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  1. 本文试图运用原型理论(prototypetheory)对龙一词在汉语中的概念作一些探析。

    This paper aims to provide a semantic analysis of the concepts of " dragon " in Chinese culture by using the prototype theory .

  2. 高能混合粒子场处理种子对龙牧803苜蓿M2代的抗寒性影响

    Effects on cold tolerance of M2 of Longmu No.803 alfalfa seed pre-treated with a mixed high-energy particle field

  3. 建立了园区的三维数字模型,利用GIS对龙景湖进行流域分析、园区内污染源分析、计算网格的划分和模拟结果的动态可视化,利用水力/水质耦合模型进行水质预测。

    A three - dimensional digital model of the park was established . Watershed analysis , pollution analysis , division of calculation grid of the lake and dynamic visualization of simulation results were achieved by GIS . Then water quality after the park completed was predicted by the coupled model .

  4. 作者对龙的描绘,一改前人的画法,标新立异。

    The author changed the former painting and made himself conspicuous .

  5. 中国人对龙的理解与西方人不一样。

    The Chinese understanding of dragon is different from that of Westerners .

  6. 几个月过去了,我对龙尼已非常地熟悉。

    Over the past months I have gotten to know Ronnie very well .

  7. 中国人对龙的崇拜已深入生活的方方面面。

    Dragon-worship has found a way into every aspect of life in China .

  8. 培育年龄与边缘效应对龙芽楤木根皮产量的影响

    Effects of Nurturing Age and Edge Effect on Root Bark Yield of Aralia elata

  9. 对龙竹竹材在微波干燥下的干燥特性进行了研究。

    In this paper , drying properties of dendrocalamus giganteus were studied using microwave drying .

  10. 在语言方面,中国人也时常流露出对龙的热爱和崇敬。

    In Chinese language , people always show their love and respect to the dragon .

  11. 通过对龙文化和舞龙活动的文化解析,为现代舞龙活动的健康、有序发展提供参考。

    This paper analyzes the dragon culture and dragon dance to provide references for their healthy development .

  12. 这种对龙的尊敬

    This respect for the dragon

  13. 了解“龙纹”的文化内涵,可以使我们对龙纹样的认识突破“装饰”的表面层次,而走向文化、历史精神的深层次。

    Learning the dragon lines ' cultural intension can make our knowledge on it from surface to deep level .

  14. 本文对龙水金矿区冷水冲构造蚀变带的成矿地质条件作了重点论述。

    This paper describes the ore-forming conditions of the Lengshuichong structural alteration zone in the Longshui gold mine area .

  15. 本文仅对龙成为傣民族图腾之来由进行探议,旨在揭示各民族宗教、艺术在融合中产生的多元化变异。

    This article aims to explore the underlying cause of how ' the dragon ' became the totem for the Dai nationality .

  16. 主要研究内容及成果如下:(一)对龙旋风滑动弧等离子体的物理特性进行深入研究。

    The main research contents are as followed : 1 . Studies on physical properties of gliding arc in tornado ( GAT ) plasma .

  17. 研究中国传统文化的各家流派和学者,对龙文化起源问题,可谓是仁者见仁,智者见智。

    There are many kinds of arguments among the various schools and scholars of Chinese traditional culture concerning the origin of the dragon culture .

  18. 通过对龙的形象的考察,可以同时了解多种文化(帝王、民俗、宗教)和文学传统。

    By consideration of the image of dragon it is possible to comprehend different literary and cultural traditions ( e.g.dynasties , folklore and religion ) .

  19. 对龙的崇拜即是中华民族的图腾情结,它在增强中华民族凝聚力中发挥着重要的作用。

    The worship of the dragon is the totem complex of the Chinese nation , which plays an important role in strengthening the Chinese national cohesion .

  20. 作者对龙、狗、竹、柳树等表动物、植物名词的文化负荷进行了对比分析。

    The author compares the culture load of such animal and plant nouns as dragon , dog , bamboo , willow , etc in English and Chinese .

  21. 论文对龙舒本《王文公文集》的体例、与其他版本系统的关系以及其刊刻时间等方面进行了分析。

    This paper analyzes the style of Longshu version " Wang Wengong Document Anthology ", the relationship between other version systems along with inscribing time and so on .

  22. 基于生态需水的基础上,对龙河流域20102020年的农业、工业和生活需水量进行了计算,并对流域水资源平衡进行了论证。

    Based on the ecological water requirement , the water requirement in industry , agriculture and living in 2010 and 2020 was forecasted , and water balance was demonstrated .

  23. 但是,将中国龙文化融入景观设计并不意味着守旧,也不是挪用古代景观设计的形式,更不是单纯的对龙文化的膜拜与推崇。

    Blend Chinese culture into landscape design does not mean supporting the conservatism , nor misappropriating the ancient form of landscape design , more is not a pure cultural worship and praise highly .

  24. 该文采用资源价值、景点规模、旅游条件等综合指标,对龙虎山风景区进行了评价。

    In this paper , the evaluation of the tourism resources of Mount Dragon and Tiger is conducted by using the indexes of the values of resources and scale of the scenic area .

  25. 从龙的身体形态、行动方式、生活习性、人类对龙的驯化利用等方面来看,龙的原生形态是鳄不是蛇。

    Considering about the dragons appearance , the way it moves , its living habits and characteristics and its having been tamed and used by man , the origin of the dragon is crocodiles rather than snakes .

  26. 首次应用热压干燥方法对龙竹竹材进行了干燥处理,结果表明,水煮预处理可加快干燥速度,提高干燥效率;热压干燥温度对干燥工艺和干燥质量影响显著。

    The results showed that the drying rate could be raised and the drying efficiency could be improved by water-soak pretreatment , the platen temperature had distinct effect on the drying technology and the drying quality of bamboo timber .

  27. 本文首先考察了西域乃至印度各地与龙有关的传说,指出龙崇拜是流行于中土、西域及印度的一种普遍信仰,但三地对龙具有不同的观念。

    The author studies the legends of dragon in West Regions and India and points out that though the worship of dragon was a common part of belief in inland China , West regions and India , the ideas of dragon were different .

  28. 通过对龙政直流龙青接地极极址在线监测系统运行情况分析,提出对其余11口检测井进行全面在线监测的必要性,并建议对直流接地极极址系统进行全面在线监测。

    Through analysing the operation of on-line monitoring system for earth electrode at Long-qing earth station of Long-zheng HVDC system , the necessity of all-round monitoring for the other 11 detection wells was pointed out and suggestion of overall monitoring for earth station was raised .

  29. 新马德里队对中国龙队

    New Madrid Team vs Chinese Dragon Team

  30. 在此基础上,本论文利用CFD技术对西龙池地下水电站发电机层、水轮机层的气流组织进行了数值计算。

    In this paper , the technique of computational fluid dynamics ( CFD ) is adopted to simulate the air distribution of the dynamo floor and the hydraulic floor .