
  • 网络software engineering methodology;Methods in software engineering
  1. UML代表了在大型、复杂系统的建模领域得到认可的优秀的软件工程方法。

    UML is the representation of excellent software engineering methodology which is approbatory in large-scale and complex modeling field .

  2. 其次系统设计时采用MVC的设计模式,在此基础上利用软件工程方法,进行分层框架设计和各功能模块的设计,使得软件设计思路更加清晰,耦合降低,可维护性更好。

    Secondly using the MVC design pattern followed by the system design , software engineering methodology based on hierarchical framework design and the design of each functional module , the software design ideas more clearly , coupled lower , better maintainability .

  3. 软件工程方法的新进展:面向Agent的软件工程

    The New Development of Software Engineering Approach : Agent-Oriented Software Engineering

  4. 用Internet软件工程方法开发通用信息发布平台

    The Exploitation of General Information Issuance Desk by Use of Internet Software Engineering Methods

  5. 面向Agent软件工程方法研究

    Study on the Methodology of Agent Oriented Software Engineering

  6. 传统软件工程方法和技术应用到基于Web的系统开发中,显得力不从心。

    Traditional software engineering method & technology cannot capable of the produce of computer system based on Web .

  7. 一种适合于GIS开发的软件工程方法

    Software engineering method applying to GIS

  8. 面向Agent软件工程方法是开发复杂分布式系统的一种新范例,它在Agent抽象层次上建立软件系统的模型。

    Agent-oriented software engineering is used to develop complex and distributed system by modeling the application at Agent level of abstraction .

  9. Agent-Based软件工程方法

    Method of Agent - Based Software Engineering

  10. 模型驱动开发(Model-drivendevelopment,MDD)也称为模型驱动的工程(Model-DrivenEngineering,MDE),是一种基于模型和转换的软件工程方法。

    Model-driven development ( MDD ), otherwise known as model-driven engineering ( MDE ), is a software engineering approach based on models and transformations .

  11. 而传统的软件工程方法不能适应Web设计的要求,为此人们研究提出了众多的Web开发方法。

    Because the traditional software engineering models have no the ability to be adapted to requirements of Web development , in the last years several models and methodologies have been proposed for supporting the development of web applications .

  12. 在分析该电子对抗模拟训练系统功能需求的基础上,采用软件工程方法,设计了一种基于Windows操作系统和分布式局域网络的模拟训练系统。

    On the basis of analyzing the requirements of surface vessel EW simulating training system , a software simulating system based on windows and distributed local net was designed using the software engineering technology .

  13. 本文将介绍成功SOA采用所必需的软件工程方法和流程,还说明交付SOA解决方案所需的构件(如模型和资产)。

    This article presents the software engineering methods and processes needed for successful SOA adoption , as well as the artifacts needed to deliver SOA solutions , such as models and assets .

  14. 分析了面向对象软件工程方法对无状态组件的建模中存在的问题,提出了解决方案,并基于UML对这种建模进行了描述。

    It also analyses the existing problem that is Object-Oriented Software Engineering Method for the stateless component modeling , and proposes the solution . In the end , it describes the modeling in UML .

  15. 这种方法使面向服务的的BPEL4WS组件合并到全面的系统设计,该系统设计利用了现存的软件工程方法。

    This approach enables service-oriented BPEL4WS components to be incorporated into an overall system design utilizing existing software engineering practices .

  16. 在软件工程方法学引入GIS工程项目开发的过程中,遇到了一些问题,包括项目目标蔓延、需求变更与跟踪、模块设计、代码风格和文档管理等。

    Many problems appear in the course of introducing software engineering to GIS . These problems , including target spread , requirement change , module design , code style and documents manage , directly affect the development of GIS engineering .

  17. 本文在介绍SOA概念和WebServices相关技术后,接着详细介绍了面向服务的分析与设计,一种新的软件工程方法学,介绍了SOA建模的原则和服务建模的过程。

    The paper introduce the SOA concept and Web Services related technologies , followed , give a detailed introduction of the service-oriented analysis and design of a new software engineering methodologies , and introduces the SOA modelling principles and services modelling process .

