
fù xì
  • paternal line;the father's side of the family;patriarchal;patrilineal
父系 [fù xì]
  • [paternal lines] 男性血统

  • (1) [patrilineal]∶在血缘关系上属于父亲方面的

  • 父系社会

  • (2) [patroclinous;patriclinous] ∶在继承关系上属于父子相承的

父系[fù xì]
  1. 且以父系半同胞法估计了血脂和蛋黄性状的遗传参数。

    The genetic parameter of plasma lipid composition and egg yolk traits using paternal line half sib are also estimated .

  2. 姓氏或精英职业的历史清单可能是不完整的,尤其它们主要是父系数据。

    Historical lists of surnames or elite jobs can be patchy , particularly since they are dominated by the paternal line .

  3. 根据分子大小分离母体血浆中DNA序列检测β-地中海贫血父系遗传性胎儿点突变

    Detection of paternally inherited fetal point mutations for β - thalassemia using size-fractionated cell-free DNA in maternal plasma

  4. Magnum是从美国出口的阿拉伯马领先父系。

    Magnum is the leading sire of Arabian horses exported from America .

  5. 源于父亲或父系祖先。比如:英语中的son。

    A name derived with an affix ( such as - son in English or O ' - in Irish ) from the name of your father or a paternal ancestor .

  6. 目的:研究中国不同民族Y染色体DNA多态性,追溯人类进化史上的父系祖先,为人类基因组和法医学鉴定积累数据。

    Objective : The study of Chinese Y chromosome DNA polymorphism is used to trace paternal lineage of human origins and evolution . The data in this study may be useful in human population genetics and forensic applications .

  7. 结论A10、C4复合扩增体系多态性较高,对法医学中男女混合检材的个人识别及父系亲缘关系鉴定有较高的应用价值。

    C4 multiplex amplication system had relatively high polymorphism and applied value in individual identification of male / female mixtures and paternity identification .

  8. 事实上,这是该行成立骘Fakirpelvan(如图所示)父系的欧洲著名跳线Penteli的颜色。

    In fact , this was the color of the line founding stallion Fakirpelvan ( shown here ) sire of the famous European jumper Penteli .

  9. 其核心便是以父系血缘群体利益为重。

    Its core is to put patrilineal consanguine group benefit first .

  10. 无监护权的父亲或母亲和父系(祖父母)的。

    A noncustodial parent . or on my father 's side .

  11. 允许从父系来的继承审核项目传播到这个对象

    Allow inheritable auditing entries from parent to propagate to this object

  12. adj.父系的每个人都有两个属于父系的祖父母和母系的祖父母。

    paternal Everyone has two paternal grandpaents and two maternal grandparents .

  13. 瘦肉型良种父系猪的引进和适应性观察

    The Adaptability Observation of the Introduced Paternal Line Lean-meat Pigs

  14. 结婚的一对所有的小孩们都是父系亲属。

    All the children of a married pair are agnates .

  15. 仅仅从父系或母系线索来追溯子孙后代的。

    Tracing descent from either the paternal or the maternal line only .

  16. 每个人都有两个属于父系的祖父母和母系的祖父母。

    Everyone has two paternal grandparents and two maternal grandparents .

  17. 5父系家族;

    On the clan punishment 5 . paternal sept ;

  18. 结婚的女子仍然保留其父系家族的成员身份。

    A woman retained membership in her patrilineage regardless of her marital status .

  19. 仰韶文化经历了由母系氏族社会逐步过渡到父系氏族社会的漫长历史长河,在中国古代文明起源中具有重要意义。

    It has an important significance of the origin of Chinese ancient civilization .

  20. 所以他们的父系社会是基于爱,而不是力量。

    Thus , the patriarchal system was based upon love , not force .

  21. 这些非常严谨的父系社会体系正被打破,

    the very strict patriarchal societies are starting to break down a little ,

  22. 父系部落:酒、马和女人

    Patrilineal tribe : Wine , Horse And Women

  23. 目的:调查Y染色体单倍型在贵州省苗族人群中的分布,从父系历史探寻贵州省苗族人的起源和迁移及其与其他民族间的亲缘关系。

    Objective : To investigate the polymorphism distribution of Y-chromosome haplotypes in Miao population .

  24. 性能测定规模对父系猪短期选择效果的影响

    Effect of Population Size of Performance Test on Short-term Selection Result of Sire Line

  25. 父系文化批评视野中的李清照论

    Comment on Li Qingzhao in paternal culture criticism

  26. 鲁尼分别制作了母系和父系图,各有几十个人名。

    Ms. Rooney created paternal and maternal trees , each with dozens of names .

  27. 可是史前社会是父系的

    Yes , but prehistory was strongly patriarchal .

  28. 这一结论与之前的仡隆父系遗传结构的研究结果具有一致的结论。

    The conclusions is consistent with the result of the paternal genetic structure early .

  29. 可是父系文化早已潜移默化,为他们的集体无意识产生了内化作用。

    However , masculine culture has been exerting a subtle influence on their decisions .

  30. 定此控制是否不需要父系的控制。

    Determines if this control is a control that does not need a parent .