
  • 网络available nutrient
  1. 速效养分变化显著,pH值变化不明显;细菌和放线菌的数量显著降低,真菌的数量显著增加。

    The available nutrient varied significantly , but the pH had no significant change . The amount of bacterium and ray fungi reduced obviously , and the amount of fungus increased obviously . 3 .

  2. 再生水灌溉对草坪土壤速效养分及盐碱化的效应

    Effects of Irrigation with Reclaimed Water on Available Nutrient and Salinize - alkalization

  3. 蚯蚓-菌根相互作用对Cd污染土壤中速效养分及植物生长的影响

    Effect of Earthworm-mycorrhiza Interaction on Available Nutrients and Ryegrass Growth in Cd Contaminated Soil

  4. 覆盖后明显提高了土壤有机质及土壤中N、P、K养分含量,尤其是速效养分的含量。

    Soil organic matter , N , P and K contents , especially available nutrient , obviously increased after mulching .

  5. 通过增施有机肥等措施建立的酸化治理模式提高了土壤pH值和部分速效养分含量。

    The organic fertilizer model based on organic fertilizer application improved soil pH and part of available nutrients .

  6. 施用除草剂使土壤有机质含量和土壤pH降低,但是增加了土壤速效养分含量。

    Herbicide application decreased soil organic matter content and pH value , but increased the available N , P , K.

  7. 保肥力好且提高土壤速效养分N、P、K的利用率;

    It can also raise soil capacity of fertility conservation well and use efficiency of soil available nutrients N , P and K ;

  8. 基于GIS的鄂州市地力调查与质量评价及乡镇农田速效养分评价与应用

    Assessment of Soil Quality and Environment for E-Zhou City , Effective Nutrient Evaluation and Application in Township Cropland Based on GIS

  9. 陕南茶园土壤有机质和pH值空间变异及其与速效养分的相关性

    Spatial variability of soil organic matter and pH and the correlation to available nutrients in the tea garden of southern Shaanxi

  10. ~(15)N示踪法研究复混生物肥对水稻肥效及其对茬后土壤速效养分的影响

    Effect of compound bio - | fertilizer on fertilizer efficiency of rice and active nutrients of soil after harvesting by ~ ( 15 ) n tracing

  11. 水分变化平稳,保水性能加强:N、P、K速效养分含量有所增加;

    It can make water change steadily and strength the power of keeping water ; It can also increase a little more quick result content of N , P and K.

  12. 此外,禁牧明显提高了土壤有机质数量和离子交换能力,降低土壤pH值,促进矿质元素分解转化,增加速效养分含量。

    In addition , forbidden grazing significantly improved the quantity of soil OM and CEC content , lower soil pH , promoted mineral elements into decomposition , increase available nutrient content .

  13. 土壤养分供应状况是作物产量潜力发挥最为重要的因素之一,作物籽粒产量的空间变异与土壤OM和速效养分的空间变异之间有显著的或一定的相关性。

    Spatial variability of crop grain yields was positively correlated with contents of soil OM and available nutrients .

  14. 不同培肥方法对水田改旱后土壤盐分、pH、土壤速效养分及有机质的影响作用不同,石膏处理能明显降低土壤pH值;

    The effects of different fertilizing manners on contents of total salt , soil pH , contents of soil available nutrients and organic matters were different . The gypsum treatment decreased soil pH significantly .

  15. 垦殖利用后,其化学肥力随着耕垦熟化过程不断提高,表现为土壤中各种速效养分及交换性Ca、Mg含量均增加,而交换性Al含量降低。

    Soil chemical fertility in cultivated-land and garden systems increased with land reclamation and soil maturation process , the content of soil nutrient and exchangeable Ca and Mg raised , but exchangeable Al dropped .

