
  1. 刑事权力学的维度:死刑存废

    Death penalty storing and abolishing & visual angle of studying in criminal power

  2. 从权力学的角度来审视班级空间即将成为一个崭新的课题。

    From the point of the power to view class space will become a new topic .

  3. 无论思想发展的过程,还是理论框架的构成,其学说都可分为知识考古学、权力分析学和主体释义学三部分,其中主体释义学又统率其上,把各部分有机组成一体。

    Either from the ideological development or theoretical construction , his theories are divided into the following three parts as knowledge archaeology , power analysis and centerpiece explanation , of which the last one acts as a leader coordinating the three components organically .

  4. 政治权力是政治学、政治哲学的研究主题。

    Political power is the research subject of politics and political philosophy .

  5. 权力是政治学、政治社会学的核心范畴。

    Power is the core of politics and political sociology .

  6. 基于价格、权力和社会学信任控制的物流外包战略

    Based on Price , Authority and Social School Trust Control for Logistics Outsourcing

  7. 权力是政治学的核心概念,也是国际政治理论研究的基点,本文的研究也是围绕权力问题展开的。

    Power is the key concept in politics and the basic point of international political theory research .

  8. 目前,我们对权力问题的学理研究与法律设计也存在一定的缺陷。

    Currently , there must be some shortcomings in our theoretical study and legal design with regard to the issue of power .

  9. 公权力是公法学研究的逻辑起点,控制公权力是公法学的重要内容。

    Public authorities are the logical starting point for the study of public law , and to control public authorities is the main content of public law .

  10. 公司权力的法社会学研究路径

    Corporate Power in the View of Sociology of Law

  11. 权力转移的领导学思考

    Reflections on Power Transferring in Leadership Science

  12. 美国大学校长权力来源的组织学分析

    A Histological Analysis of the Origin of the Power of University President in the United States

  13. 学科·知识·权力&《东方学》的核心命题及其对当前文学批评的启示意义

    Discipline , Knowledge and Power & The Core Argument of the Orientalism and Its Illumination on the Present Literary Criticism

  14. 权力与大学学术权力是政治学和教育政治学研究的核心问题。

    Power and university academic power are the core research tasks in both politics and educational politics .