
fù mǔ zí nǚ ɡuān xi
  • relation between parents and children
  1. 非常态亲子关系是父母子女关系的重要组成部分。

    Abnormal-relationship between parents and children is the important component part of relation between parents and children .

  2. 但是,义绝制度的实施在当事人自身和父母子女关系方面也产生了相应的法律后果。

    The practice of " Yi Jue " accordingly had relevant legal effects on the litigants and the relation between parents and children .

  3. 从比较法角度看继父母子女关系

    The Relationship between Stepparents and Stepchildren in a Comparative Context

  4. 这先知的出生地点,父母子女关系,和我们的生活有没有可靠的资料。

    Of this prophet 's birth-place , parentage , and life we have no reliable information .

  5. 传统民法中父母子女关系的建立,血缘与怀胎是母亲同时具备的要素,法律上兼以二者作为认定母子关系的指标。

    Consanguinity and pregnancy are two essential factors to be a mother and to establish a parent-child relationship in traditional civil law .

  6. 第一部分为继父母子女关系的概念、类型和特征。

    In Chapter One , the writer defines the concept , type and characteristics of the relationship among the step-parents and step-children .

  7. 探望权从法理上讲是基于父母子女关系而产生并享有的一种身份权。

    The visitation right which is one kind of rights of personal status is based on the relationship between parents and children .

  8. 明确规定形成扶养关系的继父母子女关系是法律上的拟制血亲关系,但就其是否因再婚关系的消灭而解除,应视不同情况而定。

    Explicitly stipulate that the relation of the step parents and the step children forming maintenance relation between them is the legal fiction blood relative relations .

  9. 在继父母子女关系性质一节中,着重介绍了我国对于继父母子女在性质认定上存在的争论和分歧。

    On the nature of the relationship between stepparents and stepchildren . it is focused on debate and differences of stepparents and stepchildren in the nature found .

  10. 同时,在离婚后父母子女关系的规定中更强调保护子女的利益。

    At the same time , as to the regulations on the post-divorce relations between parents and children , the protection of children 's interests should be emphasized .

  11. 国外一些国家的立法经验对我国立法的修正与完善有着非常大借鉴意义,而且在理清各国立法趋势后,才能更好的把握我国在继父母子女关系问题上的立法走向。

    The legislative experience of some foreign countries on Chinese legislative amendment and perfect has a very large reference , and after sorting out the trend of national legislation .

  12. 继父或继母和受其抚养教育的继子女间的权利和义务,适用本法对父母子女关系的有关规定。

    The relevant provisions in this Law governing the relationship between parents and children shall apply to the rights and duties in the relationship between stepfathers or stepmothers and their stepchildren who receive care and education from them .

  13. 但从探望权产生的法理基础父母子女关系即权利义务关系分析,我们可以得知,探望权是非常态父母子女关系中存在的一项权利,不限于离婚父母;

    From the legal in the relation between parents in the children , we can know that visitation right is one existed in the non - normal relation between parents and children , not limited to the divorce parents .

  14. 第三部分,由案件引发的相关继承法律问题思考。1.在今后的继承立法中,继续保留形成扶养关系的继父母子女关系之间有继承权的规定。

    The third part is the thinking about the inheriting legal issues sparked by the case . 1.The inheritance legislation in the future should continue to retain the regulation that the step parents and children forming maintenance relation between them have the right of inheritance with each other .

  15. 在英美法系国家中,英国关于间接受害人请求精神损害赔偿的条件如下:其一是原告与直接受害人之间必须有值得信赖并足够亲密的感情关系,包括父母子女关系、配偶关系等。

    In common law countries , the United Kingdom on the Indirect damages the spirit of the victim requests the following conditions : one is the victim directly between the plaintiff and must be reliable and sufficiently close relationships , including the relationship between parents and children , spouse relationships .

  16. 探视权是亲权的重要内容,是基于父母子女身份关系而产生的权利与义务,它既是权利又是义务。

    Visitation right , an integral part of parental power , arises from the relation between parent and child .

  17. 父母与子女关系在学业拖延总分和延迟执行、延迟补救上存在显著差异。

    The significant differences of relationship between parents and children were found in total procrastination , postponing executing and postponing remedying .

  18. 在后76例供体中其中8人为父母或子女关系,他们的结果表现一致,6人均为阳性,2人为阴性:另外,取标本时刮的程度较深时镜下阳性细胞数较多。

    There were eight donors whose relation were parents and children in the last 76 donors , their results was consistent , six donors were all positive , two donors were negative ;

  19. 亲权制度是近现代各国民法中规范父母与子女关系的一项重要的法律制度,但我国现行法律既无亲权制度的概念,也无亲权制度的完整规定。

    The system of parent 's right is an important legal system which regulates the relationship between parents and children in civil law of different countries in modern times . But there is no conception or completed regulation of parent 's right system in China .

  20. 因为在婚姻家庭领域里,父母与子女的关系,不仅是私法关系,而且也含有公法性质的因素,国家的公权力已不断地深入到家庭领域中去,使未成年子女受到法律的特殊保护。

    In family laws , the public power has intervened in the domestic field .

  21. 夫妻关系和父母子女之间的关系构成了家庭关系最基本的三角。

    The conjugal relationship and parent-child relationship constitute the most basic triangle of the family relationship .

  22. 我们的父母或子女的关系不是基于同情心的,无条件的尊敬就会创造孤立和痛苦。

    A relationship with our parents or children which is not based on compassionate , unconditional regard creates isolation and misery .

  23. 首先分析父母与子女的关系,重点是父子关系。

    Firstly , the relationship between parents and children is interpreted , with an emphasis on the relationship between father and son .

  24. 相信在日后随着民法典修订工作的推进,继父母与继子女关系问题一定会得到更多的改善和重视。

    It is believed that in the future promotion of Civil Code amendments , stepparents and stepchildren relation problems will certainly get more improvement and attention .

  25. 父母子女权利义务关系中以保护教养未成年子女为目的的亲权为其核心内容。

    In the relations between rights and obligations of parents ' and children , regard protecting and bringing up minor children the right of relative 's of the purpose as its key content .

  26. 原生家庭亲子关系就是在自己出生家庭里的父母和子女的关系,虚拟亲子关系在本文是指孩子外出生活在主人家,和主人之间的关系。

    The former is the relationship between parents and children in their birth families , whereas the latter is that children live in the host , and the relationship between the children and the owners .

  27. 因此,我建议他们改变教育方式以缓和父母子女之间的关系,比如,指导安的家庭作业,带她出去玩等等。

    Therefore , I suggest them to change their teaching methods to ease the relationship between parents and children , for example , On the guidance of the homework , take her out to play and so on .

  28. 在本次讨论的背景下,首先找出父母与成年子女的关系发生变化的原因似乎是有价值的。

    In the contextof this discussion , it seems valuable to first find out the cause of change in the case of parents ' involvement with their grown children .

  29. 第三十六条父母与子女间的关系,不因父母离婚而消除。离婚后,子女无论由父或母直接抚养,仍是父母双方的子女。

    Article 36 The relationship between parents and children shall not come to and end with the parents " divorce . After divorce , whether the children are put in the custody of the father or the mother , they shall remain the children of both parents .

  30. 懂得父母同子女之间的关系是很重要的。

    It is important to understand the relations between parents and their children .