
  1. 韩军一位指挥官chooeun-sik表示,演习是为了“展示我军早已严阵以待”,足以击退朝方任何新的袭击。

    Choo eun-sik , a South Korean military commander , said the exercises were aimed at " demonstrating our solid military preparedness " for any fresh North Korean attack .

  2. 朝鲜宣称,其炮击延坪岛,正是因为韩军的一次军事演习使其感受到威胁。

    North Korea says it attacked the island because it felt threatened by a military exercise .

  3. 选取了韩军老师的《写实与写虚》这篇课堂实录,以此分析神思理论在写作教学中的运用。

    Han Jun , a teacher ," Realism and write virtual " in this class Record , in order to analyze the mental state theory in the teaching of writing .

  4. 演习预计持续1小时,不过韩军表示,如果朝鲜方面做出任何“挑衅”行为,他们将“立即并严厉地”回应。

    The drill is expected to last for one hour , but the South Korean military said they would " immediately and sternly " deal with any " provocations " from the North .