
  1. 对于权利物权和有价证券相关规定的增加,也基本对应了内国民商法所调整的客体范围。

    The new rules for the rights characterized as real right and negotiable securities , as amendments , correspond with the object scope of related domestic civil laws .

  2. 并从物权法发展的生态化趋势出发,论述了自然资源权利物权化的理论优势和自然资源物权在物权法类型体系中的应有地位。

    Then , it discusses the theoretical advantages of the real rights of natural resources and its potential status in the system of the real rights based on the ecological trends of the real rights .

  3. 然而存款客户对其存入或转入的货币资金是一种什么性质的权利,物权?

    However , what nature of right do the customers possess ?

  4. 过度限制权利担保物权的设立,将导致可担保财产权利范围的缩小,影响企业的融资能力。

    Excessive restriction on the establishment of real right for security will result in the narrowing of the scope , affect the financing ability .

  5. 同样,在对物权客体认识上也限于只承认有体物,而不承认财产权利为物权客体。

    Equally , limited to only admitting that there are body things too in knowing to the real right object , and does not acknowledge the property right is the real right object .

  6. 专利权政府授予的单方对某一商品活动独享控制权的一种权利所谓物权凭证,乃是证明货物所有权的一种单据。

    A right granted by a government giving exclusive control over a specified commercial activity to a single party . The title deed is the document , which proves ownership of the goods .

  7. 本人以为,合法的提单持有人享有的提单权利符合物权的法律特征,具有物权性。

    The argumentation of this paper is that the title of the bill of lading held by the legal holder has the nature of the property title in accordance with the legal characteristics of the property title .

  8. 2007年《物权法》出台,其中明确将探矿权和采矿权作为一项民事财产权利收入物权的范畴,在一定程度上推动了矿业权流转秩序的活跃和有序。

    The Property Law had been promulgated in 2007 , it clearly included mineral exploration right and mining right as civil property rights in property rights of category . In a certain extent , it made the circulation order of mining rights active and orderly .

  9. 支配于物的事实与支配于物的权利&兼论物权的排他性与物上请求权

    On the Fact and Right of Domination to Things

  10. 由此提出别除权的基础权利是担保物权和法定特别优先权。

    The definition puts exemption right on the basis of both security interests and other statutory special priority .

  11. 物权请求权的独立价值,应该从物权的权利划分和物权本身的性质中去寻找。

    We should search the independent value of right of real claim in the partition and character of the real right .

  12. 在财产法的视阈下,土地权利体系非物权法体系甚至民事权利体系所能涵盖。

    From the perspective of property law , the land rights system can not be included in property law system , even civil rights system .

  13. 论文通过对现实问题的思考与完善建议的提出,以期规范行政机关的具体行政行为,保护权利人的物权。

    Paper on the practical problems by thinking and make sound recommendations to standardize the administrative organs of the specific administrative act to protect the right holder .

  14. 用益物权是指非财产所有人利用他人财产的权利,是物权中非常重要的一项他物权。

    The usufruct means it is not the right that an property owner utilizes others ' property , it is a very important his real right in real right .

  15. 第三章主要论述了物权说理论下银行与储户的主要权利义务以及物权说的优缺点。

    The third chapter discusses the theory of property rights under the bank and depositor that the main rights and obligations , and property , said the strengths and weaknesses .

  16. 从其发展变化来看,土地承包经营权正从一种债权性的权利逐渐向物权性的权利演变。

    The rural land 's contracted management right has been changing into a kind of right in rem from a kind of creditor 's right in the real evidence aspect of its development .

  17. 第四条国家、集体、私人的物权和其他权利人的物权受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得侵犯。

    Article 4 The real right of the state , collective , individual or any other right holder shall be protected by law , and may not be damaged by any entity or individual .

  18. 本章在阐述建筑作品的著作人身权时,结合了建筑作品的不同类型在行使权利中与物权之间发生的冲突,提出了一些利益平衡的方法。

    When the chapter expounds moral rights of Architectural works , it combined with conflict between the different types of architectural works in the exercise , then puts forward some methods to balance the interests .

  19. 森林资源产权是一种财产权利,属于物权,其核心是森林、林木和林地的占有权、使用权、收益权和处分权。

    The property-rights of forest resource , as a right of property , belong to real-rights , the foci of which are respectively the right of possession , usufruct , the right of interest and right of disposing .

  20. 而建筑物区分所有权之成员权,是我们作为建筑物的一员参与到建筑物的管理和维护以保障我们利益的重要法定权利,《物权法》的颁布更是对成员权进行了明确。

    While buildings distinguish right of ownership of members , is that we , as a member of the building to building in the management and maintenance to ensure the important legal rights we interests , Property law brief introduction of the promulgation of the member right is clear .

  21. 土地征收中集体土地权利研究&基于物权法视角之思考

    Research On Right Of Collectively-Owned Land In Land Expropriation

  22. 它的出现,对传统的民事权利理论尤其是物权理论提出一系列的挑战。

    It challenges the traditional civil rights theory , particularly the theory on jus ad rem.

  23. 占有的权利推定规则是物权法中的一项重要规则。

    The rule of ownership presumption in favor of the possessor is very important in the property law .

  24. 最后,本文应用所提出的权利结构模型对物权债权的概念做了分析,并提出财产权的新的划分标准。

    Finally , this article analyses conception of real rights and creditor 's rights according to right structure model , and put forward the new standard of differentiation .

  25. 土地权利立法是中国物权立法的重要内容,物权法对其如何规定则涉及中国社会的生存和发展。

    Legislation on land right is an important part of Chinese legislation of real laws , which , in turn , concerns the survival and development of Chinese society .

  26. 在我国出台的《物权法(草案)》中,也是主要规定的是权利,而对物权的限制很少。

    During the " Real Right Laws ( Draft )" of our country , the main articles are also the right , and the limitations are very few to the real right .

  27. 一是自然资源权利体系过于倾向物权化,二是这种物权化的体系本身又存在诸多缺陷。

    One is that the right system of adjusting natural resources is too inclined to " the property right "; Another is that the current property right system of natural resources exists many defects .

  28. 民事法律行为制度是民法学理论的一项基本内容,它是联结权利主体制度、物权制度、债权制度这三大民法理论的纽带。

    The system of civil legal act is a basic content of the civil theory . It is the joint of three main system of the owner of rights , the rights of property and the rights of debts .

  29. 为此,应首先完善其权能,其次应尊重集体建设用地所有权的财产性权利,坚持以物权法为核心改革征地制度。

    For this purpose , it should be first of all to complete its power , and then should respect property rights of collective construction land ownership , adhere to the property law as the core to reform the system .

  30. 土地权利立法必须以物权立法的价值为指导,以平等独立的现代物权理论为支撑,以公私法相互交融为方法。

    Land right should be enacted with the guiding principles of the value of real law s , with the sustentation of modern real law theory of equality and independence , with the method of taking account of both public and private laws .