
  • 网络pasteur institute;Institut Pasteur;institute pasteur;INST PASTEUR
  1. 包括法国的原子能委员会(AtomicEnergyCommission)和巴斯德研究所(InstitutPasteur),德国的Senova公司,以及美国的Corgenix、NanoBioSym和Nanomix等公司在内的多家公司和组织,均在努力开发这类检测。

    Various companies and organizations are working to develop such tests , including France 's Atomic Energy Commission , the Institut Pasteur , the German company Senova and the American companies Corgenix , NanoBioSym , Nanomix and others .

  2. 达喀尔巴斯德研究所的实验室对病人的血液标本进行了检测,ELISA检测呈IgM阳性,利用更具特异性的检查方法PRNT对此作出了确认。

    Blood specimens from the patient were laboratory tested at the Institut Pasteur de Dakar and found to be IgM positive by ELISA and confirmed with PRNT , a more specific test .

  3. 阿比让巴斯德研究所采用免疫酶联试验(ELISA)为病人所作的IgM抗体检测呈阳性反应。

    The case tested positive for IgM by ELISA test conducted by the Institute Pasteur in Abidjan .

  4. 采自该女童的样本在柬埔寨巴斯德研究所检测H5N1感染呈阳性。

    Samples from the girl tested positive for H5N1 infection at the Pasteur Institute in Cambodia .

  5. 经位于班吉的巴斯德研究所国家实验室检测,3例为黄热病IgM阳性。

    Three cases were positive for yellow fever IgM at the National Laboratory in the Institute Pasteur of Bangui .

  6. 所有血清样本都被送往班吉的巴斯德研究所进行检测,ELISA检测的结果均为IgM阴性。

    All these serum samples were sent to the Institute Pasteur of Bangui for investigation , and were IgM negative by ELISA test .

  7. 来自该女孩的样本在金边巴斯德研究所检测为禽流感H5N1病毒阳性。

    Samples from the girl tested positive for avian influenza H5N1 virus at the Pasteur Institute , Phnom Penh .

  8. 柬埔寨巴斯德研究所国家流感中心于2月20日确认,鼻咽样本中存在H5N1病毒。

    The presence of H5N1 virus in nasopharyngeal specimens was confirmed by Institut Pasteur du Cambodge , the National Influenza Centre on20 February .

  9. 领导该研究的法国巴斯德研究所的RobertMénard表示,目前他们还不清楚这是否会帮助这种寄生虫,或者帮助它们的宿主保护自身免遭感染。

    Lead researcher Robert M é nard of the Pasteur Institute in France says they are unsure whether this helps the parasite or helps the host protect itself from infection .

  10. 命运弄人的是,去年确认几内亚第一例检测结果为阳性的埃博拉病例的实验室巴斯德研究所(PasteurInstitute)正是《病毒学年鉴》的出版方。

    In a twist of fate , the same laboratory that confirmed the first positive Ebola test results in Guinea last year , the Pasteur Institute , was the publisher of Annals of Virology .

  11. 同一天,金边巴斯德研究所的实验室试验确认该男子感染H5禽流感病毒。

    The same day , laboratory tests by the Pasteur Institute in Phnom Penh confirmed that the man was infected with H5 avian influenza virus .

  12. 样本送往达喀尔市巴斯德研究所进行实验室分析,并通过YF血清中和试验(一项高针对性黄热病检测方法)予以证实。

    The samples were sent for laboratory analysis at the Institut Pasteur , Dakar and confirmed by YF seroneutralization , a highly specific test for yellow fever .

  13. 公共卫生领域有一条格言:“通往无所作为的道路上铺满了研究报告。”命运弄人的是,去年确认几内亚第一例检测结果为阳性的埃博拉病例的实验室——巴斯德研究所(PasteurInstitute)——正是《病毒学年鉴》的出版方。

    There is an adage in public health : " The road to inaction is paved with research papers . " In a twist of fate , the same laboratory that confirmed the first positive Ebola test results in Guinea last year , the Pasteur Institute , was the publisher of Annals of Virology .

