
  • Dialogue system;【计】CVS
  1. 并进一步结合北京票务信息系统(BEST)的应用实例,讨论了响应适当准则在开发与设计对话系统响应生成器中的指导性作用。

    Furthermore , an application instance of the appropriate maxim for BEST is showed too , and the guiding effect of the appropriate maxim in developing and designing the generator of spoken dialog system is discussed based on application results .

  2. 还有一种名为“交谈门户”(conversationportal)的双向视频对话系统,安装在长条咖啡桌的末端,促成全世界不同办公地点的就餐者“谈天说地”,。

    And there is a ' conversation portal ' ─ a two-way videoconferencing system attached to the end of a long cafe table ─ to help ' spark informal conversation ' among diners from offices around the world , Mr. Rose says .

  3. 提出了一种新的基于部分可观察MDP(POMDP)的口语对话系统模型,用部分可观察特性来处理不确定问题。

    Based on the partially observable MDP ( POMDP ), a new model for a spoken dialogue system is proposed . It uses the concept of partially observable to handle the uncertainty .

  4. 使用期待提高对话系统的语音识别率

    Improving the recognition rate of speech for dialogue system using expectation

  5. 口语对话系统中的语句主题提取

    Extraction of the Topic from Utterances in a Spoken Dialog System

  6. 运用互信息匹配及关键词分析的语音对话系统

    Applying Mutual Information Matching and Keywords Analysis to a Speech Dialogue System

  7. 面向导游任务的人机口语对话系统的研究与实现

    Study and Realization of the Guide Task-Orientated Human-Machine Dialogue System

  8. 口语对话系统必将改变人机之间的交互方式并最终改变人们的工作、学习和生活。

    This will change the way of human-computer interaction and our life .

  9. 汉语口语对话系统中语义分析的消歧策略

    The Disambiguation Strategy of Semantic Analysis in Spoken Dialogue Systems

  10. 人机口语对话系统的核心部分&对话管理器的设计,我们采用了主题树结构。

    Dialogue management model is the core partial in spoken dialogue system .

  11. 对话系统中控制模型的比较研究

    Comparison of Dialogue Control Models in Question Answering Systems

  12. 汉语股票实时行情查询对话系统

    A Chinese Spoken Dialogue System about Real-time Stock Information

  13. 汉语人机对话系统中口语处理的研究

    Research on Chinese Spoken Language Processing in Dialogue System

  14. 本文主要介绍了用于导游知识查询的人机口语对话系统&GUIDE。

    In this paper we introduce the human-machine dialog system-GUIDE for guide information inquiry .

  15. 该测试用一个基于常识知识库的对话系统实现。

    It is implemented in a conversation system supported by a commonsense knowledge base .

  16. 交互式语音对话系统中的负载平衡技术

    Dynamic load balancing in interactive speech dialogue system

  17. 面向任务口语对话系统中期待模型的实现算法

    The Construction of Expectation Model in Task-Oriented Spoken Dialogue Systems and Its Realization Algorithms

  18. 人机口语对话系统中否定结构的处理

    Negation Processing in Human-machine Spoken Dialogue System

  19. 一个简单人机对话系统的实现方法

    The Realization of a Simple QA-system

  20. 实验证明对话系统的口语分析器具有一定的鲁棒性,在相关领域内取得了较好的效果。

    Experiment shows that the dialogue has good robustness and achieves good performance in relevant domain .

  21. 最后对将来对话系统架构和控制算法的研究方向进行归纳和展望。

    In the end , research directions on QA system architecture and control algorithms in future are discussed .

  22. 为提高口语对话系统中语言理解的稳健性,提出了一种基于最大后验统计框架的两级搜索的理解算法。

    A two-level understanding algorithm was developed to improve the robustness of language understanding in spoken dialogue systems .

  23. 语句的主题提取是口语对话系统中话语分析部分的工作。

    Extraction of the topic from utterances is part of the discourse analysis in a spoken dialog system .

  24. 口语理解在口语自动翻译和人机对话系统中具有非常重要的作用。

    The spoken language understanding is a crucial part in spoken language translation systems and human-machine dialog systems .

  25. 对话系统的研究已经成为人机交互技术发展的新热点,而对话管理则是其中最重要的组成部分。

    Spoken dialogue systems have become a new hotspot of human-machine interaction , in which dialogue management is the most important .

  26. 主要介绍了口语对话系统中对话管理的作用、基本问题和设计方法。

    This paper gives an overview of dialogue management in spoken dialogue system in its function , design and other important problem .

  27. 人机口语对话系统是目前国际上在自然语言处理领域中热门的高科技研究,利用人机口语对话系统可以实现人和机器之间的智能交互。

    Spoken dialogue system , a hi-technology which can realize the man-machine dialogue , is hot in speech recognition field at present .

  28. 在第四代人机交互技术中,基于知识内容的特定城人机口语对话系统正处于研究热点中。

    In the fourth generation Man-Machine Communication ( MMC ), the specific domain dialogue system based on content and knowledge is important .

  29. 语言分析和知识库管理是口语理解与对话系统的两个重要组成部分,作者在这两方面提出了一些新的方法。

    Language analysis ( parsing ) and knowledge library management are the most significant parts of a spoken language understanding and dialogue system .

  30. 对话系统及其控制策略的研究和应用是当前人工智能研究的热点领域之一。

    Research and application of question answering ( QA ) systems and their control strategies are the most active fields in artificial intelligence studies .