
  • 网络The Pinnacles
  1. 珀斯向北约三个小时车程就是尖峰石阵,尖峰石阵由石灰岩构成,形成于30000年以前,海岸线后退时将许多贝壳遗留在海岸边,就形成了这样的石阵。

    A three-hour drive north of Perth , these limestone formations were created 30000 years ago when the receding ocean left deposits of seashells on shore .

  2. 尖峰石阵位于南邦国家公园,高出沙地好几米,是灰袋鼠,鸸鹋和许多爬行动物的乐土。

    The Pinnacles rise several meters out of the sand in the Nambung National Park , which is home to grey kangaroos , emus and reptiles .

  3. 即便你是一名为刺激科幻小说画封面画的艺术家,可能你也无法想象出比尖峰石阵更怪异的外星景观。

    Even if you were an artist painting a cover picture for some pulp science fiction novel , you probably wouldn 't envision an alien landscape that looks weirder than The Pinnacles .