  16. 结果表明:各种培肥措施均能明显提高土壤全量养分和速效养分含量,而且土壤阳离子代换量及pH值也有所降低。

    The result shows , that all the measures of fostering fertility can increase the whole nutrients and the quick acting nutrients obviously , and the exchange capacity of positive ion and pH of soil decrease .

  17. 为探讨提高土壤中秸秆发酵效率的新途径,本试验采用盆栽方法研究了秸秆配施外源蛋白酶对土壤速效养分、有机质、pH值以及后季作物生长的影响。

    In order to find the new way to promote the fermentation efficiency of crop straws , the influences of outer protease on soil fertility and the effects on growth of wheat were investigated by pot culture experiment .

  18. 黑色地膜覆盖可在早期提高土壤0~5cm层的日平均地温3℃左右,使土壤水分变化平稳、保水性好,提高速效养分N、P、K的利用率;

    Black film mulching could raise the average daily soil temperature in plough layers of 0 ~ 5 cm by 3 ℃ in early stage , which could make water change steadily , raise soil capacity of water conservation and using efficiency of soil available N , P and K.

  19. 在水稻不同生育期之间稻田土壤总氮含量存在显著差异(P0.01)总之,大气CO2浓度升高提高了稻田土壤矿质养分、有机质的含量,而速效养分在水稻不同生育期其影响不同。

    The concentration of TN in Paddy field soil had significant difference between different rice growing stages ( P < 0.01 ) . In conclusion , the elevated atmospheric CO2 significantly increased the concentration of mineral nutrients 、 TOC and TN in the Paddy field soil .

  20. 对于L1层土壤速效养分,速效氮、磷在不同刈割制度之间并无显著差异;对于L2层无论是不同刈割制度还是刈割后均无显著差异。

    For the L1 layer of soil available nutrients , available nitrogen and phosphorus in different mowing regime there was no significant difference between ; the L2 layer is different , whether mowing or cutting regime there was no significant difference after . 5 .

  21. 秸秆覆盖可提高0~60cm土层有机质和速效养分含量,其中同一覆盖时期,中覆盖有机质含量最高。

    Straw mulch can improve organic matter and available nutrient content of 0 ~ 60cm soil , in the same coverage period , the highest content of organic matter in the middle coverage .

  22. 与1999年和2000年相比,规律相似。每公顷施EM堆肥15t以后,土壤速效养分含量比其它处理高,而且在冬小麦-夏玉米生长的关键时期能提供较为充分的有效养分。

    And it is the same with 1999 and 2000 . The soil available nutrients are higher than that of the others 1 . Furthermore , it can supply with enough available nutrients during the important growth stages of the winter wheat and the summer maize .

  23. 当生育期雨量较小时,农田土壤速效养分增加的土层主要为较上层(0~40cm)土壤,而当雨量进一步加大时,还可使更深层土壤速效养分含量增加。

    When the rainfall was lower , the layer of soil available nutrient in farmland mainly focused on topsoil ( 0-40 cm ) . With the rainfall increase , the soil available nutrient contents in deep soil layer also enhanced . 5 .

  24. 植稻期水稻土速效养分动态的数学模式

    The Mathematical Model of Readily Available Nutrient Dynamic in Paddy Soils

  25. 县域农田土壤速效养分肥力综合评价

    Integrated Assessment of Soil Fertility in Available Nutrients in County Region

  26. 桉树与豆科植物混交种植对土壤速效养分的影响

    Effects of mixed planting legume and Eucalyptus on soil available nutrients

  27. 大豆覆膜增加了土壤水分与速效养分含量。

    It increased plough layer soil water and available nutrients content .

  28. 关中旱地小麦生育期土壤速效养分时空变异特征研究

    The spatio-temporal variability of soil available nutrients in the Guanzhong plain

  29. 日光温室土壤速效养分的累积和淋移特征研究

    Characteristics of Available Nutrients Accumulation and Eluviation in Greenhouse Soil

  30. 土壤速效养分空间变异研究

    Study on variability of soil available nutrients in Shanxi province