
  • 网络Mountainous region;montane zone;mountain zone
  1. 研究鼎湖山地带性植被厚壳桂属(Cryptocarya)群落种间联结15年的变化,以期揭示该群落随时间演替过程中种间关系的变化情况。

    A 15-year change of interspecific association of zonal vegetation , Cryptocarya community , was studied .

  2. 由于处于阿尔卑斯山地带使得奥地利成为一个多山的国家。

    Austria is a largely mountainous country due to its location in the Alps .

  3. 奥地利阿尔卑斯山地带在这个冬天遭遇了大雪袭击,发生过好几次雪崩事件。

    The Austrian Alps have been hit by particularly heavy snow this winter and numerous avalanches .

  4. 直到罗马帝国瓦解阶段,阿尔卑斯山地带才缓慢而明显地出现中世纪农业技术。

    A distinct medieval agricultural practice emerged only very slowly in trans-alpine Europe in the centuries after the collapse of the Roman Empire .

  5. 低山丘陵地带建厂的地基处理

    Plant ground treatment in hilly land

  6. 北京地区的板栗基本上种植在以花岗岩、片麻岩为土壤母质的低山丘陵地带。

    The chestnut trees in Beijing are planted in mountainous area and hilly land mainly of granite and gneiss .

  7. 他的家在一座山的边缘地带。

    His house was located in a marginal position of a mountain .

  8. 人们向西南面山的安全地带行进。

    There was a southwestward movement of people towards the safety of the mountains .

  9. 最适宜生长立地条件是排水良好、土层肥沃的阴坡山下部缓坡地带,其生长量比对照提高19.1%。

    The best site condition is the shade of low pitch which is well drained and rich in soil layer , its growth improved 19.1 percent than control .

  10. 苏浙皖边界低山丘陵区几种地带性土壤的发生分类及开发利用

    Classification and utilization of some zonal soils in the subtropical low mountain area lying between Jiangsu Zhejiang and Anhui provinces

  11. 云南山原的自然地带性以热带为其特征,地形海拔变化使得水分和热量出现垂直分异;

    Natural zonality of Yunnan highland is uniqueness in tropics where vertical differentiation in water and heat occurs due to changes in relief and altitude ;

  12. 主要分布在缙云山、中梁山、铜锣山、明月山等山系海拔300米-450米以上的低山地带,以及部分丘陵地山头和两江流域的消落区。

    They mainly distribute in altitude of 300m-450m of the Jinyun Mountain , Liangshan Mountain , Causeway Mountain , Moon Mountain and other mountain series , as well as some knap and drawdown areas of the two River Basin .