
chénɡ xù shè jì shī
  • programmer
  1. 但我是个很好的程序设计师

    But I was a really good programmer and I wanted

  2. 琼斯先生:安琪拉,我听说你是一名电脑程序设计师。

    Mr jones : angela , I hear you 're a computer programmer .

  3. 其实不用太讶异,Palm已经花了好几年在偷偷雇用Linux的程序设计师,也该是开花结果(虽然有点太慢了)的时候了,而且这次他不打算授权给任何其它厂商。

    Palm has been secretly at work on this OS for a number of years , and does not plan to license it to other manufacturers .

  4. 尽管如此,FIFO调度机制为尝试减少延迟的应用程序设计师提供了一项重要帮助。

    Nonetheless , FIFO scheduling provides an important helping hand to an application designer trying to put a cap on delays .

  5. 来这儿的还有科技初创公司Giphy的创始人杰斯·库克(JaceCooke)等年轻创意工作者,比如动画师、应用程序设计师、音乐人和电影人。

    There was Jace Cooke , a founder of the tech start-up Giphy , and other young creatives - animators , app designers , musicians and filmmakers .

  6. 明日的程序设计师是未来的魔术师。

    The programmers of tomorrow are the wizards of the future .

  7. 要是多了三名顶尖的程序设计师帮你们呢?

    What if you had three more top-notch programmers to help you ?

  8. 我帮你找来的新程序设计师如何?

    How are the new programmers I got for you ?

  9. 我们目前不缺程序设计师。

    Job vacancies for programmers are currently not available .

  10. 我们计划雇佣另一个程序设计师来做

    We would hire one other programmer to work on

  11. 戴夫:你本可以试着跟他解释,会有新的程序设计师进来。

    Dave : You could have tried to explain to him about the new programmers .

  12. 我想当程序设计师,所以我正在学校修计算机科学。

    I want to be a programmer so I am studying computer science at school .

  13. 她担任电脑程序设计师。

    She works as a computer programmer .

  14. 程序设计师经常会碰到图片问题,即使是专业的设计者在遇到这个问题时,也会犯错误。

    The greatest of programmers can come up against the graphics barrier and sometimes just fall flat .

  15. 吉娜:文斯。我认为你的程序设计师中有人被“网路搜寻家”买通了。

    Zina : Vince , I think one of your programmers is spying on us for WebTracker .

  16. 你是程序设计师吗?

    Are you a programmer ?

  17. 我和比兹·斯通手下的另一个程序设计师得到了两周时间来编写软件

    I was given two weeks and one other programmer in Biz Stone to write the software .

  18. 应用程序设计师和开发人员主要使用应用程序设计器、系统设计器和部署设计器,而基础结构设计师主要使用逻辑数据中心设计器。

    Application architects and developers primarily use application designer , system designer , and deployment designer while infrastructure architects primarily use logical datacenter designer .

  19. 程序设计师决定将预订数字乘以3,这是因为人们不会发现已经预订的数字。

    A programming engineer decided to inflate the number of new pre-orders by three because the number of orders already made could not be found .

  20. 经过了两年半的努力,来自加州奥兰治县的电脑程序设计师麦克-森纳终于造出了一个真实版的机器人瓦力。

    Mike Senna , a computer programmer from Orange County , California , has spent the last two and a half years building a real-life Wall-E robot , from scratch .

  21. 我们计划雇佣另一个程序设计师来做,客户网站,再准备好硬件,我还会编出一个服务器软件,一个月后,我们就会回答那个问题。

    We would hire one other programmer to work on the client 's site and build a hardware out , I would build the server software and then answer that question .

  22. 不久,我的其他室友包括阿根廷舞者、瑞士顺势疗法师、墨西哥秘书、五个孩子的澳洲母亲、年轻的孟加拉程序设计师、缅因州来的小儿科医师和菲律宾会计师。

    My other roommates , over time , would include an Argentinean dancer , a Swiss homeopath , a Mexican secretary , an Australian mother of five , a young Bangladeshi computer programmer , a pediatrician from Maine and a Filipino accountant .

  23. 不久,我的其他室友包括阿根廷舞者、瑞士顺势疗法师、墨西哥秘书、五个孩子的澳洲母亲、年轻的孟加拉程序设计师、缅因州来的小儿科医师和菲律宾会计师。还有其他信徒来来去去,做周期性的居留。

    My other roommates , over time , would include an Argentinean dancer , a Swiss homeopath , a Mexican secretary , an Australian mother of five , a young Bangladeshi computer programmer , a pediatrician from Maine and a Filipino accountant . Others would come and go , too , as devotees cycled in and out of their residencies .

  24. 为各种不同尺寸的屏幕设计应用程序是设计师面对的一个巨大的挑战。

    Designing applications for a variety of screen sizes is a huge challenge that designers face .

  25. 对于企业和应用程序的设计师来说展示或修改已存在的服务以及生成新的服务成了关键的任务。

    Exposing or modifying existing services or creating new services becomes a critical task for the enterprise and application architect .

  26. 新应用程序的设计师能够更多地关注问题领域,并且在应用程序间通用的软件架构的一些方面上少投入精力。

    The designer of a new application is able to focus more on the problem domain and less on aspects of the software architecture that are common across applications .

  27. Gravity应用程序创建者为加州设计师瑞恩•麦克劳德。曾在其博客中发表了媒介的发展过程。

    Gravity was created by California-based design engineer Ryan McLeod who posted a blog about the development process on Medium .

  28. 在Java应用程序领域,吞吐量和延迟是应用程序和基准测试设计师选择用于报告和优化的传统指标。

    In the world of Java applications , throughput and latency have traditionally been the metrics chosen by application and benchmark designers for reporting and optimization .

  29. “两年前,我们对向外部人士提供某种应用程序接口尚持谨慎态度,”世行资深网站程序设计师NicoleFrost说。

    " Two years ago we were cautious about even providing an API to outside audiences ," says World Bank Web Program Lead Nicole Frost .