- 网络CREST;comparative experiments;comparison experiment;test;Comparative test

In this paper , comparative experiments with and without diurnal variation of the solar radiation are made by use of a 5 layer primitive equation air sea coupled model system without oceanic currents in a zonal domain between 60 ° S and 60 ° N.
Comparative experiments between powder-mixed electrical discharge machining ( EDM ) and conventional EDM are carried out .
RAPD and Salt-Soluble Protein PAGE in Maize Seed Purity Assessment
Wear resistance of VC Fe base surface composites was studied by means of SEM , EPMA , XRD with comparative experiment .
Contrastive test results of performance can be obtained when separately using diesel and diesel / LPG dual-fuel .
A comparative study of Cunninghamia lanceolata forests with different forestation densities was conducted .
Testing Contrast Analysis on the Bearing Behavior of Pressure Pumped CFG Pile Using Continuous Flight Augers Drilling
The simulated data and test data are operated to quantify the extent analysis of reinforced concrete beam which strengthened with FRP .
The difference of solidification structure of 430 ferrite stainless steel was discussed through the comparative tests of vacuum inductive furnace melting for in different content of Ti .
The Ni-P plating and Ni-P-SiC composite coating were prepared using electroless deposite method on the surface of low-alloy cast iron .
Its phosphorus and nitrogen removal rates are markedly higher than that of conventional A 2 / O process , whereas the COD removal rates are about equal .
Using the specified triaxial loading equipment corresponding to the CT machine , the comparison of real-time computerized tomography testing of damage failure mechanism of cracked rock in cold region under successive triaxial loading and unloading has been accomplished .
A Survey on Coating Tools for Metal Cutting Experimental Investigation on Contrasting Cutting Forces of Coated-PVD Cemented Carbides Inserts with Non-Coated Cemented Carbides Inserts
In the paper , two different processes , granular activated carbon adsorption (" C " process ) and Ozonation-activated carbon adsorption (" O_3 + C " process ), were studied experimentally for removal of three forms of nitrogen from potable water on a comparative way .
Larix kaempferi seed orchard half sib-family contrast test-woodland was built according to the field design , which being studied after 10 years .
At the same time , In order to estimate the role of different surface treatments on nano-inorganic filler and PTFE composites , PTFE composites filled with surface untreated nano-AliOs were prepared as antithesis at the same condition .
The influence of NS modification on the drying property of larch lumber was studied through the contrast drying tests between NS modified larch lumber and unmodified one according to the same drying schedule .
The Performance Contrast Test on Rolling Stainless Clad Steel Plate Made in NKK Corporation Japan
The death rate of the 4th instar larvae of Chironomid in raw water is higher by contrast with that in sedimentation tanks water for 24h disposal with various amount of liquid chlorine .
The friction coefficient of lubrication oils for stepless gears was determined by two kinds of tester and compared between Ub oils and abroad oils .
A Ford diesel engine fueled by vegetable oils ( a 50 ∶ 50 blend of rapeseed and soybean oils ) and diesel oils was tested on Froude hydraulic dynamometer by using a computer system .
Homemade shrinkage reducing agent NA-SP and homemade silane coupling agent KH-570 were chosen for a large experimental research .
The test studied the effect of B_2O_3-containing anti-oxidation coating on erosion resistance of MgO-C bricks to LF dusty slag by using static crucible method , and the comparison test was also made with MgO-C bricks without spraying anti-oxidation coating .
Properties and comparative testing of HS-50T GMAW electrode wire
Parallel laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the performance of thermophilic and mesophilic anaerobic sequencing batch reactor ( ASBR ) for the digestion of thermo-hydrolyzed sewage sludge .
In accordance with the linear accumulating fatigue damage theory and S-N curve , the standard damage cycles per flight hours , or damage conversion ratio Ap for flight can he obtained from the comparative residual life tests of the shafts with different service life .
The flame retardance in epoxy E-44 was discussed as well , and the flame retardance of the compounds of sulfur containing and not containing have been compared .
For water extraction , the extraction time 4h , the ratio of liquid and solid 6 ∶ 1.The comparison experiment was done and it showed that after the enzymatic treatment the yield ratio was significantly improved .
Lead-rich slags with different levels of PbO content have been prepared in laboratory . Reduction experiments have been conducted in a vertical tube furnace using graphite crucible to compare the different behaviours of lead-rich slag and sinter .
By means of a serious of scientific testing scheme design , a series of systemic experiments and tests were applied on its main factors of PDC bit brazing technique , such as indoor shearing , contrast & wearing and tearing experiments .