
  • 网络Lane departure warning system;ldws
  1. 根据车道偏离预警系统对于道路图像的特殊要求,针对现有图像处理的不足之处,并结合目前最先进的图像处理算法,在减少噪声、阈值分割以及保存有效像素等方面取得了明显的进展。

    According to the special requirements of LDWS for road image , this paper aims itself at the defect in image processing of LDWS in existence , and combining the advanced image processing algorithm in existence , make progress in eliminating noise , exact threshold division and keeping efficiency pixel .

  2. 第二部分则简述了车道偏离预警系统的历史和发展,并重点阐述了算法的研究现状,进而为算法的改进工作铺平道路。

    The history and development of the lane departure warning system is sketched and the research status of the algorithm is focused on in part two .

  3. 本文对提出的车道偏离预警系统从硬件与软件两个方面进行系统设计。

    The system design mainly depicts the system in two aspects , hardware and software .

  4. 论文重点介绍了国外高速汽车车道偏离预警系统的研究现状、发展趋势及其市场潜力。

    It reviews on development of Lane Departure Warning Highway System and developing trend . In the end the paper analyses the system 's market .

  5. 本文的章节安排如下:第一章,主要包括两部分内容,第一部分是对反应特性的研究现状进行介绍,第二部分则是针对车道偏离预警系统的发展及其算法进行介绍。

    The first part introduces the research status of the reaction characteristic , and the second part is the introduction about lane departure warning system development and its algorithm .

  6. 车道偏离预警系统实时探测车辆所在车道位置,若车辆偏离车道却没有开启相应的指示灯,系统将以光、声、振动等形式警告驾驶员,以保证行驶安全。

    Lane departure warning systems can detect the location of vehicles Real-timely , where if the vehicle deviated from the lane and does not open the corresponding indicator , the system will warning drivers by light , sound , vibration and other forms of warning .

  7. 车道偏离预警系统是一种辅助驾驶员保持车辆在车道内行驶的车道偏离警示系统。车载自主导航系统正是旨在辅助驾驶员获得道路交通网路况信息而设计开发的智能信息系统。

    Lane Departure Warning System ( LDWS ) is mainly focus on help driver to keep vehicle in the lane under fatiguing or monotonous driving scenarios on highways and highway like roads . Onboard self-determination navigation system is developed for helping drivers to obtain traffic information .

  8. 其中,辅助驾驶员进行车辆横向运动控制的系统包括车道保持辅助、自动换道、车道偏离预警系统。

    Among them , the system assisting the driver to vehicle lateral movement control includes lane keep assist system , vehicle automatic lane changing system and lane departure warning system .

  9. 并使用了微分的思想对车道线进行逼近,无需事先指定道路线的模型,提高了车道偏离预警系统的精度。

    A method using the idea of differential approximation to represent the lane is studied , which has improved the precision of the Lane Departure Warning system , and need not to assign the road model in advance .