
  • 网络convection-diffusion equations;convection diffusion equation
  1. 一种推广的对流扩散方程的局部化间断Galerkin方法

    Local discontinuous Galerkin method for generalized convection-diffusion equations

  2. 针对一维对流扩散方程提出了基于三次自然样条插值的特征差分格式,给出了L2模误差估计式。

    This paper presents a characteristic difference scheme based on cubic natural spline interpolation for the convection-diffusion equations and obtains discrete L_2-norm error the estimate .

  3. 一种求解二维对流扩散方程的指数型隐格式的AGE迭代法

    The alternating group explicit ( AGE ) iterative method of exponential-type implicit scheme for the two-dimensional convection-diffusion equation

  4. 污染物对流扩散方程的几种新的高阶QUICK组合显格式比较研究

    Comparative investigation of some high-order explicit schemes combined with QUICK for the convection-diffusion equation of pollutants

  5. 用Excel快速求解一维非稳态对流扩散方程

    Solving one dimension diffusion-convection equation by Excel

  6. 一维对流扩散方程的格子Boltzmann方法

    A Lattice Boltzmann Method for One Dimension Convection Diffusion Equation

  7. 对流扩散方程的一种改进的Dennis格式

    A Modified Dennis Difference Scheme for the Advection-Diffusion Equation

  8. 对一类带Dirichlet型边值的一维对流扩散方程组建立了特征差分格式。

    Characteristic difference scheme is formulated for a kind of one-dimensional convection-diffusion coupled system with Dirichlet boundary .

  9. 对流扩散方程的间断有限元方法研究反应扩散方程组的单调紧ADI方法

    The Study with DG-FEM for Convection-diffusion Equation A Monotone Compact ADI Method for Systems of Reaction-Diffusion Equations

  10. 一种计算二维对流扩散方程的数值格式NLS方程的守恒数值格式及其收敛性分析

    A conservative numerical scheme and its convergence analysis for a class of the NLS equation

  11. 本文基于连续形式的不可压缩Navier-Stokes流体的控制方程以及对流扩散方程,给出了进行混合分析的有限元离散形式以及数值解法。

    Based on the continuous impressible Navier-Stokes equation and the convection-diffusion equation , the finite element method is used to simulate the mixing problem .

  12. 一维对流扩散方程CRANK-NICOLSON特征差分格式

    Crank-Nicolson Difference Scheme Along Characteristics for One-Dimensional Convection-Diffusion Equation

  13. 基于二阶修正Dennis格式,提出了采用时间相关法求解定常对流扩散方程的一种具有节省内存空间和提高定常解收敛速度的有理式型优化半隐和松驰半隐紧致格式。

    The improved and relax semi-implicit compact schemes are presented , based on the second-order modified Dennis scheme for the convection-diffusion equations .

  14. 污染物对流扩散方程的Hopscotch方法及几种改进格式

    Hopscotch method and its improved schemes for convection-diffusion equation of pollutants

  15. 对流扩散方程的摄动有限体积(PFV)方法及讨论

    Perturbational finite volume method for convective diffusion equation and discussion

  16. 用隐式差分法解了EC1和EC2反应在流动池的电化学现场ESR测量中的稳态对流扩散方程。

    The steady state convective diffusion equations of EC_1 and EC_2 reac - tions in the channel electrode located in ESR cavity are solved by the implicit finite difference numerical method .

  17. 网格Peclet数和网格尺寸对对流扩散方程差分格式精度的影响

    Effects of grid Peclet number and grid size on accuracy of finite difference

  18. 以三维对流扩散方程为模型,采用50m网格的高分辨率对城市中汽车尾气排放所造成的污染分布宏观状况进行模拟,建立了一个高分辨率城市交通污染数值仿真系统。

    Based on the convection-diffusion equation , a numerical-simulate system of urban vehicle emission diffusion is built , which simulates the diffusion of vehicle emission in the city by 50-metre grid .

