
lián xù jiē zhònɡ
  • vaccinization
  1. 连续接种的具有年龄结构的SIS型传染病模型

    Age-structured SIS Communicable Disease Model with Continuous Vaccination

  2. 一类具有连续接种免疫的SEIR模型

    An SEIR Epidemic Model with Continuous Vaccination

  3. 以1h为间隔,用发育中的卵囊连续接种无球虫鸡,以确定最短孢子发育时间(MST)。

    Minimum sporulation time ( MST ) was determined by dosing the developing oocysts at intervals of 1h to successive groups of coccidia-free chickens .

  4. 接种疫苗策略有两种:连续接种和脉冲接种。

    Generally , there are two vaccination strategies : constant vaccination and pulse vaccination .

  5. 具有连续预防接种和垂直传染的SIR流行病模型的稳定性分析

    The stability analysis of the SIR epidemic models with vertical infection and continuous vaccination

  6. 按Logistic增长且具有连续预防接种和潜伏期密度依赖的SEIRS流行病模型

    An Density-dependent Latent Peroid SEIRS Epidemic Model with Logistic Birth Rate and Continuous Vaccination

  7. 考虑了具有连续预防接种和脉冲预防接种且传染率是标准的SIRS传染病模型,在连续预防接种和脉冲预防接种下,分别给出了SIRS传染病模型基本再生数。

    The SIRS epidemical models with continuous and impulsive vaccinations are discussed . We have found out the reproduction numbers corresponding to those models .

  8. 目的观察连续大面积接种流行性乙型脑炎活疫苗的流行病学效果。

    Objective To observe the long term epidemiological effect of large field inoculation of live attenuated Japanese encephalitis ( JE ) vaccine .

  9. 研究者宣称:“结果显示连续六次接种破伤风、白喉和非细胞性百日咳三联疫苗是安全可耐受的。”

    " These results ," say the investigators ," suggest that Tdap is well tolerated as a sixth consecutive dose of acellular pertussis-containing vaccine . "

  10. 多剂量瓶比单剂量瓶所需的冷链空间更少,能够用于连续进行的免疫接种活动,并使规划成本显著降低。

    Multi-dose vials require less cold-chain space than single-dose vials , can be used in subsequent immunization sessions , and result in significantly reduced programme costs .