
  • 网络Conflict of Rights
  1. 我国知识产权权利冲突的衡平思考

    Equity Thinking of Conflict of Rights in China 's Intellectual Property

  2. 关于权利冲突这一问题,我国理论界已有探讨。

    The conflict of rights issue has been discussed theoretically .

  3. 第一章,TRIPs协定框架下的权利冲突现状。

    Chapter 1 : Actual right conflictions under the TRIPs Agreement .

  4. 第二部分研究权利冲突的概念和类型。

    Part two : The conception and classification of right conflict .

  5. 商标与企业名称权利冲突若干问题研究

    Research on Several Issues of Conflicts of Trademark and Enterprise Name

  6. 域名与商标权利冲突问题探究

    Study on the Conflicts of Rights between Domain Name and Trademark

  7. 权利冲突与制衡下的股份有限公司股东知情权

    The Execution of Shareholders ' Rights of Knowing in Stock Company

  8. 商标权与著作权的权利冲突探析

    Analysis of the Conflicts of Trademark Right with Copy right

  9. 而权利冲突的实质应该是利益的冲突。

    The essence of conflict between rights is the conflict of interest .

  10. 权利冲突问题是法理学领域的一个重要课题。

    Conflict of rights matters a great deal in jurisprudence .

  11. 权利冲突的法律解决机制及其运作

    On the Solution to Rights Conflicts by Law Mechanism and Its Operation

  12. 正确对待权利冲突&现象与解决方式之间

    Correctly Treating Conflict of Rights & from phenomenon to measure of settlement

  13. 第五部分:权利冲突的类型。

    Part V : The sorts of rights ' conflicts .

  14. 法律救济是指依据法律对权利冲突的解决。

    The legal relief refers to resolving the right conflict by law .

  15. 国有土地使用权的权利冲突与解决

    The Confliction and Settlement of the Right of Use on the State Land

  16. 知识产权权利冲突的概念及其解决原则的再探析

    Discussions on the Concept and Solving Principles of Intellectual Property Right 's Confliction

  17. 知识产权权利冲突涉及的法律问题

    On Legal Problems Concerned with " Conflict of Rights " in Intellectual Property

  18. 民事权利冲突保护论

    Research on the protection of conflict of civil rights

  19. 商标权与字号权的权利冲突&兼评天津狗不理包子饮食(集团)公司诉哈尔滨天龙阁饭店、高渊侵犯商标专用权纠纷再审案

    Conflicts of Rights between the Trademark Right and the Right of Shop Names

  20. 论权利冲突&以利益冲突为线索的考察

    On Conflict of Rights & Investigation in the clue of conflict of interests

  21. 夫妻非财产权利冲突研究

    Study on the Conflict of Couple 's No-property Rights

  22. 有人认为权利冲突是一个伪问题,但无论在实践中还是在理论上,这一观点并不能成立。

    However , this is not true either in practice or in theory .

  23. 第二节论述的是权利冲突的类型分析。

    The second type is conflicts of moral rights .

  24. 权利冲突的成因分析及其解决

    Reason Analysis on Conflict of Rights and Its Resolution

  25. 第四章:商标权利冲突的整合原则。

    The forth chapter : integrated principles on the conflict of trademark rights .

  26. 权利冲突不是伪命题。

    Conflict of rights is not a false statement .

  27. 第四部分:权利冲突的原因。

    Part ⅳ: The reason of rights ' conflict .

  28. 第一章:商标权利冲突问题的概论。

    The first chapter : the introduction to the conflict of trademark rights .

  29. 知识产权领域权利冲突的成因及对策

    The Reason and Countermeasure of Right Conflict in the Scope of Intellectual Property

  30. 知识产权权利冲突研究

    A Study on Conflicts of Intellectual Property Rights