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  • Comics;picture-story book;serial picture;a book (usu. for children) with a story told in pictures
连环画 [lián huán huà]
  • [picture-story book;comic book (strip)] 根据故事所叙述的情节,顺次排列成一系列有字有画的小册子

  1. 中国连环画的艺术样式反映了中国传统文化特有的审美情趣,对传统连环画继承发展具有深刻的意义。

    A deep significance that chinese serial picture in art reflects chinese traditional culture and characteristic flavor and taste of traditional development .

  2. 那么,连环画如何适应现代艺术发展的需求,创作出更具特色、更具新意的作品&这是现实的要求。

    Then , serial picture how to adapt to the needs of modern arts development ? The reality requests to create an unique and creative work .

  3. 连环画往往在延续着“男儿有泪不轻弹”的神话。

    Comics tend to perpetuate the myth that ‘ boys don 't cry ’ .

  4. 很多读者可能对Dilbert连环画都很熟悉。

    Most readers are probably familiar with the Dilbert comic strip .

  5. 天天都接触动漫,但是我的书柜里没有一本动漫的连环画,但电脑和手机里存了不少动漫DV。

    Every day contact with anime , but my bookcase is not an animation of the comic , but the computer and the phone kept a lot of animation DV .

  6. 大多数流行的动画角色,诸如Snoopy或Mickey,都是从连环画和电影起家的,渐渐被大众接受,才开始依靠自身形象赚钱的。

    Most popular characters , such as Snoopy or Mickey Mouse , started life in cartoon strips and films before going on to earn money from their image .

  7. 《宇宙连环画》中变来变去的主人公Qfwfq巧妙的穿越时间,空间,太阳系和地质年代,在这些新的故事中又以崭新的面目出现。

    Qfwfq , the protean hero of Cosmicomics dexterously moving through time and space , solar systems and geological eras , takes on a new dimension in these tales .

  8. 我拿五本连环画书来换你的童子军小刀。

    I 'll trade you five comic books for your scoutknife .

  9. 无论它是本连环画还是部史诗。

    or whether it 's a comic strip or an epic .

  10. 没有,不过我有些连环画和玩具。

    No , but I 've got some comics and toys .

  11. 针对无线移动环境的音频同步视频连环画的自动生成

    Automatic Generation of Dubbing Video Slides for Wireless Mobile Environment

  12. 我好像看过这个连环画。

    It seems that I have read the comic strip .

  13. 你有那么多连环画,我想借一本。

    You have so many picture-books . I want to borrow one .

  14. 卡罗尔弯着背坐在椅子上,将连环画卷叠起来。

    Carole hunched on the chair and lapped up comics .

  15. 从他的一本连环画里上得来的想法。

    Got the idea from one of his comic books .

  16. 卡通的另外的表现形式是连环画。

    Another form of cartooning is the comic strip .

  17. 连环画的画面特点浅析

    Analysis of Characteristics of Pictures in Chinese Picture-Story Book

  18. 我5岁那年,父亲为我买了好些连环画。

    When I was five , my father bought many picture books for me .

  19. 中国连环画出版研究

    Research on the Publishing of Chinese Strip Pictures

  20. 他是连环画中的英雄。

    He was the first comic book hero .

  21. 我们的孩子喜欢看连环画。

    Our children take delight in reading picture-books .

  22. 唐老鸭连环画在芬兰造禁,原因是唐老鸭没有穿裤子。

    Donald Duck comics are banned in Finland because he doesn 't wear pants .

  23. 学校的作业让我们画连环画

    It 's for school . We 're supposed to make a comic strip .

  24. 维特莉尔,你想借几本我的连环画吗?

    Hey , Violet , do you want to borrow some of my comic books ?

  25. 新中国连环画题材与内容演变研究

    Evolution of Subjects and Content of Picture-story Book During the People 's Republic of China

  26. 贺友直是中国几代连环画读者的偶像。

    He Youzhi is the idol of several generations of Chinese readers of comic books .

  27. 可以说,他的连环画是一个时代的记忆。

    So we can say that his comic books mark a memory of an era .

  28. 复制、印刷和大众传播&木刻和年画、连环画、宣传画全盛的时代

    Copying , Publishing and Mass Communication & On the Peak Period of Woodcut and Poster

  29. 埃米:在这张照片内有一本连环画书。我爱连环画书。

    Amy : There 's a picture book in this photo . I loved picture books .

  30. 今年63岁的范·埃克说,这部连环画式的电影将是一部荒诞幽默剧。

    Van Eyck , 63 , said his comic book-style film would be a black comedy .