
  • 网络illegal construction
  1. 违法建设行为不但没有得到有效遏制,反而出现每年增长的态势。

    Acts of illegal construction has not been effectively curbed , but annual growth trend appears .

  2. 与之相应的是,国内大中城市违法建设问题层出不穷。

    Correspondingly , emerge in an endless stream of illegal construction of the domestic large and medium-sized city .

  3. 城市燃气设施上违法建设问题及对策

    Problems of Illegal Buildings Above City 's Gas Facilities and Countermeasures

  4. 违法建设一直是困扰城市规划的一个顽症。

    Urban planning is occasionally disturbed by illegal construction projects .

  5. 违法建设浪费了城市土地资源,影响了城市公共安全,扰乱了市场秩序。

    Illegal construction has seriously wasted urban land resources , seriously affected the city public safety , and seriously disrupted the market order .

  6. 随着各地城市建设规模的迅速扩大,违法建设的问题也越来越突出。

    With the rapid expansion of the scale of construction around the city , the problem of illegal construction has become increasingly acute .

  7. 房产开发商违法建设的问题已经成为亟待治理的社会问题,引起了社会的广泛关注。

    The Illegal construction conduct by real estate developers has become a social problem of emergency and has aroused widespread concern in society .

  8. 耕地数量不断减少,耕地质量持续下降,滥用耕地进行违法建设等问题层出不穷。

    The quantity of cultivated land has been dropping , the quality of cultivated land continues to decline , abuse of cultivated land for illegal construction are endless .

  9. 针对对《将违法建设遏制在萌芽状态》一文的不同看法,多角度地论证了强化规划行政执法中的责令停止建设措施这一主题的理论和实践依据,以期引起各界对此问题的重视。

    Debate on the enforcement on the planning administration order for stopping the illegal construction in theory and practice from multi-angles in order to draw much attention from society .

  10. 本文首先对天津市违法建设项目监管工作现状进行了研究与分析,阐述了工作流、地理信息系统等相关理论。

    In this paper , illegal construction projects in Tianjin supervision status of the research and analysis to explain the work flow , geographic information systems and other related theories .

  11. 对各地城市治理违法建设起到现实指导意义,使城市建设和管理走上正规化、法制化道路。

    And my thesis will play an active instructing part in settling illegal construction for other cities , and make urban construction and management run a normalized and legal road .

  12. 对各地城市违法建设的查处工作提供建议和参考,有利于城乡一体化进程的加快。

    Around the city to investigate and deal with illegal construction work to provide some advice and references , and it is conducive to the acceleration of the process of the urban-rural integration .

  13. 它的作用是发现,制止和处理违法建设,落实公共建筑配套项目,实施环境建设。

    The role of the system of check and acceptance of planning for construction projects is to find , stop and handle illegal construction , finalize supporting projects for public buildings and implement environmental construction .

  14. 房产开发商的违法建设行为不仅亵渎了法律的尊严还扰乱了市场秩序,情节严重者甚至影响国家的长期规划和公共利益。

    Real estate developers ' acts of illegal construction not only violated the dignity of the law , but also disrupted the market order . To even worse , they are seriously effect long-term planning of the country and public interest .

  15. 综述违法建设的概况,剖析违法用地、违法建筑的成因,并针对问题提出相应的对策,特别是规划管理的相关对策建议。

    The overview of illegal construction of survey , analyze the origin cause of formation of the illegal area , illegal building , and the countermeasure against that the question is proposed correspondingly , especially the relevant countermeasures and suggestions of planning management .

  16. 违章建筑在房地产开发商眼里是公开的秘密,是他们逃避税费、缩短施工周期的潜规则,为数不少的开发商都曾经有过违法建设的行为。

    It is an open secret in the eyes of real estate developers that the illegal construction is their underlying rules to escape from paying the taxes and the one to shorten construction period . Many of the real estate developers had acts of illegal construction .

  17. 随着城管执法机关拆除违法建设的力度的不断加大,城管执法机关与违法建设者之间的矛盾日益尖锐,在公民权利意识逐渐强化的今天,城管执法相对人的救济问题显得尤为重要。

    With the intensive removal of illegal construction , the contradiction between urban management and law enforcement agencies and builders are acute . Nowadays , in the sense of the gradual strengthening of civil rights , issues of the legal relief ways of the right owner is especially important .

  18. 违法违规建设项目要坚决停建。

    Work on illegal projects will be resolutely stopped .

  19. 视频监控对于智能城市管理、打击违法犯罪以及建设平安城市与智慧城市具有重要作用。

    Video surveillance is of great significance for intelligent urban management and cracking down crimes to build a safe and smart city .

  20. 论预防和控制职务性违法违纪的制度建设

    Discussion on Building Rules and Regulations for Preventing Illegal Activities of Post

  21. 预防和控制职务性违法违纪的制度建设必须具备严密性、制衡性和注重人性。

    In order to prevent and control illegal activities of post , we should strengthen the compact system , the power equalization , and pay attention to human feelings .

  22. 这些问题不仅严重影响了邮政储蓄银行的健康、快速发展,而且有违法治社会的建设理念,亟待解决和完善。

    These problem not only seriously influenced postal service savings bank of health , rapid development , and against the construction principle of rule of law society , the Ji needs solution with perfect .

  23. 坚决杜绝新的违法违章建筑,2004年基本拆除城近郊区现有的违法建设,2007年基本拆除全市违法建设。

    Beijing will say no to any new illegal building . By2004 , all existing illegal buildings in the urban area will be dismantled , and the campaign shall be completed citywide by2007 .