
  • 网络Postal Service
  1. 美国邮政管理局的人员实现了一个可靠并且非常有用的Webservices。

    The people at the United States Postal Service have implemented a solid and very useful Web Service .

  2. 美国邮政管理局4年来一直赢利,现在已经还清了110亿美元的债务。

    After four years of profits , the United States postal service has cleared its $ 11 billion of debt .

  3. USZip/Zip+4ZIP(ZoneImprovementPlan,邮区改进计划)编码是美国邮政管理局(USPS)使用的邮政编码系统。

    US Zip / Zip + 4 ZIP ( Zone Improvement Plan ) codes are a system of postal codes used by the United States Postal Service ( USPS ) .

  4. 邮政管理局和航空公司常设联系委员会

    Permanent Contact Committee of Postal Administrations and Airlines

  5. 这使联合国跻身于各邮政管理局当中邮票质量最高的印刷者之列。

    This makes the UN one of the highest-quality producers of stamps among postal administrations .

  6. 美国邮政管理局正出资帮助保护他们的信用,而且美国联邦调查局也已经介入调查,邮件服务并没有受到连带影响。

    The USPS is paying to help protect their credit , the FBI is investigating , mail service wasn 't affected .