
zhuó dìng
  • Discretionary;decide according to one's judgment;use one's discretion
酌定 [zhuó dìng]
  • [use one's discretion] 酌情裁定

  • 酌定对策

酌定[zhuó dìng]
  1. 以上几点意见是否可行,请酌定。

    Please weigh the above points and see if they are practicable .

  2. 这三个基础是酌定量刑情节存在和发展的源泉。

    These foundations are the source of its existence and development .

  3. 酌定量刑情节若干问题研究

    Research on Some Problems of Discretion in Light of Penalty Circumstance

  4. 第一节是对中国古代酌定量刑情节的分析。

    Section I is ancient Chinese plot analysis of sentencing discretion .

  5. 第一章主要围绕酌定量刑情节的基本概念进行阐释。

    The first chapter mainly introduces the discretion on sentence .

  6. 其二,将部分酌定量刑情节法定化。

    Second , part of the plot statutory discretionary sentencing .

  7. 论我国酌定不起诉权行使的条件

    On the Condition of Conditional Non Prosecution in China

  8. 对酌定赔偿最直接的限制来自于法律的明确规定。

    The most direct restrictions of the discretion damages are from the law .

  9. 酌定不起诉适用中面临的问题与对策&基于未成年人案件的实证研究

    Problems and Solutions of Discretionary Non-prosecution : A Positive Research on Juvenile Cases

  10. 在精神损害赔偿金的确定标准上,主张以分档酌定的方法确定。

    Third , in order to determine the compensation , grading method is suggested .

  11. 因此,将酌定从重量刑情节作为量刑因素是错误的、有害的。

    Therefore , it is wrong and harmful to take the discretionary heavier circumstances of sentencing .

  12. 由于各种原因,酌定不起诉制度在实践中难以实现其承载的应有功能。

    Due to cer - tain reasons in practice , non-prosecution often fails of its expectation .

  13. 其次,应当完善相关制度,保障酌定不起诉恰当适用。

    In the second place , improve related systems and provide support for the application properly .

  14. 本文第二部分介绍了酌定量刑情节的适用。

    The second part of this treatise is mainly about the using of the considerable circumstance .

  15. 在我国法律中,只有知识产权相关法律对知识产权纠纷中的酌定赔偿法进行了限额、影响因素等方面的规定,我国理论界称之为法定赔偿。

    In China , the intellectual property laws have set limits , which calls statutory damages .

  16. 卖方可以(由其酌定)将买方补救的时间期限延长。

    Seller may , at seller 's option , extend the time for buyer 's cure .

  17. 酌定量刑情节的适用从本质上说是法官自由裁量权的运用。

    The application of discretionary circumstances of sentencing in nature is the application of judges ' free rulings .

  18. 针对酌定情节是否具有法定性的问题,大致有肯定说与否定说两种观点。

    There are two kinds of views about the legality of the discretion in light of penalty circumstance .

  19. 首先简要介绍了我国刑法学界对酌定量刑情节的概念的几种不同的认识;

    First of all , introduces the different understanding of the conception of the considerable circumstance in our country .

  20. 但实践中,应结合案件情况作为酌定情节予以考虑,这样即符合我国《刑法》的精神,也有利于打击犯罪。

    But in practice , should be combined with the case as a discretionary circumstances are to be considered .

  21. 理论上认为,被害人谅解是能够对量刑产生影响的一个重要的酌定量刑情节。

    Scholars generally believe that it is an important discretionary sentencing which can have an impact on the sentencing .

  22. 酌定不起诉是检察机关行使起诉裁量权最主要的表现形式。

    Discretional non-prosecution is the principle manifestation for the office of the public prosecutor to exercise the discretional power .

  23. 即应该在法律规定的范围内将刑事政策作为酌定量刑情节予以适用。

    That should the law within the provisions of the criminal policy as discretionary given circumstances shall be applicable .

  24. 本文认为家庭暴力犯罪应从重处罚,但应当考虑法定或酌定从宽情节。

    Family violence crime shall be given a heavier punishment , but should take the circumstances for liberal punishment .

  25. 其次,对涉黑案的酌定量刑情节按照一般性、特殊性两个维度进行论述。

    Second , discretionary sentencing in accordance with the general , the particularity of the two dimensions of triad-related cases were discussed .

  26. 规定不起诉的情形有三种,即法定不起诉、存疑不起诉和酌定不起诉。

    And the provision has ruled that there are three kinds of non-prosecution , Legal Non-Prosecution , Failure-of-Evidence Non-Prosecution , Discretionary Non-Prosecution .

  27. 至于薪水,请你们酌定.目前本人月薪2000元。红利另计。

    As regards salary , I would leave that to you . My present salary is 2000 yuan per month plus bonus .

  28. 酌定赔偿的核心环节是酌定赔偿额的确定,探讨酌定赔偿额的确定,对规范酌定赔偿具有重要的意义。

    The core of discretion damages is to determine the amount of damages , so the study of discretionary damages is significant .

  29. 酌定量刑情节相对应于法定量刑情节,同样是一种不可或缺的、在量刑时起重要作用的量刑因素。

    Compared with the legally-prescribed circumstances of sentencing , the discretionary circumstances of sentencing also is a indispensable significant factor for sentencing .

  30. 这种投资组合的投资战略与传统的可自行酌定委托书是一样的,并且也提供多种有效的小型投资组合。

    The portfolios follow the same investment strategy as the traditional discretionary mandates and offer an efficient diversification for smaller portfolios too .