
  • 网络Symmetry factor;elements of symmetry;Symmetry Elements
  1. 分析了触头工作中的非对称因素,阴极向阳极/阳极向阴极的材料转移机理。

    The mechanism of material transfer from anode to cathode or from cathode to anode is studied , based on the investigation of asymmetrical factors .

  2. 结合我国货币政策的实践,可知,货币政策工具自身的特点、货币政中间目标的选择都是造成这种非对称性的因素。

    The characters of the monetary tools and the choice of the intermediation objectives are the factors causing the asymmetric effectiveness .

  3. 结论:牙在下颌骨上相对位置的变化会对其根尖主应力大小及方向产生一定的影响,而且其影响程度还会受到咬合对称性等因素的影响。

    Conclusions : The variation of tooth position could affect the magnitude and direction of the main apical stress , in which the symmetry of the occlusion type was also involved .

  4. 评价市场微观结构重要性的文献主要集中于资产定价方面,这些资产定价理论开始将市场流动性、非系统波动性和信息非对称等风险因素作为资产价格的重要影响因素加以考虑。

    Literatures about market microstructure have mainly developed asset pricing theory in recent years . And these asset pricing theories have taken market liquidity , non-systematic volatility and asymmetric information risks into account .

  5. 并使用数值模体对实际系统中可能影响该对称性的因素进行了仿真分析,包括射线源,探测器,系统结构,成像样品。

    Then , several numerical phantoms are simulated to study the factors which may affect the symmetry property including the X-ray source , the flat-panel detector , the system geometry and the imaging sample .

  6. 提出了一个基于分布式性能增强代理的卫星网络专有通信协议:XP协议,用于解决卫星网络环境中因长时延、高误码率和非对称信道带宽等因素所导致的TCP传输性能低下问题。

    Based on distributed performance enhancing proxies , a new transport protocol for the satellite environment , the XP protocol is presented .

  7. 迎角、旋成体的外形,尤其是头部的几何形状是细长前体出现非对称涡的关键因素。

    Angle of attack and nose shape of bodies are key factors that asymmetric vortex occurs over slender bodies .

  8. 在模型中,把政府非对称性政策规制因素引入外资并购行为下的市场竞争框架中进行探讨。

    In the model , the factors of asymmetric regulation are discussed in the market competition framework on the basis of foreign investors ' merger and acquisition .

  9. 从信息非对称性角度和现代企业融资结构理论的基本观点看,决定企业融资结构的因素以及其对企业治理的作用,往往会受到当事人信息非对称性因素的影响。

    From the viewpoint of the non-symmetric nature of information and the financing structure theory of modern enterprises , the decisive factors of financing and their related effects on enterprise management are often influenced by the managers ' non-symmetric information aspect .

  10. 这种非对称性对激光陀螺性能的影响是至关重要的。而引起这种非对称性的物理因素是环型腔S-P相位和损耗的各向异性。

    This differences is critical for the differential laser gyro operation and it is caused by the S P phase and Q anisotropy of the ring cavity .

  11. 菜单成本论、厂商声誉模型和具有搜索成本的非对称反应模型分别从价格调整的成本、厂商维持自身声誉以及垄断厂商提高和降低价格的非对称反应等因素说明了为什么会存在价格刚性。

    " Menu Cost Model ", " Producer Reputation Model " and " Asymmetrical Response Model with Search Costs " provide price stickiness with microeconomic behavior foundations respectively from three different aspects .

  12. 燃料靶丸的辐射驱动对称性问题是间接驱动惯性约束聚变(ICF)最重要的课题之一,理解和控制影响靶丸辐射驱动对称性的因素是实验室点火成功的关键任务。

    The radiation drive symmetry of a deuterium-tritium filled spherical capsule is one of the foremost issues in the indirect-drive approach to inertial confinement fusion ( ICF ) . Understanding and controlling the processes affecting radiation drive symmetry of the capsule remains a crucial task for the laboratory ignition .