
jiān yá
  • canine teeth;cuspid teeth;cynodontes;dentes canini;fang
尖牙 [jiān yá]
  • [fang] 用于捕捉动物并咬住而撕成碎块的长尖的牙齿;长而带尖的牙齿

尖牙[jiān yá]
  1. 结果:15例埋伏尖牙均排入牙列内。

    Results : 15 canine teeth are all erupted and in dentia .

  2. 目的比较2种方法排齐上颌尖牙唇向低位的效果。

    Objective To search and compare the effects of two way of arranging the maxillary lip-opposite low canine teeth .

  3. 绿妖精的尖牙从他的嘴唇里龇出来。

    The green fairy 's fang thrusting between his lips .

  4. 方法在20只猫下尖牙上进行深窝洞的树脂直接充填,测量猫下齿槽神经痛觉传入神经C纤维在树脂充填过程中的诱发放电变化。

    Methods Deep cavities of twenty cat mandibular canines were prepared and composite resin was directly filled .

  5. 从中切牙到侧切牙、尖牙,上颌前牙的a、b值呈逐渐增大的趋势,即色相逐渐向红黄色过渡。

    A ~ and b ~ value increased from middle incisor to lateral incisor , to canine .

  6. 在此基础上,通过对121颗上颌埋伏尖牙与邻牙之间三维位置关系的统计分析,建立适合上颌埋伏尖牙的CT影像分型。

    Based on the analysis of 121 impacted canines ' spatial relationship to adjacent teeth , a 3D CT image classification system for maxillary canine impactions was established .

  7. 方法:30颗离体单根管下颌双尖牙,用不锈钢K型锉,以标准法进行根管扩锉。随机分为3组,每组10颗牙,分别进行根管冲洗。

    ( Methods Thirty ) human teeth with single root-canal mandible premolar were instrumented using standard technique , then were divided into 3 groups , carrying on root-canal irrigation .

  8. 本研究应用有限元法分析正畸力作用下尖牙牙周组织的应力分布,用VB编程确定在此应力状态下牙齿在一定时间内的移动距离和移动后的位置。

    A particular program and the stress distribution were used to calculate the movement distance and find the new position of canine during a week .

  9. 目的明确拔除4个第一双尖牙对Bolton指数的影响以及对咬合关系的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of extraction of four first premolars on Bolton index and occlusion .

  10. 目的:利用螺旋CT技术与三维有限元方法建立上颌埋伏尖牙及其支持组织的三维有限元模型。

    There are lack of dynamic reports presently . Purpose : The three dimensional finite element model of a maxillary embedded canine and its supporting tissue were established using CT method and finite element method .

  11. 一副恒牙包括:8个尖牙,8个犬齿,2个磨牙和8个痰盂。(应为8个切牙incisors,4个尖牙canines,8个双尖牙premolars和12个磨牙molars)

    A permanent set of teeth consists of eight canines , eight cuspids , two molars , and eight cuspidors .

  12. 方法:利用DICOM数据建模法,建立下尖牙的三维有限元模型,模拟力学实验。

    Methods : A3-D FEM model of lower cuspid was established by using DICOMdata and stimulant mechanical experiment was carried out on the model .

  13. 方法:应用直丝弓矫治器治疗安氏Ⅱ1错牙合患者9例,结合使用J钩头帽口外牵引向后滑动弓丝关闭拔牙间隙,并适当应用于拉尖牙向远中的阶段。

    Method Nine class ⅱ malocclusion cases were treated with the straight wire appliance , using high pull headgear J hook in the stage of cuspid retraction and space closure .

  14. 他在工作中设计了各种牙齿,包括为坎耶·韦斯特(KanyeWest)一个音乐录影带中的一只杜宾犬设计了金色尖牙。

    His work has led him to designing all manner of teeth , including gold fangs fitted for a Doberman used in a Kanye West music video .

  15. 方法以4只Beagle犬双侧上下颌第二切牙及尖牙作为手术部位,共32个,将其配对分组为实验组和对照组各16个牙位。

    Methods : The second incisor and the canine of four beagle dogs were randomly divided into the experimental group and the control group .

  16. 方法:根据牙槽嵴裂患者裂隙侧尖牙萌出情况,将其分为A、B两组,通过牙槽嵴裂植骨术后临床随访和拍摄X线,追踪观察植骨区牙槽嵴高度的变化。

    METHODS : The patients were divided into A and B groups according to their canine eruption . The changes of alveolar height in grafting regions were examined by clinical follow up and radiographs after the cancellous iliac bone grafting in cleft alveolar repair .

