
wéi xiàn shěn chá quán
  • power of review of constitutionality
  1. 司法权、行政复议权、权力机关监督权以及违宪审查权等具有不同的性质、各自的功能;

    There are different characters and functions for judicial power , reconsideration power , legislative power and the power of review of constitutionality .

  2. 析违宪审查权的概念

    On the Concept of the Power Censoring Violation of the Constitution

  3. 法院适用宪法与法院不享有违宪审查权并不矛盾。

    Applying constitution by court doesn t conflict with the absence of the right for unconstitutional review from court .

  4. 合宪性推定作为合理地行使违宪审查权的重要原则,为宪法解释者提供了理性判断的依据。

    Constitutionality presumption , as an important principle to execute the constitutional review power reasonably , provides constitution 's interpreter with rational basics of judgement .

  5. 在司法附随审查之下,司法权和违宪审查权之间的关系是,司法权的发动是违宪审查权的前提,违宪审查权必须在司法权范围内行使。

    Under the system of judicial accessory review , the power to review the constitutionality was based on the exercise of the judicial power and was required to be exercised within the scope of the judicial power .

  6. 由于受法律文化传统、政治背景等因素的影响,目前世界上宪法诉讼模式主要可分为两类:一是以美国为代表,由普通法院行使违宪审查权、进行宪法诉讼的普通法院模式;

    For the influence of cultural tradition of law 、 political background and other factors , the modes of constitution litigation at present can mainly be divided into two styles : One is called " common court mode ", which is represented by America ;

  7. 论我国公民违宪审查建议权的意义及其完善

    The Analysis about the Significance and Improvement of the Citizen 's Right to Put forward Suggestions for Constitutional Review

  8. 82年宪法对公民的监督权利进行了充分的确认,成为后来我国确立行政诉讼制度、国家赔偿制度、违宪违法审查建议权的宪法依据。

    In the Constitution of 1982 , supervision right was fully confirmed , according to which the systems of administrative suit , state compensation and the right to propose the motion of examining the constitutionality or legality were set up .

  9. 在现代社会,违宪审查制度要发挥平衡功能,要求违宪审查权具有一些特有的权力属性,包括独立性、与司法权和立法权的分离等。

    In modern society , the constitutional review system should play a balance function , requiring the right of judicial review power has some unique attributes , including independence , and judicial and legislative powers of the separation .

  10. 主要缺陷是没有违宪诉讼制度,没有对立法的正式违宪审查程序,审查权分散,以及内部沟通式的事前审查。

    The main drawbacks are lack of constitutional procedural system , lack of the formal review of constitutionality procedure , dispersal of review right and prior inner-communication style review .

  11. 我国目前的违宪审查制度仅停留在原则层次上,并且存在着审查主体多元,违宪审查权虚置及缺乏审查启动机制、诉讼程序等诸多缺陷。

    At present , this system in China remains in a low level with quite a lot of problems , such as more than one executive body , the right of examination existing in name only , the lack of starting mechanism and procedure of lawsuit .