- 名logarithmic phase

Contrast to the cell number , fresh weight ( m FW ) and dry weight ( m DW ) had no apparent logarithmic phase , but a gradually rising tendency appeared .
Subculturing on logarithmic phase was good to the accumulation of biomass and the synthesis of taxol .
Production of CLA was active during the end of log phase and stationary phase .
The BALB / C mice were immunized with the inactivated streptococcus suis type 2 by 0.8 % formaldehyde .
The lag phase of bacterial growth was unconspicuous or relatively short and the BPA was degraded rapidly in 3d after inoculation in each initial concentration .
The growth of microalgae during the 5 d period underwent lag , exponential and stationary growth phases .
Methods After Hut-78 cells were treated with SVC ⅲ of different concentration , the inhibition and apoptosis of Hut-78 cells was determined by MTT , agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA fragment and FACS .
Its D-ribose production increased by 37 % , the period it reached to the logarithmic growth stage was shortened 3 hours , and its sugar-resistance increased by 50 % as compared with the starting strain .
Therefore , the major reason for higher amounts of viral DNA synthesized in exponential cells may due to the higher amounts of BV entered the cells rather than the difference of viral replication rate .
Cells were harvested at mid_exponential phase by centrifugation and washed with Tris_HCl buffer containing DTT and EDTA ( pH 7 5 ) . The cells were then disrupted using a French pressure cell press and the supernatant was collected by centrifugation .
Cell growth in 3-4 days in the log phase was found according to testing cell fresh weight , dry weight and vigor test of FDA staining , and during this phase cells grew very well , and were in the condition of stable and strong activity .
The courses of fermentation and optimum fermentation conditions were studied in the strain ns-1 . The pigments of strain ns-1 were accumulated at the end of exponential phase and the stationary phase .
The experimental results indicated that the biosurfactants were Lipo-peptide compounds , strain XD-1 released biosurfactants in its logarithmic growth period , thus the mode of growth-correlativity of the strain XD-1 releasing biosurfactant was proposed .
Ion-Exchange Chromatographic Behavior and Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus in Exponential Phase
It is indicated that the phase of logarithmic growth was prolonged in nude mice .
The higher nicotine concentration resulted in the delayed exponential phase of bacterial cells accompanied with retarded nucleotide biosynthesis .
During the process of bacteria growth , histamine was appeared at the late logarithmic phase , and increased at stationary phase .
In the growth curve , we found that wild type strain grows a little faster in exponential phase compared with deletion mutant and complementary strain .
The results showed that by comparison , the mixotrophic growth rate was much higher than the photoautotrophic and the exponential phase elongated in the mixotrophic culture .
The results indicated that the growth rate of cells subcultured at exponential stage was1.6 times of that at stationary stage and there was no significant difference in the taxol content .
The rate of hydrogen production reached a maximum of 16.8 mL / h and the percentage of hydrogen gas in the headspace of serum bottle was up to 41 % .
Meanwhile , the addition of the rare earth compounds can strengthen the taxol biosynthesis and release of Taxus cuspidata cell suspension obviously , and also enhance the taxol biosynthesis with the addition of carbon source .
The proportion of unsaturated fatty acids in the membrane lipids decreased with increasing growth temperature in both exponential_ and stationary_phase cell and correlated closely with the melting point of the phospholipids extracted from whole cells .
The octamer formation in vivo is related to cell growth process . During the log-phase of cell growth , the specific activity of nitrogenase is increasing , and the tetramer is the major form of molybdenum-iron protein .
The formation of pigment from red yeast , cell rupturing , pigment extracting and analysis of pigment character were elementarily studied . Production of pigment mainly in the late exponential phase of growth was found by determination of growth curve .
The results showed that the growth pattern of Taxus cuspidata cell suspension culture were altered obviously by adding the rare earth compounds in the media , the lag and exponential phases of the cell growth shortened and the stationary phase almost disappeared , the biomass varied with time periodically .
PH value of suspension cultural medium was in according with the calli growth curve .
The study , DNA extraction at different growth phase , shows extraction of filamentous fungi DNA should be at logarithmic phase .
Then , by using MTT assay , select the drugs efficacious concentrations in logarithmic growth phases of cell .
After 2 hours culture , the bacterium get a post exponential growth phase .