reason between concern is also complex , on the one hand the certain kind of teenagers break the law commit a crime behavior , may be the result of various reason role ;

  29. 在土地收益分配制度缺陷导致土地违法方面,主要原因是土地出让收入在中央政府和地方政府间的分配、土地出让支出在地方政府和被征地农民之间分配比例特点所致。

    In land income distribution system and imperfection of illegal land , the main reason is the distribution of the land transfer income between the central government and local government , the distribution proportion characteristics of the land transfer spending between the local government and landless peasants .

  30. 第四,在分析土地违法行为的制度成因的基础上,针对产生土地违法行为的原因进行了遏制土地违法行为的相关机制设计,进而明确了相关主体的责任。

    These are all become illegal land system for the ongoing case . Fourth , based on the analysis of the system causes of the land violations , we make the relevant mechanism design which can against the land violations , and further clear the responsibility of the relevant subjects .