
  • 网络illegal administration
  1. 违法行政问题探讨

    Probe into Illegal Administration

  2. 要实现行政执法中的依法行政,防止和纠正违法行政,必须强化和建立科学的行政执法监督体系。

    Scientific administrative law enforcement supervision should be strengthened and built to prevent and rectify the illegal administration , and realize legal administration in administrative law enforcement .

  3. 行政不作为是违法行政行为的一种基本形态。

    Administrative nonfeasance is one kind of basic formation of administrative behavior .

  4. 另外,行政行为类型不同,违法行政行为撤销权所受到的限制也就不同。

    In addition , different administrative actions are restricted differently .

  5. 当前理论界常把行政不作为看作是违法行政行为。这些概念和理论为不确定性信息理论奠定了基础。

    Many theory workers regard administrative non act as illegal administrative action .

  6. 违法行政行为与组织内部管理权的泛化等有关;

    These activities are related with too much generalization of internal administrative power ;

  7. 违法行政行为审查标准之重构

    On the Measure of Review of Illegal Administrative Action

  8. 内部违法行政责任和外部违法行政责任;

    The exterior responsibility and the interior responsibility ;

  9. 浅析药品监管中违法行政不作为

    Analysis of the Illegal Nonfeasance in Drug Administration

  10. 行政不作为是行政主体有积极实施行政职责的义务而不实施的违法行政行为。

    Administrative omission is an illegal administrative act of a administrative subject which do not perform its active obligation .

  11. 因行政权具有扩张性、主动性、自由裁量性等特征,违法行政行为屡见不鲜。

    Because with the expansion of executive power , initiative , discretion and other features , illegal administrative acts are common .

  12. 行政检察监督应包括检察机关对特定违法行政行为和行政诉讼活动两方面实施的监督。

    The procuratorial supervision in administration includes procuratorial organs ' supervision of specifically illegal administrative act and supervision of administrative litigation .

  13. 权力机关追究的违法行政责任、行政机关追究的违法行政责任和司法机关追究的违法行政责任;

    The responsibility which is looked into by the power department or by the administrative department or by the judiciary department ;

  14. 因此,行政垄断的本质是经济主体借助行政主体的违法行政行为而形成的经济领域的垄断。

    So the essence of administrative monopoly is the monopoly that depends on illegal acts of the administrative organs in the economic area .

  15. 三是乡镇政权违法行政的现象时有发生,严重影响到农村的政治稳定;

    Third , the illegal administrative phenomenon of the township regime takes place occasionally , influence the stability of politics in the countryside seriously ;

  16. 行政行为存在的问题归纳起来有三个方面,即违法行政行为、不当行政行为、行政不作为。

    Administrative behavior problems could be summed up in three aspects , namely , illegal administrative acts , improper administrative action , and administrative omission .

  17. 违法行政行为效力矫治制度的困境和应对策略我国行政决策法治化的困境与路径分析

    Dilemmas and Solutions to Curing Defects in Administrative Acts The Analysis of the Untoward Circumstances and Routes of Administrative Policy-Making by Legal System in China

  18. 高校违法行政行为是在促进高校依法治校进程中应该引起重视的一种行为。

    Illegal administrative activities in colleges and universities should be attached great importance upon in accelerating the process of regulating colleges and universities according to law .

  19. 行政行为的无效、撤销和补正是追究违法行政行为补救性法律责任的三种方式。

    The invalidity , cancellation and correction of an administrative behavior is an action taken against an illegal administrative behavior and an remedy of legal duty .

  20. 但是,随着行政权的日益膨胀,行政主体的违法行政行为或者不作为对公共利益的侵害日益频繁和严重。

    However , with the expansion of executive power , administrative subjects ' illegal administrative act or omission infringe public interest more and more frequently and seriously .

  21. 行政不作为是相对于行政作为而言的一种违法行政行为,行政不作为同样会损害行政相对人的合法权益,进而引发国家赔偿责任问题。

    The administrative omission is an illegal administrative action compared with administrative behavior . It may also cause damages to administrative counterpart and which should be state compensated .

  22. 违反法定程序是一种违法行政行为,应承担与实体违法同样的法律责任。

    Breach the legal procedure is a kind of to break the law the administration behavior , promising the load and entities to break the law the same law responsibility .

  23. 行政公益诉讼是指允许无直接利害的关系人就侵犯或威胁公共利益的违法行政行为提起的行政诉讼。

    The administrative public interest action is the administrative litigation that is prosecuted by no-legal relationship person because of the illegal administrative activities that do harm to the public interest .

  24. 现实中,大量违法行政规范性文件的存在,侵犯了行政相对人的合法权益,破坏了法制的统一。

    In reality , the existence of a lot of illegal administrative normative documents , violates the legal rights of the administered person , breaks the unification of legal system .

  25. 违法行政责任是指行政机关及其工作人员在行使职权、履行职责的过程中违反行政法律规范而应当依法承担的不利后果。

    The responsibility of illegal administration is the disadvantageous aftereffect that the administrative department and its clerks should take when they disobey administrative laws in the process of performing duties and powers .

  26. 但是,在我国的电动自行车的社会规制中,由于法律不健全、标准之间的冲突、违法行政等因素的影响,电动自行车在生产、销售、使用等方面屡屡遭遇困境。

    However , in China , Electrical Bicycle ran into challenges frequently because of defect of laws , conflict of standards , administrative act in violation of law , and so on .

  27. 在我国的现实生活中,违法行政行为侵犯合法权益的事件经常发生,而行政责任制度的建设却很薄弱。

    In the real life of our country , the accident that unlawful administrative acts violate lawful rights and interests always takes place , but the building of the administrative responsibility system is week .

  28. 随着政府职能日益多元化,国家行政权力对经济和社会生活的干预增强,侵犯公民权利的违法行政、不良行政行为日渐增多。

    As the diversification increasingly on government function , the state administrative authority interfere much more in the economy and social lives . This situation results in more illegal administration and bad administrative behaviors .

  29. 关于违法行政行为之争讼撤销的几个问题对被吊销经营许可证的,工商行政管理部门应吊销其营业执照。

    ISSUES ON THE WITHDRAWAL OF LAWSUITS AGAINST ILLEGAL ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES ; If the operating licence of such enterprise is cancelled , the administrative department for industry and commerce shall cancel its business licence .

  30. 为了使公共利益受到违法行政行为侵害时获得司法的救济,英国较早就建立了颇具特色的行政公益诉讼制度,并在实践中取得了成功的经验。

    In order to get judicial remedy when public interest is violated by illegal administrative behavior , British has established specific Administrative Commonweal Litigation System at an early date and has achieved great success in practice .