  18. 采用软件工程方法学描述了此架构下统一身份系统的UML模型,以及各个用例的功能过程,并设计可扩展的目录树和数据库结构。

    Then have described the UML model of system according to that architecture with the software engineering method and each function course of the use case . And design the expanded catalogue tree and database structure .

  19. 自2000年加入IBM以来,Carlo的主要工作兴趣涉及SOA和BPM、与它们相关的软件工程方法和支持平台,以及企业架构规划和设计。

    Since joining IBM in 2000 , Carlo 's main job interests are related to SOA and BPM , and their related software engineering methodologies and enabling platforms , and Enterprise Architecture planning and design .

  20. 介绍一种面向对象的软件工程方法&统一软件开发过程(USDP)。

    This paper introduced an object oriented software engineering approach , unified software development process ( USDP ) .

  21. 采用面向对象的软件工程方法,利用J2EE开发平台和SVG技术,解决了在B/S方式下自动生成雨量等值线、等值面和暴雨笼罩面积等问题。

    It also solved the problems of the automatic rainfall isoline , isoline surface and rainstorm area in the way of B / S with the software construction of facing targets and J2EE platform and SVG .

  22. 论文首先对产品数据管理(PDM)的应用进行了分析,对目前主流的多层体系结构开发平台J2EE和面向对象的软件工程方法进行了介绍;

    At first , the paper gives analysis to the application of PDM ( Product Data Management ), and it introduces the developing platform of Multi-Tier & Distributed System J2EE and the method of software engineering on object-oriented .

  23. 对于传统软件工程方法在机械设计中的应用,是以软件工程中结构化方法进行讨论的,面向对象方法是以Yourdon方法进行讨论的。

    The conclusion is that applying software engineering methods to mechanic design is possible and helpful .

  24. 详细描述了运用软件工程方法、地理信息系统技术和数据库分析技术等开发基于GIS的退耕还林工程管理信息系统的全过程。

    It is described in detail in this paper that the entire development process of " Management Information System for the Pro-ject of Returning Land for Farming to Forestry Based on GIS " exercising software engineering method together with GIS technology , database analysis and design techniques etc.

  25. 采用软件工程方法,在MATLAB/Simulink建立汽车各总成模型的基础上,辅以I/O、A/D、D/A、USB和CAN接口板,集成为混合动力轿车动力总成控制器仿真试验测试平台。

    A / D ? D / A ? USB and CAN interface boards , the models of various automotive components set up with MATLAB / Simulink are integrated into a test system of hardware-in-the-loop simulation for electric control unit of HEV powertrain .

  26. 本文在确定使用统一建模语言UML和统一过程RUP相结合形成一种完整的全新的面向对象软件工程方法学指导软件系统的设计与实现之前,首先进行了软件工程方法学的选择。

    Before making sure the usage of an integrated and new object-oriented methodology of software engineering combined with UML and RUP to instruct the design and implementation of software system , this thesis made a choice of the methodology of software engineering firstly .

  27. 提出了一种基于功能块模型、结合软件工程方法构建分布式IPMCS的策略并作了分析。

    A strategy of structuring distributed IPMCS based on functional block model and combining with software engineering method is stated and analyzed .

  28. 论文按照软件工程方法分模块详细说明UCaS的设计、涉及的技术及关键代码,并对UCaS工具的性能进行了测试。

    The UCaS design , related technology and key code are particularized with soft engineering method . A performance test for UCaS tool is also realized .

  29. Aya还在CairoUniversity计算机和信息学院的计算机科学系担任过两年的助教,她在该大学里教授软件工程方法、编程和其他计算机科学相关主题。

    Aya also worked as a teacher assistant in the department of computer science in the faculty of computers and information at Cairo University for two years , where she taught software engineering methodologies , programming , and other computer science-related topics .

  30. 然后结合硕士阶段学习的软件工程方法和J2EE技术,建立原型系统,解决了日常安全预警流程与信息化系统的结合问题,对贵州空管安全风险预警系统做出了方案设计。

    Master of stage and then combined with software engineering methods and learning technologies J2EE , EJB , database development technology to address the daily security early warning process and the combination of information systems , air traffic control safety risks in Guizhou has made design an early warning system .