
lián dú
  • liaison
  • read two or more words without interval;study for two successive academic degrees
  1. 本文主要研究英语口语学习中的连读和易混淆音(phonemethatishardtobedistinguished,下文称HDP)。

    This paper mainly deals with the evaluation of liaison and HDP ( phoneme that is hard to be distinguished ) in spoken English .

  2. 快速美式英语是连读、读和弱读的联合体。

    Rapid English is a combination of liaison , contraction and reduction .

  3. 如果你连读到的内容都不理解,又怎么能记住它呢?

    If you don 't understand what you 're reading , how would you remember it ?

  4. 最优连读控制系统自由端点问题中最大值原理与DP法的一致性及一类微分对策问题的DP解法

    The Sameness of the Maximum Principle and DP Methods on the Optimal Continuous Control System for the FREE-END-POINT Problem and DP Solution for A Class of Differential Game Problems

  5. 利用连读变电位封闭边界产生理想四极场

    Exact quadrupole fields generated by closed boundaries with continuously varied potential

  6. 你连读都不读就把答案抄上了?

    You didn 't even read it before you turned it in ?

  7. 汉语长沙方言连读变调之优选论分析

    Tone Sandhi in Changsha Chinese : An Optimality Theoretic Account

  8. 唐山市方言两字组连读变调

    Connecting Changed Tone of Two Words in Tangshan City Dialect

  9. 连读变调习得偏误的优选论分析

    The Optimality Theoretic Analysis of Errors in Tone Sandhi Acquisition

  10. 梅县客家方言单字调和连读变调实验分析

    A Experimental Analysis of the tone and Tone Sandhi of Meixian Hakka

  11. 台湾方言连读变调的句法环境,第一章。

    The syntactic environments of tone sandhi in taiwanese , chapter one .

  12. 临夏方言中心区双音节连读变调的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Two-syllable Tone in Linxia center of the state Dialect

  13. 我学到了每个单词间如何连读。

    I learned how each sound was linked to another .

  14. 她连读都不会,更不用说写了。

    She can 't even read , let alone write .

  15. 药学专业六年制学-硕连读培养模式探索

    Study on 6-year Talents Training Modes of Pharmacy Combining BA with MA Degree

  16. 本文首先给出了英语口语发音中连读的评估模型。

    First , it is the evaluation model of liaison in spoken English .

  17. 问题式教学在中高连读病理学教学中的应用

    Questioning Teaching Method Applied in Pathology Teaching in Successive Education After Secondary Education

  18. 三声调方言康乐话的两字组连读变调

    Disyllabic Tone Sandhi in Kangle Dialect as a Three-Tones Dialect , Gansu Province

  19. 在这个基础上再训练连读。

    Trains the company in thisfoundation to read again .

  20. 河南武陟方言的降升式连读变调及其成因初探

    Studies on Fall-Rise Sandhi Tone in Wuzhi Dialect of Henan Province and Its Origin

  21. 但是连读不是快读。

    But the companyreads is not quickly reads .

  22. adj.无知的他很无知,他甚至连读或写都不会。

    ignorant He is quite ignorant , he can 't even read or write .

  23. 汉语益阳方言的连读变调

    The Tone Sandhi in Yiyang Dialect of Chinese

  24. 听一听,练一练。注意do+you连读。

    Listen and practice . Pay attention to the reduction of do + you .

  25. 美国人有很多连读。

    The American has very many LianDu .

  26. 连读变调共有两类。

    The tone sandhi is 2 types .

  27. 因为你要么就是读些必读的书,要么就是根本连读都不读。

    Because you read the things you are required to read or nothing at all .

  28. 假如我连读和写都不会,我怎么能找到工作呢?

    How can I get a job when I can 't even read or write ?

  29. 关于硕博连读型博士生自我培养的探析&以一个工科博士生的视角中美博士生创新能力培养机制之比较

    A Comparison on the Cultivating Mechanism of Creative Ability of Doctoral Candidates between China and America

  30. 20世纪汉语连读变调研究回望

    Retrospection of the Tone Sandhi in the Chinese Language of the 20 ~ ( th ) Century