
  • 网络schedule
  1. 搜索树的每一节点对应一个RCPSP,通过求解各节点RCPSP来求得RLP的最优调度计划。

    Every node in search tree corresponds a RCPSP , and the RCPSP is solved to obtain schedule for the RLP .

  2. 使用该系统制定的原油输送调度计划,可以在满足约束的条件下,减少输油切换次数,降低输油成本,提高输油效率。

    The schedule made by this system can reduce oil transportation transfer rate , decrease costs and increase efficiency of crude oil transportation under conditions of constraint .

  3. 这些缓存刷新和清理调度计划是在DocumentManagerDesigner管理客户机中定义的。

    These cache refresh and purge schedules are defined in the Document Manager Designer administration client .

  4. 同样,DocumentManagerDesktop客户机也有一个缓存刷新和清理调度计划。

    Likewise , the Document Manager Desktop clients also have a cache refresh and purge schedule .

  5. DocumentManager缓存服务有一个可配置的刷新DocumentManager服务器上缓存的调度计划。

    The Document Manager cache service has a configurable schedule to refresh the cache on the Document Manager server .

  6. Intranet环境下的电力系统调度计划管理系统

    Intranet based optimal scheduling management system of power system

  7. 文章介绍了Intranet环境下的电力系统调度计划管理系统&WEBLMS的体系结构、形式及功能。

    Intranet based optimal scheduling system of power system ( WEBLMS ) is presented in this paper .

  8. 最后,应用Witness仿真软件的优化功能,以时间倒推方法对生产调度计划进行仿真优化。

    Secondly , with the simulation function of Witness simulation software , the production scheduling planning were simulated and optimized in the function of backward time .

  9. 编组站CIPS系统的调度计划管理

    Dispatching Plan Management of Marshalling Yard CIPS System

  10. 采用对齐技术对传统的串行项目调度计划生成方案进行改进,然后设计了一种蚁群算法对典型的资源受限项目调度问题(Multi-modeResourceConstrainedProjectScheduleProblem,MMRCPSP)进行求解。

    The justification technology is used to improve the traditional serial schedule scheme . An ant colony optimization ( ACO ) algorithm for solving multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem ( MMRCPSP ) is developed .

  11. 广义网络流规划在电力系统燃料调度计划中的应用

    Optimal Fuel Schedule of Power Systems Using Generalized Network Flow Programming

  12. 炼钢连铸调度计划模糊评价方法的应用

    Application of the Fuzzy Evaluation in Schedule Planning for Steelmaking and Concasting

  13. 采用虚拟现实技术开发了钢铁企业炼钢&连铸调度计划的调度系统。

    The steelmaking-continuous casting scheduling system is developed using virtual reality technique .

  14. 分局调度计划子系统的研究

    Study on Scheme Dispatch Program in Railway Subbureau Dispatch System

  15. 一种炼钢连铸调度计划的综合模糊评价方法

    A Method of Fuzzy Evaluation for Schedule of Steelmaking in Metallurgical Enterprise

  16. 成品油管道调度计划自动编制系统的开发

    The Development and Application of the Automatic Pipeline Scheduling System

  17. 日前交易开放前日调度计划优化的研究

    Optimization of Daily Dispatch Arrangement before Day-Ahead Transaction Being Opened

  18. 一种基于购电全局最优的实用调度计划方法

    Practical dispatch plan method based on electricity purchase global optimization

  19. 基于调度计划的航空发动机备份数量决策方法研究

    A Decision-making Method for the Quantity of Spare Aero-engines Based on Scheduling

  20. 编组站调度计划无线传输系统的研究&PC与ND250A模块通讯的实现

    The Development of Marshalling Yard Dispatcher Production Wireless Transmission System

  21. 浙江电网调度计划和检修管理系统

    Development and application of a system for power dispatching plan and maintenance management

  22. 物流仿真技术在炼钢连铸调度计划中的应用

    Application of Logistics Simulation Technology for Steelmaking and Concasting

  23. 基于全局发电最优的日调度计划方法

    A practical method for active power dispatch based on global optimal generation schedule

  24. 在一条拥堵的线路上得到输电容量调度计划的用户按照边际成本价格为使用这条线路输电而付费。

    The users are charged the marginal-cost-based price for using a congested path .

  25. 广西电网日调度计划管理系统的研发与应用

    Development of Management System for Daily Dispatch Program of Guangxi Electric Power Grid

  26. 人机交互调整炼钢连铸调度计划

    Adjustment of planning and scheduling for steelmaking and continuous casting with man-machine interactive

  27. 炼油厂生产调度计划模型的研究

    Study of Production Management Model in Oil Refineries

  28. 该软件包含实时状态监视模块和实时调度计划决策支持模块两部分。

    The software comprises spot-time watching module and decision-aid module for spot-time dispatching schedule .

  29. 顺序输送管道调度计划动态模拟研究

    Research on Dynamic Simulation of Batch Transportation Pipeline

  30. 传统中,工艺规划与车间生产调度计划是分开的。

    In traditional , the Process Planning and Shop Production Scheduling Planning are separate .