
chénɡ dù fù cí
  • adverb of degree
  1. 程度副词是副词家族中举足轻重的一个次类。

    The adverb of degree is an important subcategory in adverb family .

  2. 程度副词哏、句末语助词有等是元代新产生的语法成分。

    The adverb of degree and the sentence-end particle are grammatical components newly emerged in Yuan dynasty .

  3. 程度副词的特点范围与分类

    On the Characteristics , Range and Classification of Adverbs of Degree

  4. 现代汉语程度副词组合研究

    A Study on the Combination of Degree Adverb in Mandarin Chinese

  5. 试论《三言二拍》中的双音程度副词

    Discussing the Two-Syllable Adverbs of Degree in San Yan Er Pai

  6. 程度副词+动词性词组论略

    A Brief Discussion on " Degree Adverb + Verbal Group "

  7. 儿童理解程度副词的特征

    The characteristics of children 's understanding of degree - adverbs

  8. 程度副词+名词语用表达对语境的依赖

    " Degree Adverb + Noun " Depending on the Context

  9. 程度副词+名词结构多角度研究

    Research on " Degree Adverb + Noun " Structure from Different Angles

  10. 程度副词是现代汉语中非常重要而又相当常用的一类词,其中程度副词很是最常用的绝对程度副词。

    Degree adverbs are very important and frequently used in Modern Chinese .

  11. 第三章对选取的若干极性程度副词的内部差异进行了探讨。

    Chapter three explores internal differences of the some selected highest degree adverbs .

  12. 程度副词+名词的语义、语用和句法分析

    Semantic , Pragmatic and Syntactic Analysis of " Degree Adverb + Noun "

  13. 从相似性角度看中介语中的程度副词偏误现象

    Degree Adverb Error Phenomenon in Interlanguage Viewed from Similarity

  14. 绝对程度副词从近代汉语到现代汉语的发展演变

    The Development and Evolvement of Absolute Adverbs from Modern Chinese to Contemporary Chinese

  15. 现代汉语程度副词+N结构刍议

    Reflection on the Structure of " Degree Adverb + N " in Modern Chinese

  16. 略论程度副词修饰动词性词语

    A Brief Talk on Degree-adverb Modifying Verbal Phrases

  17. 程度副词是现代汉语副词中的一个很重要的类别。

    An Extent adverb is an important kind of the adverbs in modern Chinese .

  18. 非常类程度副词的语法化及组合功能

    The Grammaticalization and Combination Function of the " FeiChang " Group in Degree Adverb

  19. 其中,时间副词、程度副词、范围副词的用法在先秦典籍中同样是比较重要的。

    Degree and range adverbs are the same .

  20. 名词性成分在程度副词+名词结构中主要显现联想意义,用于陈述。

    Substantive components in adverb + noun structures point to associative meaning as predication .

  21. 中介语中程度副词的使用情况分析

    Analysis of Degree Adverbs Usage of Foreign Learners

  22. 论程度副词+名词

    Study on Adverb of the Degree + Noun

  23. 黑龙江方言中的很类程度副词分析

    Analysis of the Absolute Intensifier in Heilongjiang Dialect

  24. 现代汉、韩程度副词的比较

    Comparison between Modern Chinese and Korean Degree Adverbs

  25. 俄英中程度副词的用法比较

    The Comparison of Use Between English Adverbs of Degree and Russian Adverbs of Degree

  26. 第三章对现代汉语绝对程度副词的句法功能进行了计量分析。

    Chapter Three is calculate analysis of the syntactic function of the absolute degree adverbs .

  27. 程度副词太的用法也很特殊。

    The extent adverb Tai is characteristic .

  28. 程度副词是汉语副词中重要的一类,它是汉语教学的一个重点,也是外国学生汉语习得中的一个难点。

    Adverb teaching is a very important part of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language .

  29. 《红楼梦》中极类程度副词计量考察

    A Quantitative Study of " Ji " Degree Adverbs in A Dream of Red Mansions

  30. 南通话程度副词没魂、没根

    On Adverbial Words " No Souls " and " No Root " in Nantong Dialect