
  • 网络South Gui;be back to the hometown
  1. 南归以法莲,北归玛拿西,以海为界。

    On the south the land belonged to Ephraim , on the north to Manasseh .

  2. 乡归何处&论田汉《南归》中人的生存困境

    On the Existence Puzzledom of the People in the Play of Go Back to the South

  3. 当代散文中,也有长篇散文,如冰心的《南归》。

    Contemporary prose , there is also a long prose , such as the South GUI Bing Xin .

  4. 历来研治辛词者,对辛弃疾南归后词的创作的发展变化,较少注意。

    People pay no much attention to the developmental change of the ci-poetic creation of Xin Qiji in the early period of his return southward .

  5. 这是他这辈子最后的机会罢,他心想,明天就要启程南归,而他实在想不出有何理由重回这冰封的不毛之地。

    It would be his last chance , he thought ; tomorrow he would ride south , and he could not imagine why he would ever want to return to this frozen desolation .

  6. 田汉创作的《南归》深刻体现了人的生存困境问题,剧本从一隐一显两个角度全面揭示了人在世俗层面的生计困扰,思想层面的情感围困以及精神层面漂泊困境的思想内涵。

    The paper holds that the play of Go Back to the South by Tian Han reveals the existence puzzledom in common customs , the emotional bewilderment in thinking and the vagabondism difficulty in spirit .

  7. 南归以法莲,北归玛拿西,以海为界。北边到亚设,东边到以萨迦。

    Southward it was ephraim 's , and northward it was manasseh 's , and the sea is his border ; and they met together in Asher on the north , and in Issachar on the east .

  8. 东汉中期以后分裂,南匈奴归汉,融入汉民族;

    In the Middle Eastern Han Dynasty , Xiongnu was divided into two parts .