
  • 网络right relief;relief;right remedy
  1. 试论我国公务员权利救济之框架

    On the Frame of Right Relief of Public Servant in China

  2. 考试申诉制度是一种特殊的权利救济制度。

    The examination appealing system is a special system of right relief .

  3. GPA权利救济制度是GPA协定中核心内容之一,具有十分重要的意义。

    GPA right remedy system is one of the core contents of the GPA and is of great significance .

  4. 质疑程序是GPA协定权利救济制度的核心内容,体现协定独特的救济制度设计。

    The challenge procedure is the core of the GPA right remedy system and reflects the unique design of the agreement .

  5. 完善我国公务员权利救济制度刍议

    On the Perfection of Remedy System of Public Servants ' Rights

  6. 论高校处分权与学生权利救济制度

    On the Disposing Right of Academies and Student 's Relief Right

  7. 重构侵害配偶权的权利救济制度

    Reconstruction of the right rescue system for the infringed spouse rights

  8. 我国高校大学生权利救济研究

    Research of Rights Rescue for Chinese Students in Colleges and Universities

  9. 反倾销税税法规制中的权利救济制度研究

    Research on the Right Relief System of Antidumping Duty on Tax Regulations

  10. 第五部分是商品房合同违约中的消费者权利救济。

    The fifth part is the commercial contract breach consumer right remedy .

  11. 完善村民委员会选举权利救济制度的探讨

    Discussion On Perfecting the Relief System of Village People Committee Election Right

  12. 高校学生权利救济的法理分析

    Analysis of lawful theory about college students ' relieving rights

  13. 弱势群体的权利救济机制论略

    On the Rights Remedy System for the Weak Group

  14. 物权变动中的权利救济

    On the Right Relief in Transfer of Real Right

  15. 大学自治与个体权利救济&学校与学生的管理法律关系维度

    Self administration of Universities and Remedies for Individual Rights

  16. 美国禁止就业年龄歧视的立法及权利救济机制

    The Legislation and Remedial System to Forbid Age Discrimination in Employment in America

  17. 公务员权利救济制度探讨

    On the Remedy System of Public Servants ' Right

  18. 侵权法是权利救济法。

    Tort law is the right remedy laws .

  19. 最后,司法审查下的权利救济。

    Finally , right relief under judicial review .

  20. 体育志愿者服务是学生体育权利救济的途径之一。

    Sports volunteer service is one of the ways of students sports rights relief .

  21. 权利救济方法研究

    A Study of the Methods of Rights Relief

  22. 政府采购供应商的权利救济

    On Right Relief of Government Procurement Contract Suppliers

  23. 教育纠纷的权利救济体制刍议&教育仲裁制度初探

    On Aid System of Rights in Educational Disputes & Brief Discussion on Education Arbitration

  24. 权利救济与内部监督的复合&行政复议制度的功能分析

    With combination of M. D. On the Combination of Rights Remedy and Internal Supervision

  25. 对纳税人救济权的保护符合权利救济理论与税收公平原则,有着坚实的理论依据。

    The relief right of taxpayer bases on the theory of remedy and justice .

  26. 在股权转让后,各方主体的权利救济至关重要。

    After the transfer , the right relief to each party is very important .

  27. 三是权利救济。

    The third is to right relief .

  28. 房屋二重买卖与权利救济

    House of Reiteration Trade and Rights Redress

  29. 公务员权利救济制度的不完善就是其中的一个重要问题。

    One of them is the imperfectness of the right relief system for civil servants .

  30. 新的民事权利救济模式难以在现有民事权利救济体系中恰当定位等。

    Hard protection for new civil rights relief methods in existing civil rights relief system .