
  • 网络esperance;EPR
  1. 探索埃斯佩兰斯和南部海岸的国家公园和雪白海滩。

    Discover the national parks and snow-white beaches of Esperance and the South Coast .

  2. 这是第二次在12月已发出负责污染刑事疏忽,以下指控埃斯佩兰斯港口管理局超过排放碳酸铅在航运。

    It is the second time the DEC has issued a charge of pollution with criminal negligence , following charges against the Esperance Port Authority over emissions of lead carbonate during shipping .

  3. 1979年,天空实验室的多块大型残骸坠落在澳大利亚一个偏远的地区,结果NASA被埃斯佩兰斯郡(Esperance)罚了400澳元,罪名是乱丢杂物。

    In 1979 , large segments of Skylab crashed to earth in a remote part of Australia , prompting the shire of Esperance to fine Nasa A $ 400 for littering .

  4. 现在侦察机报告了“许多敌船”正在接近的埃斯佩兰斯海角。

    Now a scout aircraft reported " many enemy ships " approaching Cape Esperance .

  5. 埃斯佩兰斯海滩,澳大利亚-对位于西澳大利亚南部海岸,这个地方提供了与各地采取冲浪气息的地方品种。

    Esperance beaches , Australia-located on the south coast of Western Australia , the place offers variety of places with breath taking surfing spots all around .