  17. 眶下孔与眶下缘的距离为(6.8±3.4)mm,尖牙窝骨壁厚度为0.8~3.7mm,平均为(1.9±0.7)mm。

    The distance between infra-orbital foramen and infra-orbital margin is ( 6.8 ± 3.4 ) mm . The osseous lamella of canine fossa is 0.8 ~ 3.7 mm in thickness , average ( 1.9 ± 0.7 ) mm .

  18. 不同的矫治器类型(除上下尖牙宽度P0.05外)、错牙合类型(除上牙弓长P0.01外)和保持时间组间牙弓测量项目差异无显著性(P0.05);

    There was no significant differences in the dental arch measurement between the various malocclusion classes ( except upper dental arch length P 0.01 ), the various appliances ( except intercanine width in both jaws P 0.05 ), and the various length of retention .

  19. 方丝和圆丝摇椅弓均有使切牙压低双尖牙升高,打开咬合整平Spee曲线的趋势。

    Both round wire and rectangular wire could intrude incisors , extrude premolars , level the curve of Spee and decrease the arch length .

  20. ⑵下颌:尖牙牙尖高度值最大,为2.65mm;

    Mandibular : the height of canine cusp is biggest , which is 2.65mm ;

  21. 方法5只雄性恒牙列早期家猫,上颌左侧尖牙施加约50g扭转力,右侧作对照。

    Methods Five young male cats were used . A 50g rotated force was applied to the maxillary right canine , and the left side were served as the contrast .

  22. 逆向工程技术建立Tip-Edge矫治系统下颌尖牙及牙周组织三维有限元模型

    Construction of Three-dimensional Finite Element Modle of Mandibular Canine and Its Periodontal Tissue with Tip-Edge Bracket Using Reverse Engineering

  23. 方法选取43例拔除4个第一双尖牙和36例不拔牙治疗结果满意的病例,测量治疗后模型的牙齿宽度,计算比较其Bolton指数的差异;

    Method The post treatment dental casts of 43 four first premolar extraction cases and 36 non extraction cases both with good occlusion were selected . Mesiodistal widths of mandibular and maxillary teeth were measured and Bolton index were calculated .

  24. 目的:分析上颌唇侧埋伏阻生尖牙正畸导萌的力学原理,探讨上颌唇侧埋伏阻生尖牙的矫治力方向设计以及改良Nance弓的作用。

    Objective : To analyze the mechanism of extraction force in treatment of maxillary labial impacted canine by orthodontics , to discuss the optimal force direction and the effect of Modified Nance Arch .

  25. 结果双尖牙减数治疗后MP-SN、PP-SN、MP-PP、Y轴角和S-Go/N-Me无显著性变化;

    Results After treatment , the change of MP-SN , PP-SN , MP-PP , Y-axis and S-Go / N-Me was not significant in both groups .

  26. 上颌牙弓周径、上颌第一磨牙及第一双尖牙颊倾度有显著性增加(T1-T2),但有少量复发(T2-T3)。

    The upper arch perimeter , the buccal inclination of upper first molars and first premolars were significantly increased ( T-T2 ) with some relapse ( T2-T3 ) .

  27. 7.00%的患者上侧切牙釉质发育不良,28.00%过小侧切牙,4.00%尖牙阻生,9.00%下切牙缺失,易位牙为2.00%,无一例多生牙。30.00%前牙Bolton比值不协调。

    Upper lateral incisor enamel hypoplasia was found in 7 patients , small size of maxillary lateral incisor in 28 , canine impaction in 4 , missing of lower incisor in 9 , transposition in 2 and anterior tooth Bolton ratio discrepancies in 30 of the patients .

  28. 目的:观察前牙、双尖牙慢性根尖周病变骨质破坏时,植入天然型无机骨(NNB)的修复与愈合效果。

    Objective : To observe the restoration and healing effects of implantation of natural non organic bone ( NNB ) in chronic periapical bone destruction of anterior teeth or bicuspid teeth .

  29. 因为它们的舌头、尖牙和没有四肢的躯干,蛇在美国Syfy频道的垃圾电影和故事里的巫师没有鼻子这类小说里,常常被刻画为坏蛋。

    Thanks to their tongues , teeth , and legless bodies , serpents are often portrayed as villains in bad Syfy movies and novels featuring noseless wizards .

  30. 结果推上颌第一恒磨牙平均后移3.9mm时上颌第二双尖牙在没有外力作用下随之向后漂移平均1.63mm。

    Results After the maxillary molars were pushed distally ( average 3.9 mm ), the upper second bicuspids drifted backward without extra force ( average 1.63 mm ) .