
  • 网络Constitutional Court of Korea
  1. 韩国宪法法院说,实名制的要求相当于事前审查。

    The court said the requirement amounts to prior censorship .

  2. 韩国宪法法院星期四进行投票,以七票对两票的表决结果废除了通奸法。该法律是1953年颁行的。

    The Constitutional Court on Thursday ruled by a vote of seven to two against the adultery ban , which was enacted in 1953 .

  3. 由九名法官组成的韩国宪法法院在公布裁决结果时说,个人言论造成的伤害可通过现行法律从经济损害和刑事处罚两方面进行救济。

    In its ruling , the nine-justice Constitutional Court also said harm done by a person 's expression can be remedied through existing laws provided for financial damages and criminal punishment .

  4. 韩国宪法法院周四裁定,要求韩国人须在网络论坛上使用真实姓名的法律违宪。这一结果将迫使韩国政府修改已经出台了五年之久、意在减少网民对政客和名人匿名批评的规定。

    The Constitutional Court ruled Thursday that a law requiring South Koreans to use their real names on Internet forums was unconstitutional , forcing the government to change the five-year-old regulation created to reduce anonymous criticism of politicians and celebrities .