  14. 法国巴斯德研究所的医学教育培训

    Medical Education Training in the Pasteur Institute in France

  15. 这些病例已得到达喀尔巴斯德研究所的实验室确认。

    The cases have been laboratory confirmed by the Institut Pasteur , Dakar .

  16. 该病例的实验室确认是在塞内加尔达喀尔巴斯德研究所完成的。

    The case was laboratory-confirmed by the Pasteur Institute in Dakar , Senegal .

  17. 雅温得巴斯德研究所正在对标本作出实验室分析。

    Laboratory analysis of the specimens is ongoing at the Institut Pasteur in Yaound é .

  18. 这一特定病例并没有得到达喀尔巴斯德研究所的确认。

    This particular case was found not to be confirmed by the Institut Pasteur de Dakar .

  19. 达喀尔市巴斯德研究所实验室确认了该起黄热病病例。

    The case has been laboratory confirmed for Yellow fever by the Institut Pasteur , Dakar .

  20. 专攻传染性疾病的医生和马达加斯加巴斯德研究所正努力试图阻止疫情的扩散。

    The epidemic experts and Baste research institute are trying to prevent the expansion of the desease .

  21. 巴斯德研究所本已参加最初的合作伙伴关系,也在新协议上签字。

    The Institut pasteur , which had already joined the initial partnership , also signed the new agreement .

  22. 1973年我在巴斯德研究所开始工作时,传染病和分子生物学还是相对独立的两个领域。

    When I began working at the Pasteur Institute in1973 , the two worlds of infectious disease and molecular biology were quite separate .

  23. 2月1日在越南胡志明市巴斯德研究所进行了检测,结果呈流感A/H5阳性。

    Tests undertaken at the Pasteur Institute , Ho Chi Minh City , Viet Nam on1 February were positive for influenza A / H5 .

  24. 这是一篇“意义重大的论文”,巴黎巴斯德研究所的乔纳森·魏茨曼和莫什·雅尼夫在随同发表的一篇评论文章中写道。

    This is a " landmark paper ," wrote Jonathan Weitzman and Moshe Yaniv of the Pasteur Institute in Paris , in an accompanying commentary .

  25. 已将这9例的样本送往世卫组织黄热病合作中心即塞内加尔达喀尔巴斯德研究所进行最后确认。

    Samples from The9 cases have been sent for final confirmation to the WHO Collaborating Centre for yellow fever , the Pasteur Institute at dakar , senegal .

  26. 立即开展了现场调查,小组成员来自卫生部、农业部、世卫组织、巴斯德研究所和粮农组织。

    A field investigation was conducted immediately , with team members from the Ministry of Health , Ministry of Agriculture , WHO , Pasteur Institute and FAO .

  27. 越南胡志明城巴斯德研究所从这位女性身上采取的样本检测为禽流感A/H5病毒阳性。

    Samples taken from the woman tested positive for avian influenza A / H5 virus by the Pasteur Institute in Ho Chi Minh City , Viet Nam .

  28. 2月12日在医院采集的血液标本于2月22日送往柬埔寨巴斯德研究所,经检测,聚合酶链反应呈现阳性。

    A blood specimen collected at hospital on12 February was transferred to Institut Pasteur du Cambodge on22 February and tested positive by ( polymerase chain reaction ) PCR .

  29. 在与科特迪瓦接壤的几内亚边境地区进行的一项调查中,达喀尔的巴斯德研究所发现并确认了一例黄热病。

    An investigation carried out in Guinea at the border with Cote d'Ivoire has led to detection and confirmation by IP Dakar of a case of yellow fever .

  30. 成立于1887年的法国巴斯德研究所不仅是生物医药和公共卫生研究中心,而且还是医学教育培训中心。

    Founded in 1887 , Pasteur Institute in France is the research center for biology medicine and public health , as well as the training center for medical education .