
  1. 质押背书:票据质权的对抗要件抑或取得要件?

    Endorsement of pledge : counter requirement or acquired requirement of bill dealing ?

  2. 雕琢民法草案中的债权让与&建立统一对抗要件

    Think about the Right Assignment in the Civil Law draft & Establish the Uniform Counter Mode

  3. 登记的效力以登记对抗要件主义为通行做法。

    The efficacity of the registration is mainly about the proclaiming and defense to the public .

  4. 公示原则所需之登记或交付等公示方法,系其对抗要件而非成立或生效要件。

    The principle of publicity and public credit which requires registration or delivery and other public methods is the essential element to resist instead of that to inure .

  5. 为了兼顾动的安全与静的安全双重法律价值目标的实现,信托公示的效力应采对抗要件主义。

    In order to take account to the dual value goal of both motive security and still security , for the function of the trust publication the antagonist important condition doctrine should be adopted .

  6. 对通知第三债务人的效力,无论采通知成立要件主义立法例还是采通知对抗要件主义立法例,都存在重大缺陷。

    To the notice of the effect to the third debtor , the great defect exists whether adopt the legislative example of the notice establish the important item doctrine or adopt the legislative example of the notice resist the important item doctrine .

  7. 登记的效力分为登记对抗主义和登记要件主义。

    The effect of registration is divided into and registered the doctrine of confronting with each other and registered to want a doctrine .