
sù jì yuán
  • stenographer;shorthand typist
  1. 警察局速记员逐字记下了那个人的供词

    The police stenographer recorded the man 's confession word by word .

  2. v.以另一种文字或符号写出n.transcript审判的记录由速记员的速记符号翻译出来。……

    transcribe The account of the trial was transcribed from the stenographer 's shorthand notes .......

  3. 一个法庭速记员必须能够一分钟写下二百五十个字以上。n.生动的

    A court stenographer has to be able to take down more than 250 words a minute .

  4. 一个合格的速记员不一定就是个称职的秘书。

    A qualified stenographer is not necessarily a competent secretary .

  5. 速记员:能把你们最后的话重复一下吗?

    Stenographer : could you repeat that last part ?

  6. 庭审记录是由速记员的速记符号翻译过来的。

    The account of the trial was transcribed from the stenographer 's shorthand notes .

  7. 法院速记员做了审判记录。

    The court stenographer registered the trial proceedings .

  8. 一位速记员正在用速记符号书写。

    A stenographer is writing in shorthand .

  9. 昨天下午,我已通知速记员介绍所,让他们今天上午介绍几个来面试。

    I notified the agency yesterday afternoon to send over a few samples this morning .

  10. 有天早晨,史瓦布来到他所经营的一家钢铁工厂,看到有一位公司的储备速记员也在那里。

    Early one morning Charles Schwab arrived at one of the steel mills he managed .

  11. 她做饭、打扫卫生甚至尝试做个法庭速记员

    She cooked and she cleaned more than she even to be a court sonographer .

  12. 午安,下周我们约订两名速记员。

    Good afternoon , we would like to contract two stenographers for the coming week .

  13. 速记员的举动很奇怪。

    The stenographer acted very queerly .

  14. 我机灵、适应性强、为人热情,是一个高效率的速记员和打字员;

    I am alert , adaptable , and keen-minded . I am an efficient stenographer and typist .

  15. 速记员:前进先辈的语音辨认软件将会庖代法庭上的布告员及良多秘书和行政助理。

    Stenographers : Sophisticated voice-recognition software will replace court reporters and lots of secretaries and executive assistants .

  16. 请问贵公司能否需要一名年青、有经验、担任的女秘书兼速记员?

    Perhaps there is a position in your organization for an young , experienced , and conscientious secretary stenographer .

  17. 速记员可能是旅馆的职工,也可能是某一受让人的雇员。雇一个人去做某件工作

    The stenographer may be either a hotel employee or an employee of a concessionaire . hire a man to do a certain piece of work

  18. 你盯着那个机要速记员很快地进进出出,漫不经心地转动那扇神秘的门,对你来说,它可是绕着命运的铰链在转动呢。

    You watched the confidential stenographer flit in and out , carelessly turning that mystic Portal which , to you , revolved on hinges of fate .

  19. “速记员。”皮彻说,“昨天你吩咐我给他们打电话,叫他们今天上午介绍一个人过来。”

    " Position of stenographer ," said Pitcher . " You told me yesterday to call them up and have one sent over this morning . "

  20. 我机灵、适应性强、为人热情,是一个高效率的速记员和打字员;我的写作思路清晰、简练、有趣味性。

    I am alert , adaptable , and keen-minded . I am an efficient stenographer and typist . I can write clearly , concisely , and entertainingly .

  21. 木匠,铅管工,速记员不可或缺,同样,社会也需要医生,律师,工程师和教师各司其职,才得以运转。

    Society needs doctors , lawyers , engineers , teachers to perform specific tasks necessary to its operation , just as it needs carpenters and plumbers and stenographers .

  22. 很早以前,我发现我没法足够快地把它们写下来,他补充说(有段时间他还雇用过速记员)。

    I discovered a long time ago , I cannot get it down fast enough , he added . ( For a while , he employed court stenographers . )

  23. 从做秘书起我一直是一个优秀的速记员,直到今天,我所写的所有故事的第一稿都是用速记的方式写的。

    I 'd been skilful stenographer ever since my days as a secretary and to this day this is how I still write the first draft of all my books .

  24. 这本人际关系手册的出版得益于一名速记员的帮助(根据一位听过卡耐基演讲的西蒙与舒斯特出版公司高管的建议),内容取自卡耐基颇受欢迎的演讲课程内容。

    Transcribed with help from a stenographer ( at the suggestion of a Simon & Schuster exec who heard Carnegie speak ) , this likeability manual spawned from a popular lecture course taught by Carnegie .

  25. 当记者们和美方人员拒绝离开时,中国官员就开始对这两拨人推推搡搡,甚至试图把负责正式记录会谈内容的美方速记员也赶出会议厅。

    When reporters and US staff refused to leave , the officials manhandled both groups and even tried to remove the US stenographer , who keeps the official record of the meeting , from the room .