
  • 网络Guanxi paradigm
  1. 关系范式下市场细分的变革与关键变量

    Change and Key Variables of Market Segmentation Under Relationship Paradigm

  2. 关系范式下新产品开发模式的变革

    Transformation of New Product Development Model Under Relationship Paradigm

  3. 关系范式在关系数据库设计中应用网络数据库设计中的范式要求与网络要求

    The Normal Form Requirement and Network Requirement Used in Database Design on the Network

  4. 市场的成熟和技术的进步推动着营销从交易范式转变为关系范式。

    The development of the market condition and technology promote the transformation of marketing theory from Transactional Paradigm to Relationship Paradigm .

  5. 关系范式在消费者客户市场中的引入,使得目标客户的确定有了全新的内容。

    The method of identifying target customer must have a new angle of view , adopting relationship paradigm in customer market .

  6. 传统营销战略思想在微利时代受到了前所未有的挑战。随着世界营销研究和实践逐步从交易范式过渡到关系范式,市场细分理论与应用发生了变革。

    With the worldwide marketing study and its application changing from the transaction paradigm to the relationship paradigm , the market segmentation theory and its application has transformed .

  7. 运用国家与社会关系范式来分析温州商会、政府、企业间的互动模式,可以为我国现代化进程建构新型的国家与社会关系提供借鉴。

    Analyzing the interaction pattern between Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce , government and enterprises with the theory of " state and society " will help to constitute a new relationship between state and society in the process of China 's modernization .

  8. 人地关系操作范式探讨

    Discussion on scientific paradigm of man & environment relationship

  9. 关系营销范式下营销努力对客户行为的影响研究

    The Effect of Marketing Efforts on Customer Behavior under the Relationship Marketing Paradigm

  10. 关系营销范式之争:老话题的新诠释

    Paradigm conflict in Relationship Marketing : A new interpretation on an old topic

  11. 第二、从权利分析范式到法律关系分析范式的转变。

    Second , change from the paradigm of the right to legal relations of paradigm .

  12. 本文对国际国内学术界关于和平与均势的定义、特征、分类以及均势的功用等方面所取得的研究成果进行梳理,对国际关系理论范式关于均势与和平互动解读的得失作一个客观性评价。

    The paper studies the definitions , features , clarifications and functions of peace and balance of power .

  13. 数据库的物理结构设计严格遵守数据库关系模式范式要求,尽量降低数据冗余度。

    The physical structure of the database is designed strictly to comply with the paradigm requirements and to minimize data redundancy .

  14. 如果他们掌握标题和内容关系的范式,就能为他们在新闻创作过程中提供一个意识框架,不仅能提高写作数量,同时也提高写作质量。

    If they know the relationship between the headline and the body of case news which could supply them with an ideological model during news writing , then , they can save the writing time with high quality .

  15. 基于托马斯·S·库恩的科学范式理论,营销学理论范式体系应划分为古典营销范式、管理营销及关系营销范式以及正在形成的营销新范式三个阶段。

    Based on the scientific paradigm theory of Thomas S. Kuhn , the system of marketing theory paradigm should be classified into three stages : classical marketing paradigm , management marketing & relationship marketing paradigm and ongoing new marketing paradigm .

  16. 模糊空值环境下关系数据库的范式理论

    Normal Form Theory of Relational Database under Fuzzy Null Value Circumstances

  17. 生态女性主义主张构建女性与自然之隐喻关系的新范式,为新价值体系和社会结构的建立奠定基础。

    Eco-feminism is intended to form a new nature-women paradigm so as to construct a new framework of value system and social structure .

  18. 其思想不仅体现着现代生态观的纵深发展,而且反映了人类认识和把握人与自然关系的哲学范式的转换,更形成了后现代生态世界观的重要前提。

    Its thoughts not only reflect the development of modern ecology and change of philosophic paradigm in recognizing the relations of man and nature , but particularly form an important precondition of postmodern ecological world view .

  19. 高科技BtoB市场以往较多以关系管理为营销范式,随着竞争的全球化和技术更新速度的加快,该模式越来越难以满足高科技BtoB市场的竞争要求。

    In the past , BtoB market usually used the relations management as its marketing paradigm , with competition globalization and accelerating pace of technological updating , this model is increasingly difficult to meet the high-tech BtoB market competition .

  20. 基于对象-关系数据模型的范式研究

    The Normal Forms Based on Object - Relational Data Model

  21. 关系模式的3.5范式

    3.5 Normal Form for Relation Schemes

  22. 分析国内业行规模与中小企业信贷融资之间的关系,不仅有范式分析,还有实证检验。

    Analyzes the relation between domestic banks scale and SMEs credit financing by means of theoretical analysis and empirical examination .

  23. 文章在分析这些不足的基础上,提出了顾客关系管理的新范式&全面顾客参与,并对其特征和直接效益进行了探讨。

    To overcome these deficiencies , a new paradigm of customer relationship ( Total Customer Participation ) is put forward , and its characters and benefits are analyzed .

  24. 关系数据库设计中关系范式的使用

    The Use of Related Normal Form in the Design of Relation Database

  25. 与之相应,客户价值成为关系营销的基础,也是关系营销范式下营销战略规划的基础。

    Customer value becomes the foundation both for the relationship management and marketing strategy planning .