
  • 【物】composition of velocities
  1. 基于速度合成原理的定位误差新算法

    A New Algorithm for Locating Error Based on Velocity Composition Law

  2. X光工业电视检查系统的速度合成与控制

    The Synthesized Speed & Controlment of X-ray Industry TV Inspection System

  3. 具有复合牵连运动时动点的速度合成定理

    Theorem of composit velocity of a moving point in combinatorial transport motion

  4. 关于动点的速度合成定理的一个推论

    A Inference of the Theory of Velocity Composite on a Moving Point

  5. 相对论质点的一般速度合成公式

    The general expression of composition of velocities for relativistic particle

  6. 心理定向&动作速度合成法在跳远技术教学中的应用研究

    Application Research of Integrated Method of Mental Orientation and Action Speed in Long Jump Teaching

  7. 加速运动参考系的引力效应对相对论速度合成定理的影响

    The influence of gravitational effect in accelerated systems of reference for relativity addition theorem of velocities

  8. 然后根据上述知识,利用点的速度合成定理推导出车削平面传动比的方程。

    And then the equation of transmission ratio for machining plane was deduced by using the referred information .

  9. 设计了一种以较高速度合成金刚石薄膜的装置。

    An apparatus is presented in this paper , designed for the synthesis of diamond films at a rather high deposition rate .

  10. 提出了动点在具有复合牵连运动时的速度合成定理,并给出了2种证明方法。

    There is not an adaptive theorem for composit velocity when a point moves in the case of combinatorial transport motion so far .

  11. 引进运动学中的点速度合成定理,求解单颗金刚石磨粒切削面积。

    The composition of velocity law of the points in kinematics is led into the solving of the cutting area of single diamond grit .

  12. 动点在作复合运动时,若动点的牵连运动只涉及到一个动参考系时,则动点的速度合成已有相应的定理。

    There has been theorem developed to expound the multiplex motion of a moving point whose related motion entails only one motion coordinating system .

  13. 本文运用理论力学中运动学的速度合成定理,给出了一般情况下平面机构运动三心定理的求证过程。

    Based on the theorem for the composition of velocities in theoretical mechanics , the author gives out the demonstration of the theorem of three instantaneous centers of velocity in general conditions .

  14. 心理定向动作速度合成教学法就是在教学过程中,有意识地把心理中枢神经活动与动作技能学习结合起来,强化神经通路和运动技能条件反射的形成与巩固。

    The integrated teaching method of mental orientation and action speed is the combination of mental central nerve activity with movement skill consciously , which strengthen the formation and consolidation of condition reflection of movement skill .

  15. 利用点的速度合成定理,将轮系中各个构件的转速分解成随系杆一起转动的转速和相对系杆转动的转速。

    According to the theorem of speed compose of point , the rotate speed of each component in gear transmission was decomposed to a speed together with rotation of planet frame and a speed relatively to rotation of planet frame .

  16. 调速电机与主电机的转速经差动行星轮系的速度合成,可使传动系统在很大范围内无级调速,实现对负载的可控起动。

    The velocity between main asynchronous moter and speed-controlling asynchronous moter is composed by way of the differential planetary gear train , the tranmission system is made to regulate velocity stepless in large scope which succeed in controlling starting progress of load .

  17. 对《宇宙的创生》一书中关于夜黑佯谬的解释提出质疑,认为视界确为夜黑的关键,但并不是由速度合成定律所推导出的视界,而是由宇宙演化的历史所决定的视界。

    The paper challenges the explanation of night-being-dark paradox presented in the book Birth of the Universe , claiming that eyeshot is the crucial factor for ascertaining night-being-dark and that eyeshot is determined by the evolution of universe rather than deduced by velocity superposition .

  18. 目前该领域的难点主要体现在纹理合成的速度与合成图像的质量上。

    The main challenge of this area currently lies in synthesis speed and the quality of synthesized image .

  19. 甲醇作沉淀剂,调整冷却速度,合成树脂吸水率达1200倍以上。

    Methanol as precipitating agent appropriately controlling cooling rate can make the absorbing water rate of absorbent polymer up to 1 200 times .

  20. 利用纹理合成技术,可以合成任意大小和可以平铺的纹理影像,不会出现接缝和变形,但纹理合成速度及合成质量一直是制约其应用的瓶颈。

    Texture synthesize techniques can grow arbitrary magnitude texture and avoid deform and seam . But texture synthesize quality and speed are always its defect .

  21. 针对调频步进信号高速运动目标径向速度影响合成距离像问题,提出一种复合测速方法。

    To solve the effect of the velocity on the range profile , a compound velocity measurement method for the stepped-frequency Chirp signal is presented .

  22. 专题根据异构酶的分子结构与性质要求,调节悬浮聚合反应的单体浓度、致孔剂量,控制反应强度和搅拌速度,合成了大孔聚苯乙烯球形载体。

    This subject , based on isomerase molecular structure and properties demand , via adjusting monomer concentration of suspension polymerization , dosage of pore forming , and controlling reaction severity and stirring speed , synthesized macroporous polystyrene spherical carrier .

  23. 3通过VSP平均速度和人工合成地震记录反求平均速度进行速度拟合,得到速度模型,进而作层位标定和时&深转换;

    Obtaining velocity model and labeling horizon and doing time depth conversion by using VSP mean velocity and mean velocity of synthetic seismogram to fit velocity ;

  24. 浅谈催化反应中活性组分的载体承运人识别的法律问题牵连运动为平面运动时速度与加速度合成定理

    Composing theorem of velocity and acceleration under the condition of planar carrier motion

  25. 该方法具有合成反应速度快、合成设备工艺简单和易放大产量等优点。

    The method has advantages in fast synthesis , simple technology process , low-cost equipment and amplificatory yield .

  26. 运用双库模型计算整体蛋白质周转速度、蛋白质合成、降解及蛋白质沉积。

    The protein turnover , protein synthesis , protein breakdown and protein retention were calculated by two-pool model method .

  27. 爆炸法具有合成反应速度快、合成设备简单、易批量生产的特点。

    The way of detonation synthesis has the character of quickly reacting , and it is easy to produce in batches using simple apparatus .

  28. 分析结果进一步表明,为了得到运动目标的可接受失真度的合成距离像,目标径向速度必须小于合成宽带雷达系统中最小的最大不模糊速度。

    Furthermore , the theoretical analysis results show that in order to obtain the SRP with acceptable distortion , target radial velocity must be less than the minimum subband maximum unambiguous radial velocity .

  29. 然后根据五个OBS台站得到的一维速度深度函数,合成东沙群岛地壳的二维速度结构模型。

    According to the 1-D velocity-depth functions of five OBS , we synthesize the 2-D crustal velocity structure model of Dongsha islands .

  30. 当绒毛快速生长时,毛囊细胞分裂的速度很快,合成蛋白质效率非常高,绒山羊的毛囊一年中要合成大量的绒毛结构蛋白,且毛囊呈现明显的年周期性变化。

    When the hair rapid growth , hair follicle cell division very quickly , and has high protein synthesis efficiency .