- 名set-point

The fluctuation of cAMP content in the center caused the set-point to move up and down , and further caused the fluctuation of the body temperature and formed the biphasic fever .
The influence of intermittent exercise of human unilateral arm on set-point for sweating
Results show that , ZW can adjust the osmotic regulation point , decrease the secretion of antidiuretic hormone ( ADH );
This article summarizes the role of IL 1 β as endogenous pyrogen in elevating the thermoregulatory set point and causing a regulated rise in body temperature to induce fever .
You do this until your weight comes down to a new , lower set point .
The results showed that reducing Na + / Ca2 + in the temperature regulation center was one of antipyretic mechanism of clearing-heat herbs .
A. A much more effective approach is to lower the body 's temperature set point , which is done with medicine like aspirin .
Hot flush is one of most common symptoms in perimenopausal women . The pathophysiology of hot flushes remains unknown . A decline in hormone concentrations might lead to alterations in brain neurotransmitters and to instability in the hypothalamic thermoregulatory set point .