
  • 网络ella;Ella Fitzgerald;ERA
  1. 我真的冒犯了埃拉——我不知道她和汤姆分手了。

    I really put my foot in it with Ella ─ I didn 't know she 'd split up with Tom .

  2. 萨拉和埃拉已经有7年的交情了。

    Sarah and Ella have been friends for seven years .

  3. 埃拉教她如何和旧家具经销商砍价。

    Ella taught her how to haggle with used furniture dealers

  4. 有个人一直在监视埃拉,这让她很害怕。

    Ella was scared that someone was watching her

  5. 他们快到市郊时,埃拉的情绪明显好转。

    As they approached the outskirts of the city , Ella 's mood visibly lightened

  6. 埃拉漫无边际地闲扯,她心不在焉地听着。

    She only half-listened as Ella rambled on

  7. 埃拉是个虔诚、认真的女人。

    Ella was a pious , earnest woman

  8. “圣诞节你打算做什么?”埃拉问到。“我们打算去莫莉姨妈家。”

    ' What are you doing for Christmas ? ' Ella asked . ' We 're going to Aunt Molly 's. '

  9. 埃拉在健身房锻炼以增强食欲。

    Ella had worked up an appetite in the gym .

  10. 她原名埃拉•叶利奇-奥康纳(EllaYelich-O'Conner),于12岁时在一次才艺秀上崭露头角。过去四年间,按照与环球唱片公司(UniversalRecords)的演艺发展合约,她一直在她家附近的奥克兰郊区打磨自己的唱功。

    Discovered at a talent show when she was 12 years old , Ella Yelich-O'Conner has spent the last four years honing her skills on a development deal with Universal Records near her home on the outskirts of Auckland .

  11. 埃拉写完了她的小说,小说被接受出版了。

    Ella finishes her novel and it is accepted for publication .

  12. 埃拉没有政治头脑。吉拉德怀疑地摇了摇头。

    Ella had no politics . Gerald shook his head doubtfully .

  13. 他在约定时间到达埃拉的办公室。

    He arrived at ella 's office at the appointed time .

  14. 埃拉失去婴儿后便患上了抑郁症。

    After the lost the baby , Ella became clinically depressed .

  15. 恭喜你埃拉你们俩会非常幸福的

    Congratulations Ella . You two are gonna be very happy .

  16. 别这样,埃拉和我一起庆祝吧

    Come on , Ella . Celebrate with me , please .

  17. 埃拉的父母会在纽约

    Ella 's parents are going to be in New York .

  18. 埃拉,这不是你耍脾气的时候

    Ella , this is no time for your newfound personality .

  19. 埃拉?杰拉德,你真是我的好姐妹

    Ella Gerard , you are the sister of my soul !

  20. 埃拉觉得这些小孩很难对付。

    Ella finds the children very difficult to cope with .

  21. 埃拉已经从衣柜里拿出了一套衣服。

    Ella had taken a dress out of the cupboard .

  22. 所以,埃拉知道了为什么她老是要顺从别人。

    So Ella now knew why she 'd always obeyed .

  23. 埃拉觉得唐正把她领上一条危险的路。

    Ella felt Don was leading her down a very dangerous road .

  24. 嘿,埃拉我刚想说呢…

    Hey , Ella . I just wanted to say ...

  25. 埃拉一步跨进车里,飞速地开走了。

    Ella jumped into the car and drove off at high speed .

  26. 奥利夫,你有没有发现埃拉有点奇怪?

    Oiive , have you noticed anything strange about eiia ?

  27. 我很抱歉埃拉这么没有礼貌。

    I 'm sorry that Ella has such bad manners .

  28. 好了,埃拉,抬起头向前走

    Okay , Ella , heads up . March forward .

  29. 埃拉感到她好象挨了当头一棒。

    Ella felt as if she had been delivered a direct blow .

  30. 埃拉害怕自己不能动,得依靠他人。

    Ella dreaded being immobile and dependent on other people .