
  • 网络authoritarianism
  1. 城市规划的权力主义倾向、简单工程技术化倾向和市场化倾向,对我国和谐城市建设的影响不容忽视。

    The authoritarianism , simplified engineering techniques and market-oriented tendencies in urban planning have a negative effect on the construction of harmonious cities .

  2. 这所学校走的是权力主义路线。

    The school is run on authoritarian lines .

  3. 动物权力主义分子们原本说服了动物园负责人

    Animal rights activists who convinced zoo officials ...

  4. 我父亲是绝对的权力主义者。

    My father was a strict authoritarian .

  5. 第二、成功的秘密在于一种将权力主义的价值观同国家主导的资本主义相融合的亚洲模式(这差不多是神话)。

    Second , the secret of its success lies in an Asian mixture of authoritarian values and state-directed capitalism ( largely myth ) .

  6. 那些人云亦云者典型地感到非常焦虑,地位低下,并且很需要认同感,时常有权力主义的性格。

    O ??? Those who are ' conformers ' typically have high levels of anxiety , low status , high need for approval and often authoritarian personalities .

  7. 对掌管缅甸的权力主义私党来说,一直是看作喉咙里的一根刺的昂山素姬最近软禁期行将结束。

    THE latest period of house arrest for Aung San Suu Kyi , a continual irritant to the authoritarian junta that runs Myanmar ( formerly Burma ), is set to end .

  8. 他们想要的是战争的果实以及他们权力和主义的无限扩张。

    What they desire is the fruits of war and the indefinite expansion of their power and doctrines .

  9. 目前,中国正处在从人治文化走向法治文化的转型期,从法律文化转型的角度来看,公务员应该摒弃权力至上主义,确立法律至上意识;

    China is now in the transition of culture from the rule by people to the rule of law .

  10. 如从人这个角度出发分析这些矛盾,可以发现以下一些个人偏好差异给家族企业现有的股权结构埋下深刻的隐患:股东偏好差异、权力本位主义偏好、职员需要偏好的差异。

    When these contradictions are analyzed from the perspective of " people ", it is discovered that differences in shareholders ' preferences , preferences for " power selfish departmentalism ", and preferences in employees ' needs plant hidden perils in the current equity ownership structure .

  11. 分散权力迎合自由放任主义和自由人道主义。

    The decentralization of power appeals to individualism and libertarian humanism .

  12. 权利与权力、整体主义与个体主义、公共领域与私人领域间存在复杂的辩证联系;

    That there is complicate dialectic relationship between right and power , totalitarianism and individualism , public sphere and private sphere ;

  13. 第一章介绍了构成教师权威的几个要素,指出中国传统教育背景以及对权力和集体主义的强调奠定了教师传统权威存在的必然性。

    The first chapter introduces the four layers of teacher authority , points out the necessity of teachers as traditional authority influenced by Chinese power distance and collectivism .

  14. 初中生身体攻击、关系攻击的性别差异显著,男生身体攻击与关系攻击水平均显著高于女生。(2)权力、普救主义价值观存在着显著的年龄差异和性别差异。

    Significant sex differences emerged in level of physical and relational aggression of junior students . 2 There were significant age difference and sex difference in level of power , universalism .

  15. 我们现在是否能够形成有关一种不同的全球经济秩序一种基于市场力量的驱动力,同时压制了权力和利己主义影响的模式的共同愿景呢?

    Can we now construct a shared vision of a different global economic order a model that builds on the dynamic impetus of market forces while taming the influence of power and self-interest ?

  16. 本文试图从文化与经济两方面入手,运用话语权力,东方主义,异化与归化等理论来探讨文化霸权下商标汉英翻译的制约方面与林中路。

    This paper attempts from cultural and economic perspective , using theories such as Power of Discourse and Orientalism , to discuss the factors and strategies in Chinese-English translation of trademarks in the context of western cultural hegemony .

  17. 对公共权力理论,马克思主义和剥削阶级都有系统地研究。

    To this theory Marxism and exploiting class make a systematic study .

  18. 舆论监督被称为继立法、司法和行政之外的第四权力,在马克思主义产生之前,空想社会主义者对舆论监督早有论述。

    Supervision by public opinion is called the forth right beside the legislation , justice and administration . Before the Marxism come out , Utopian socialism stated the supervision by public opinion .

  19. 他们找不准生活的坐标,沉湎于一种安逸、享乐的生活中。比阔攀富、权力至上、拜金主义的氛围,一度笼罩了我们的社会。

    They find no life coordinate , indulge in a comfort , pleasure in life . " Climb than broad rich "," supreme power "," worship " atmosphere , was shrouded in our society .

  20. 后现代主义美学对于审美现代性的反对首先从审美问题的外在结构出发,寻找社会权力结构在审美主义中的体现;

    Modernism aesthetics is criticized by post-modernism aesthetics in three aspects : first , post-modernism researches the exterior structure of problem of aesthetics , and find that the social power structure appears in the aesthetics structure ;

  21. 而以古典艺术的审美追求来达到中西融合、超过西方的目的,乃是塞入了权力意图的保守主义策略,与油画的当代性无关。

    The aim of achieving harmony between the East and the West and then surpassing the West by way of aesthetic pursuit of classical art is a conservative strategy stuffed with willpower and has nothing to do with the modernity of painting .

  22. 虽然现实主义理论内部存在着理论分歧,但都承认权力政治,强调权力政治也是现实主义理论区别于其他国际关系理论的核心。

    Although in the theory of Realism , there are theoretical differences , they acknowledge that power politics . Emphasizing the realities of power politics is the core definition makes the different from other international relations theory .

  23. 他反对从单一的中心来研究权力,反而陷入了一种泛权力主义理论之中导致叙述上的贫乏。

    He was opposed to study power from a single center , but was caught in a " pan-authoritarian " theory made describe poor .

  24. 我们运用权力修辞学的方式来揭示文明进程中的权力关系、理性主义及其所导致的道德沉沦。

    We use the way of power rhetoric to discover the power relation , rationalism and its outcome ( moral degeneration ) in the process of civilization .

  25. 本文分别从结构性权力产生的背景、结构性权力的四个基本权力结构和四个次级权力结构、结构性权力与传统现实主义权力观及软权力的对比等方面,全面分析了斯特兰奇的结构性权力思想。

    This paper analyzed structural power in terms of the background , the four basic structures and four secondary structures , the differences and similarities between structural power and the traditional theory of realistic power and soft power .