
  • 网络longinus;longmus;Longinius;Cassius Longinus
  1. 朗吉努斯《论崇高》的辨证思想探析

    Probe into Dialectical Thoughts on the Sublime by Longinus

  2. 试论朗吉努斯的美学理论对现代文学文体学的影响

    Longinus ' Influence on Modern Literary Stylistics

  3. 在崇高理论的历史上,首先将它作为美学范畴来进行系统分析的是古罗马的朗吉努斯。

    The lofty theory of history as an aesthetic category to the systematic analysis of the Roman Longinus Magnus .

  4. 朗吉努斯的《论崇高》主要是对五种崇高风格的讨论,在修辞学和美学史上都有重要的意义。

    While regarding the five essential factors in literary work on lofty style , it carried on the detailed elaboration .

  5. 朗吉努斯崇高理论尤其是他有关文章内容与形式关系的观点,对后世西方的文学创作活动曾有着积极、重要的影响。

    Longinus ' Sublime Theory once had certain positive , important significance to the literary creations in the western world especially on the relationship between the content and the form .