
  • 网络hieroglyphics
  1. 甲骨文与古埃及圣书字象形字比较研究

    The Comparative Research on Pictographs of Oracle-bone Inscriptions and Egyptian Hieroglyphs

  2. 古汉字和古埃及圣书字都在人类文明早期独立地实现了完全记录语言的目标,成为成熟文字。

    The ancient Chinese writing and the Egyptian Hieroglyphic are both mature writing systems . They have both independently achieved the goal of recording language fully in the early period of human civilization .

  3. 古汉字和古埃及圣书字中,表意方式都是文字系统的基础,它产生最早,具有直觉自然性,积淀着古老的历史文化。

    The method of recording word meaning is the foundation of both ancient Chinese writing and Egyptian writing . They are created early in the writing history , intuitive and natural , and embody rich culture of ancient civilization .