
  • 网络Demographics of South Korea
  1. 到2050年,韩国人口的中位数年龄将达到57岁。

    By 2050 , the median age there will be 57 .

  2. 2010年,韩国人口的平均年龄为37岁。

    In 2010 , the average South Korean was 37 years old .

  3. 到下世纪初韩国人口老龄化进程将进一步加快。

    The aging trend will quicken in the next century .

  4. 韩国人口结构变化对储蓄的影响

    Influence of Population Structure Changes on the Save in Korea

  5. 韩国人口政策及其对中国农村人口政策的启示

    The population policy of Korea and its ' lessons for rural China

  6. 解决韩国人口问题需要花大力气。

    Addressing South Korea 's demography will take more than decent returns .

  7. 韩国人口老龄化与韩国经济关系研究

    The Investigation of Korea Economy Related to Aging

  8. 韩国人口结构变化对社会经济发展的影响及对策研究

    Impacts of the Population Structure of the Republic of Korea upon Economic and Social Development and Policy Studies

  9. 随着近几十年生育率的持续下降及平均寿命的不断提高,韩国人口逐渐出现了老龄化趋势。

    With the fertility reducing and the average life span increasing , There appears population aging trend in Korea .

  10. 由于韩国人口出生率下滑到历史新低,该国医学院的学生们只能用机器人产妇来练习接生技术。

    SEOUL ( Reuters Life !) - With South Korea 's birth rate at its lowest ever , medical students are resorting to robots to practice bringing babies into the world .

  11. 从宏观的角度来看,韩国人口的五分之一大约是1000万人,而观看《太阳的后裔》第三集的观众人数比这一数字还要多一点点。

    To put things into perspective , a fifth of South Korea 's population is 10 million people . Just a little over that number tuned in to watch the third episode of Descendants of the Sun .

  12. 工业化、产业结构调整、农业发展政策、工业选址政策以及城市社会经济迅速发展是韩国人口城市化的主要社会经济动因。

    The main social and economic motivations of the S.Korean population urbanization consist of the industrialization , the industrial structure adjustment , the policies of agricultural development , the policies of industrial site selecting and the urban rapid development of the society and economy .

  13. 这几乎是韩国总人口的10%,电子艺界国际业务主管格哈德•弗洛林(GerhardFlorin)表示,这些数字令人难以置信。

    That 's almost 10 per cent of the population of South Korea , says Gerhard Florin , head of EA 's international operations . These are unbelievable numbers .

  14. 可是这并不代表韩国的大部分人口。

    Most of the netizens don 't think before they speak , honestly .

  15. 目前全球人口老龄化最为严重的国家是日本,而中国和韩国则是人口向老龄化趋势发展最为迅速的国家。

    The most aged country in the world right now is Japan , and China and South Korea are the quickest-aging nations .

  16. 韩国将近一半的人口在首尔市内及周边地区居住,因而首尔市长选举是除了全国大选外,最重要的选举活动,没有之一!

    Nearly half of South Korea 's population lives in or around Seoul , and the mayoral race is by far the most important non-national election .

  17. 就连中国的邻国韩国和日本(人口出生率分别为每名女性1.23和1.34)也不需要如此之高的出生率来维持人口稳定。

    Even China 's neighbours such as South Korea and Japan , which have fertility rates of 1.23 and 1.34 per woman , do not need as high a birth rate to hold the population level .

  18. 值得警惕的是,尽管发达国家总体自杀率正在下降,但韩国统计局的最新数据显示2011年韩国15-24岁人口的自杀率从2001年的10万分之7.7上升至10万分之13。

    What 's alarming is that while overall suicide rates in developed countries are falling , the suicide rate for people aged 15-24 in Korea rose to 13 deaths per 100,000 people in 2011 , up from 7.7 in 2001 , according to the latest Statistics Korea data .

  19. 韩国是世界出生率最低的国家之一,因此韩国大力提倡人口生育。

    With one of the lowest birthrates in the world , South Korea is eager to encourage larger families .

  20. 全球风投公司古德沃特资本(GoodwaterCapital)在韩国进行了大量投资,其创始人埃里克·金(EricKim)表示,韩国人口密度高且相对同质,因此韩国是检验新移动服务的理想之地。

    Eric Kim , a founder of Goodwater Capital , a global venture firm that invests heavily in South Korea , said that the country 's high population density and relative homogeneity makes it ideal for testing out new mobile services .