  19. 第二章首先给出线性对流扩散方程的有限差分区域分解算法,而后将这种新的有限差分区域分解算法应用到求解Burgers方程中。

    In Chapter Two , we firstly give the finite difference domain decomposition algorithm for linear convection dif-fusion equation , and then solve Burgers equation with the new finite difference domain decomposition algorithm .

  20. 二维对流扩散方程的控制体有限元法数值模拟化学污染物的质量守恒方程采用依赖于时间的对流扩散方程的隐式特征线Galerkin方法进行离散和求解,其中污染物的浓度作为基本未知量。

    The mass balance equation governing the chemical pollutants is discretized and solved by using the implicit characteristic Galerkin method for time-dependent convection-diffusion equations , in which the pollutant concentration is taken as the primary variable .

  21. 在最近的几篇文献[12][13]中,作者提出了直接间断有限元方法(DDG)用于求解非线性对流扩散方程。

    In [ 12 ] [ 13 ] , the author introduced direct discontinuous Galerkin ( DDG ) method to advection-diffusion equations .

  22. 一个原始方程海洋环流模式(POM)被用来模拟辽东湾环境动力场,同时用有限容积方法对描述氮、磷、COD等污染物输运过程的对流扩散方程进行离散,提高了计算精度和效率。

    A primitive equation ocean circulation model was used to simulate the dynamical environment of Liaodong Bay ; meanwhile , the Finite Volume Method was adopted to disperse the advection-diffusion equation describing the transport of nitrogen , phosphorous and COD .

  23. 接着以二维对流扩散方程为例,推导出延迟修正的CDS格式,并定义为DCDS格式。

    Taking , the general two-dimensional steady convection-diffusion equation as an example , the deferred correction CDS scheme was derived based on the first-order upwind scheme , which we defined as DCDS scheme .

  24. 给出求解一种二维非线性对流扩散方程组的Grank-Nicolson型特征有限元方法,并给出该方法的H1模最优阶误差估计。

    In this paper , a Crank-Nicolson type characteristics finite element method for a kind of 2-dimensional nonlinear system of convection-diffusion equations is proposed . The optimal error estimates in H ~ 1 norm is derived .

  25. 以计算得到的稳定Taylor流动为基础,通过求解对流扩散方程,模拟了Taylor气泡单元内的传质过程。

    The agreement between numerical simulation results and experimental results confirmed the validity of the present model . Furthermore , based on the simulated stable Taylor bubble flow , by solving the convection-diffusion equation , the mass transfer process in a unit Taylor cell was simulated .

  26. 用有限体积法(FVM)对描述河流污染物运动规律的对流扩散方程积分,提出了一种处理潮汐河网汊道水质模拟的新方法;

    A new method for simulation of water quality in tidal channel network is put forward by integrating the dispersion equation for convection current describing the law of pollutants movement in river by use of FVM .

  27. 首先对连续时间变量用Galerkin变分方法导出对流扩散方程的有限元方程,它是关于时间变量的一阶线性常微分方程,进而求解该方程组,完成求解对流扩散方程的全过程。

    By Galerkin 's variation method of continuous time variable , the finite element equation of CDE is derived . It is a system of first-order ordinary differential equations with respect to time variable . Solving this system of equations , we yield whole process of solving CDE .

  28. 首先,在第二章中基于一类指数型差分格式,构造出一种求解对流扩散方程的交替分段显一隐式(ASE-I)方法。

    First , in Chapter two a new alternating segment explicit-implicit ( ASE-I ) method with exponential type for the numerical solution of the convection-diffusion equation is derived .

  29. 对流扩散方程一类改进的特征线修正有限元方法

    A kind of improved characteristics finite element method for convection-diffusion equations

  30. 解对流扩散方程的修正特征差分法

    Linear Modified Finite Difference Method Combined with Characteristics for Convection-Diffusion Problems