
  • 网络Achilles;Achille
  1. 阿基里斯和海格立斯[何克力士]是古希腊的英雄。

    Achilles and Heracles were ancient Greek heroes .

  2. 你不必要成为像阿基里斯这样的勇士

    You don 't need to be a great warrior like Achilles

  3. 解析就是Ruby的阿基里斯的脚跟,而且对我们来说毫无意义。

    Parsing is the Achilles'heel of Ruby implementations and for us it is a non-issue .

  4. 我活在阿基里斯的时代。

    Let them say I lived in the time of achilles .

  5. 试论技术预见战略性与阿基里斯悖论的产生及预防

    On technology foresight strategy and production and prevention of Achilles paradox

  6. 湖人队米姆将成为下一个阿基里斯神!

    The Lakers center will be treated for a sore right achilles .

  7. 关键词:超音波、阿基里斯腱、机械特性、共振频率。

    Keywords : ultrasound , achilles tendon , mechanical properties , resonant frequency .

  8. 阿基里斯拒绝希腊人调和的企图。

    Achilles rejects the Greeks ' attempts at reconciliation .

  9. 阿基里斯只有脚后跟会受伤害。

    Achilles was vulnerable only in his heel .

  10. 阿基里斯为一名伟大的希腊战士,是海仙女特蒂斯之子。

    Achilles was a great Greek warrior and son of the sea nymph Thetis .

  11. 国王们不会向阿基里斯致敬。

    Kings did not pay homage to achilles .

  12. 就像古希腊战士阿基里斯,

    like the great Greek warrior Achilles ,

  13. 足部疾病对生活质量的影响:阿基里斯计划的结果

    The effects of foot disease on quality of life : Results of the Achilles Project

  14. 阿基里斯是希腊神话里的勇士。

    Achilles was an ancient Greek hero .

  15. 普特洛克勒斯牺牲了,使阿基里斯充满了愤怒和自责。

    Patroclus is killed , and as a result Achilles is filled with fury and remorse .

  16. 收入分配不平等长期以来是经济增长和发展的阿基里斯之踵。

    Inequalities of the income distribution have long been the Achilles'heel of economic growth and development .

  17. 但很快,阿基里斯又被帕里斯射中了脚跟,死在战场上。

    But soon after , Achilles was wounded in the heel by Paris and died in battle .

  18. 即使我可以跟阿基里斯讲和,他也不会听我的话。

    Even if I could make peace with achilles , the man won 't listen to me .

  19. 阿基里斯之踵是最严重的伤害,而罗本这孩子很幸运,他逃过一劫。

    An Achilles'tendon is the worst injury you can have and he is a very lucky boy .

  20. 阿伽门农与阿基里斯争夺一位俘获的公主。暴怒之下,阿基里斯拒绝继续参战。

    Agamemnon fought with Achilles over a captive princess , and in anger , Achilles refused to fight .

  21. 毕竟不是每个演员都有机会扮演《特洛伊》里的传奇希腊英雄阿基里斯。

    After all , not every actor gets to play Achilles , the legendary Greek hero in Troy .

  22. 一个看似毫无疑问的简单观念其实正是洛克哲学的阿基里斯之踵。

    In fact simple idea that is seemingly certain without doubt is Achilles heel of Locke 's philosophy .

  23. 理论滞后乃当前经济发展的阿基里斯之踵:改革开放30年回顾

    Theory Lag : Achilles ' Heel of Present Economic Development-A Review on the 30 Years ' Reform and Open

  24. 帕里斯也没活多久,他又被阿基里斯的朋友杀死了。

    Paris had not long to live either , for he was killed by a friend of Achilles ' .

  25. 鞋帮处的泡沫群、不对称背线和阿基里斯凹槽用于增强缓冲、支撑,提供全天的舒适感。

    Anatomically-placed foam pods , an asymmetrical topline and a pronounced Achilles notch for enhanced cushioning , support and all-day comfort .

  26. 她双手紧抓著阿基里斯的脚跟,将儿子的身体浸泡在冥河之中,好让他全身刀枪不入。

    Holding onto Achilles ' heel , Thetis dipped her son in the River Styx to make him invincible to weapons .

  27. 由于阿基里斯遗言要把他的盔甲送给希腊最勇敢的战士,在两位得此称号的勇士间展开了激烈的争夺。

    As Achilles left his armor to the bravest of the Greeks , a bitter struggle happened between its two worthy contestants ;

  28. “当阿基里斯还是婴儿时,其母亲为了使他永生而在神秘河里为他洗澡”

    " When Achilles was an infant , his mother tried to make him immortal by bathing him in a magical river . "

  29. 阿基里斯死后,他成为两个最有可能获得阿基里斯的盾甲的有力竞争对手之一。

    After Achilles'death he became one of the two hot contestants for the dead hero 's shield and armour , the other being Odysseus .

  30. 而阿基里斯悖论作为古希腊遗留下来的一个重要数学命题,一直影响着现代数学和物理的发展。

    As a classical proposition from the ancient Greece , Achilles Paradox has a long-term effect on the development of modern maths and physics .